Zuher Syihab
Zuher Syihab
Petroleum Engineering and Geothermal Graduate Program of Institut Teknologi Bandung
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Cited by
Irregular pattern treatment of a subsurface formation
R Bos, DR Brouwer, TR Colmenares, EP De Rouffignac, JC Ginestra, ...
US Patent 8,434,555, 2013
Revisiting EOR Projects in Indonesia through Integrated Study: EOR Screening, Predictive Model, and Optimisation
AD Hartono, F Hakiki, Z Syihab, F Ambia, A Yasutra, S Sutopo, M Efendi, ...
Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2017
Analysis of hydraulic conductivity of fractured groundwater flow media using artificial neural network back propagation
TA Cahyadi, Z Syihab, LE Widodo, S Notosiswoyo, E Widijanto
Neural Computing and Applications 33 (1), 159-179, 2021
Hydraulic Conductivity Modeling of Fractured Rock at Grasberg Surface Mine, Papua-Indonesia.
TA Cahyadi, LE Widodo, Z Syihab, S Notosiswoyo, E Widijanto
Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 49 (1), 2017
Development of ANN-Based Predictive Model for Miscible CO2 Flooding in Sandstone Reservoir
NI Khamidy, Z Tariq, Z Syihab
SPE middle east oil and gas show and conference, D032S086R002, 2019
A unique grid-block system for improved grid orientation
E Chong, Z Syihab, E Putra, D Schechter
SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, SPE-88617-MS, 2004
Development of drain hole design optimisation: a conceptual model for open pit mine slope drainage system with fractured media using a multi-stage genetic algorithm
LE Widodo, TA Cahyadi, Z Syihab, S Notosiswoyo, I Iskandar, ...
Environmental earth sciences 77, 1-16, 2018
Formation Evaluation and Contingent Storage Capacity Estimation for Cabrbon Capture Storage and Utilization: A Case Study from East Natuna
JR Cherdasa, K Prabowo, T Ariadji, B Sapiie, Z Syihab
Modern Applied Science 12 (4), 151-170, 2018
Simulation on Discrete Fracture Network Using Flexible Voronoi Gridding
Z Syihab
Texas A & M University, 2011
Simulation on Discrete Fracture Network Using Flexible Voronoi Grid System
Z Syihab
Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University. PHD, 2009
Pengaruh Instalasi Drain Hole Terhadap Penurunan Muka Airtanah Pada Media Permeabilitas Yang Berbeda (studi Kasus Model Konseptual)
TA Cahyadi, LE Widodo, Z Syihab, S Notosiswoyo
INA-Rxiv, 2017
Utilization of Voronoi Gridding for Simulation of Heterogeneous Discrete Fracture Networks Using Outcrop and X-Ray Ct
Z Syihab, J Sun, D Schechter
Journal of Petroleum Science Research 3 (3), 2014
A new grid block system for reducing grid orientation effect
E Chong, Z Syihab, E Putra, DT Hidayati, DS Schechter
Petroleum science and technology 25 (11), 1473-1492, 2007
Revisiting EOR Projects in Indonesia through Integrated Study: EOR Screening
A Hartono, F Hakiki, Z Syihab, F Ambia, A Yasutra, S Sutopo, M Efendi, ...
Predictive Model, and Optimisation, 0
Revisiting EOR Projects in Indonesia through Integrated Study: EOR Screening, Predictive Model, and Optimisation. SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
AD Hartono, F Hakiki, Z Syihab, F Ambia, A Yasutra, S Sutopo, R Apriandi
SPE-186884-MS, 2017
Implementation of Algorithm to Assist EOR Preliminary Screening Evaluations
AD Hartono, F Hakiki, Z Syihab, F Ambia, M Efendi
(manuscript in preparation), 2017
A new grid block system for reducing grid orientation effect in oil reservoir simulation processes
E Chong, Z Syihab, E Putra, DT Hidayati, DS Schechter
Archives of Mining Sciences 51 (3), 371-390, 2006
Gas Deliverability Model with Different Vertical Wells Properties
L Mucharam, P Sukarno, S Siregar, Z Syihab, E Soewono, M Apri, F Irzal
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 35 (2), 125-138, 2003
A New Approach for Storage Capacity and Allowable Injection Time Calculation in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Reservoir
AK Jaya, Z Syihab
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1031 (1), 012018, 2022
Reservoir Performance Estimation for Huff & Puff CO2 Injection Using Newly-Developed Predictive Model
MB Setiawan, Z Syihab, AH Lumban Gaol, A Yasutra, SD Rahmawati, ...
SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, D011S005R003, 2020
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Articles 1–20