JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance)
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance)
President University
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The influence of return on asset, debt to equity ratio, earnings per share, and company size on share return in property and real estate companies
AT Atidhira, AI Yustina
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 1 (2), 128-146, 2017
Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility and Good Corporate Governance on the Value of Company with Profitability as Moderating Variables
SE Ery Yanto
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 2 (1), 36-49, 2018
Regulasi, Komitmen Organisasi, Sumber Daya Manusia, dan Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa terhadap Kinerja Pemerintah Desa
N Fitria, N Wibisono
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 3 (2), 85-98, 2019
Financial ratio analysis to predict financial distress on property and real estate company listed in indonesia stock exchange
IN Islami, W Rio
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 2 (2), 125-137, 2018
The impact of financial ratio toward stock price: evidence from banking companies
M Wijaya, AI Yustina
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 1 (1), 27-44, 2017
Pengaruh DER, TATO dan NPM terhadap kebijakan dividen (Studi kasus pada industri dasar dan kimia yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) tahun 2012-2016)
I Firdaus, P Handayani
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 3 (1), 71-84, 2019
Dampak locus of control pada moralitas individu dan pengendalian internal terhadap kecenderungan kecurangan akuntansi
L Khoiriyah, NF Asyik
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 3 (2), 108-123, 2019
Factors that influence fraudulent financial statements in retail companies-Indonesia
R Ferdinand, S Santosa
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 2 (2), 2018
The analysis of company size, complexity of operation, profitability, solvency and audit firm size toward timeliness of financial statement reporting for company listed in LQ45 …
R Pratama, MK Ciptani
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 2 (1), 18-35, 2018
Penggunaan Fuzzy Logic & Metode Mamdani untuk Menghitung Pembelian, Penjualan dan Persediaan
MYT Irsan, MI Kasau, IP Simbolon
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 3 (1), 37-48, 2019
The influence of corporate governance and intellectual capital towards financial distress (Empirical study of manufacturing company in IDX for the period of 2014-2016)
MR Fashhan, VE Fitriana
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 2 (2), 163-179, 2018
The effect of corporate governance mechanism, company’s growth and company performance toward going concern audit opinion in non-financial service companies for the period of …
SE Setyarini Santosa, DR Untari
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 1 (2), 91-108, 2017
The analysis of stock price in tourism industry listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2012-2016
NK Angela, YI Masjud
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 2 (2), 153-162, 2018
The Working Capital Management and ProfitabilityAnalysis on The Leading Dairy Food Industries in Indonesia
A Munir
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 1 (1), 45-52, 2017
Kontribusi PAD, dana perimbangan, belanja daerah terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat di Jawa Tengah
AN Fatimah, N Priyono
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 4 (2), 75-92, 2020
Gender, trust, and tax compliance: the mediating effect of fairness perception
YB Febrian, IN Islami
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 4 (2), 131-145, 2020
The effect of using balanced scorecard on competitive advantage and its impact on firm performance
LN Wati, G Triwiyono
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 2 (1), 1-17, 2018
Herding as behavior investing: A bibliometric analysis
MI Alamsyah, M Huda, RM Pranata
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 7 (1), 28-39, 2023
Implications of COVID-19 on Auditor’s Reporting
MA Reyes, H Andrianantenaina, GI Nugroho
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 5 (1), 59-67, 2021
Pengaruh Peraturan Perpajakan, Sosialisasi, dan Kepercayaan atas Sistem Perpajakan terhadap Kemauan Pelaksanaan Tax Amnesty (Studi Empiris Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi di …
KS Sipahutar, W Siringoringo
JAAF (Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance) 3 (2), 163-179, 2019
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Articles 1–20