unggul wasiwitono
unggul wasiwitono
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
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How useful is track acceleration for monitoring impact loads generated by wheel defects?
U Wasiwitono, D Zheng, WK Chiu
Proceedings of the 5th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, 502-507, 2007
Stabilization and disturbance attenuation control of the gyroscopic inverted pendulum
U Wasiwitono, A Wahjudi, AK Saputra, Yohanes
Journal of Vibration and Control 27 (3-4), 415-425, 2021
Anti-windup compensator design considering behavior of controller state
S Takamatsu, U Wasiwitono, M Saeki, N Wada
2010 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 1963-1968, 2010
Cable driven parallel robot with big interference-free workspace
VA Handojo, AT Syamlan, L Nurahmi, B Pramujati, MN Tamara, ...
Mechanism and Machine Science: Select Proceedings of Asian MMS 2018, 43-56, 2020
Fixed-order output feedback control and anti-windup compensation for active suspension systems
U Wasiwitono, M Saeki
Journal of System Design and Dynamics 5 (2), 264-278, 2011
Desain dan Analisa Sistem Suspensi Kendaraan Multiguna Pedesaan
F Zessar, U Wasiwitono
Surabaya: Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2012
Effect of feedback measurement on LQG control for Low Bandwidth Active Suspension system
SR Kristiadi, U Wasiwitono
2015 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent …, 2015
Steering system kinematic and steady-state cornering analyses of the ITS electric car
U Wasiwitono, I Sidarta, AS Pramono, S Sutikno, A Wikarta
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series 1 (1), 2014
Study on influences of linkage geometry on actively controlled double wishbone suspension
U Wasiwitono, AS Pramono, IN Sutantra
AIP Conference Proceedings 1983 (1), 2018
Analisis Pengaruh Perubahan Geometri Suspensi terhadap Dinamika Getaran Sepeda Motor
MI Alfian, U Wasiwitono
Jurnal Teknik ITS 7 (1), E12-E16, 2018
Multibody dynamics modeling and control of wheelchair balancing system
S Doung, U Wasiwitono
2021 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2021
Desain dan Analisa Sistem Tenaga dan Transmisi pada Mobil Angkutan Multiguna Pedesaan Bertenaga Listrik
DB Prasetyo, U Wasiwitono
Jurnal Teknik ITS 6 (2), A828-A832, 2018
Perancangan dan Analisa Sistem Kemudi Narrow Tilting Vehicle dengan Variasi Trackwidth dan Panjang Suspensi Arm
I Adzanta, U Wasiwitono
Jurnal Teknik ITS 5 (2), E128-E133, 2016
Steady-state cornering modeling and analysis of three-wheel narrow vehicle
UW Wasiwitono, IN Sutantra, Y Yohanes, Y Triwinarno
Applied Mechanics and Materials 758, 173-178, 2015
Perancangan dan Analisa Karakteristik Traksi Sistem Powertrain Mobil Produksi Pedesaan
MSW Sunggono, U Wasiwitono
Jurnal Teknik ITS (SINTA: 4, IF: 1.1815) 6 (1), F170-F173, 2017
Perancangan dan analisa sistem kemudi dan sistem suspensi quadrilateral pada narrow tilting vehicle
RP Restuaji, U Wasiwitono
Jurnal Teknik ITS 5 (2), E122-E127, 2016
Influence of spring ratio on variable stiffness and damping suspension system performance
UW Wasiwitono, AS Pramono, IN Sutantra, Y Triwinarno
Applied Mechanics and Materials 836, 31-36, 2016
Modeling and Control of Inertia Wheel Pendulum System with LQR and PID control
AN Hidayati, U Wasiwitono
2021 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2021
Energy management system in series-parallel hybrid solar vehicle
RA Rachmanto, IN Sutantra, B Sudarmanta, U Wasiwitono
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 72 (2 …, 2020
Constrained H Control Application to Inverted Pendulum with Control Moment Gyroscope
U Wasiwitono, A Wahjudi, AK Saputra
2019 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent …, 2019
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