Eka Novriyanti
Eka Novriyanti
National Research and Innovation Agency, Republic of Indonesia
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Anti fungal activity of wood extract of Aquilaria crassna Pierre ex Lecomte against agarwood-inducing fungi, Fusarium solani
E Novriyanti, E Santosa, W Syafii, M Turjaman, IR Sitepu
Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research 7 (2), 155-165, 2010
High nitrogen and elevated [CO2] effects on the growth, defense and photosynthetic performance of two eucalypt species
E Novriyanti, M Watanabe, M Kitao, H Utsugi, A Uemura, T Koike
Environmental Pollution 170, 124-130, 2012
Photosynthetic nitrogen and water use efficiency of acacia and eucalypt seedlings as afforestation species
E Novriyanti, M Watanabe, K Makoto, T Takeda, Y Hashidoko, T Koike
Photosynthetica 50, 273-281, 2012
The quality of 8 and 10 years old samama wood (Anthocephalus macrophyllus)
TD Cahyono, I Wahyudi, T Priadi, F Febrianto, W Darmawan, ET Bahtiar, ...
Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science 12, 22-28, 2015
Elevated CO2 enhances the growth of hybrid larch F1 (Larix gmelinii var. japonica × L. kaempferi) seedlings and changes its biomass allocation
M Watanabe, Q Mao, E Novriyanti, K Kita, K Takagi, F Satoh, T Koike
Trees 27, 1647-1655, 2013
Analysis on wood quality, geometry factor, and their effects on lathe check of samama (Anthocephalus macrophyllus) veneer
TD Cahyono, I Wahyudi, T Priadi, F Febrianto, ET Bahtiar, E Novriyanti
Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology 44 (2), 828-841, 2016
the role of phenolics in agarwood formation of Aquilaria crassna Pierre ex Lecomte AND Aquilaria microcarpa Baill Trees
E Novriyanti, E Santosa
Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research 8 (2), 101-113, 2011
Plant defense characteristics and hypotheses in birch species
E Novriyanti, C Aoyama, M Watanabe, T Koike
Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 13 (2), 77-85, 2010
Performance of samama (Anthocephalus macrophyllus) LVL based on veneer thickness, juvenile proportion and lay-up
TD Cahyono, W Darmawan, E Novriyanti
Wood Material Science & Engineering, 2020
Pengawetan Bambu Talang Secara Sederhana
E Novriyanti, E Nurrohman
Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 22 (4), 223-230, 2004
Pola Penyebaran dan Potensi Kerapatan Taxus sumatrana di Gunung Tujuh, Kabupaten Kerinci, Jambi
D Frianto, E Novriyanti
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversity Indonesia 2 (1), 12-15, 2016
Development of composite beams made from tali (Gigantochloa apus) and hitam bamboo (Gigantochloa atroviolacea)
TD Cahyono, E Novriyanti, ET Bahtiar, MY Massijaya
Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science 11, 156-161, 2014
Foliar stomata characteristics of tree species in a university green open space
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 23 (3), 2022
Eksplorasi potensi Taxus sumatrana di Gunung Kerinci, Sumatera
D Frianto, E Novriyanti
Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversity Indonesia 3, 471-475, 2017
Induksi In Vitro Tanaman Gaharu (Aquilaria microcarpa Baill.) dari Eksplan Tunas Aksilar Dengan Penambahan 6-Benzylaminopurine (Bap)
SR Wahyuni, W Lestari, E Novriyanti
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam …, 2014
Peranan zat ekstraktif dalam pembentukan gaharu pada Aquilaria crassna Pierre ex Lecomte dan Aquilaria microcarpa Baill
E Novriyanti
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2008
Induced defense in Japanese white birch seedlings against insect herbivores
C Aoyama, E Novriyanti, T Koike
Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 13 (2), 49-55, 2010
dalam Arsad, E (2014), Bambu tanaman Multi manfaat Pelindung tepian Sungai
E Novriyanti
Info Hasil Hutan 2 (1), 2005
Carbon stock dynamics of forest to oil palm plantation conversion for ecosystem rehabilitation planning
D Frianto, E Sutrisno, A Wahyudi, E Novriyanti, WC Adinugroho, ...
Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 2024
Elevated CO2 offsets the alteration of foliar chemicals (n-icosane, geranyl acetate, and elixene) induced by elevated O3 in three taxa of O3-tolerant eucalypts
E Novriyanti, Q Mao, E Agathokleous, M Watanabe, Y Hashidoko, T Koike
Journal of Forestry Research 32, 789-803, 2021
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