Kestrilia Rega Prilianti
Kestrilia Rega Prilianti
Lecturer, Universitas Ma Chung
Email yang diverifikasi di machung.ac.id
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Aplikasi text mining untuk automasi penentuan tren topik skripsi dengan metode K-Means Clustering
KR Prilianti, H Wijaya
Jurnal Cybermatika 2 (1), 2014
Pemberdayaan Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) Melalui Implementasi E-Commerce di Kelurahan Tlogomas
PLT Irawan, KR Prilianti, M Melany
Jurnal Solma 9 (1), 33-44, 2020
Performance comparison of the convolutional neural network optimizer for photosynthetic pigments prediction on plant digital image
KR Prilianti, THP Brotosudarmo, S Anam, A Suryanto
AIP Conference Proceedings 2084 (1), 2019
8.1. _Rollando_ARTIKEL_Sterculia_Quadrifida
R Rollando, KR Prilianti
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 10 (3), 204-212, 2018
Fraksi etil asetat kulit batang faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R. Br) menginduksi apoptosis dan siklus sel pada sel kanker payudara T47D
R Rollando, KR Prilianti
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Community 14 (1), 1-14, 2017
Real-time assessment of plant photosynthetic pigment contents with an artificial intelligence approach in a mobile application
KR Prilianti, S Anam, THP Brotosudarmo, A Suryanto
Journal of Agricultural Engineering 51 (4), 220-228, 2020
Automatic leaf color level determination for need based fertilizer using fuzzy logic on mobile application: A model for soybean leaves
KR Prilianti, SP Yuwono, MAS Adhiwibawa, MNP Prihastyanti, ...
2014 6th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical …, 2014
Deep chemometrics for nondestructive photosynthetic pigments prediction using leaf reflectance spectra
KR Prilianti, E Setiyono, OH Kelana, THP Brotosudarmo
Information Processing in Agriculture 8 (1), 194-204, 2021
Rapid nitrogen determination of soybean leaves using mobile application
MAS Adhiwibawa, C Tantono, KR Prilianti, MNP Prihastyanti, L Limantara, ...
2013 International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical …, 2013
3.1. _Kestrilia_IJPR_Sterculia_Quadrifida
R Rollando, KR Prilianti
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 10 (3), 204-212, 2018
Implementasi Algoritma Kunang-Kunang Untuk Penjadwalan Mata Kuliah di Universitas Ma Chung
H Setiawan, LH Hanafi, KR Prilianti
Jurnal Buana Informatika 6 (4), 2015
Multispectral imaging and convolutional neural network for photosynthetic pigments prediction
KR Prilianti, IC Onggara, MAS Adhiwibawa, THP Brotosudarmo, S Anam, ...
2018 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer …, 2018
Convolutional neural network in image analysis for determination of mangrove species
MAS Adhiwibawa, MR Ariyanto, A Struck, KR Prilianti, THP Brotosudarmo
Third International Seminar on Photonics, Optics, and Its Applications …, 2019
Implementasi Text Mining untuk Analisis Layanan Transportasi Online dengan Analisis Faktor
I Olive, D Putra, KR Prilianti, P Lucky, T Irawan
J. SimanteC 8 (2), 1-9, 2020
Preliminary study of multi convolution neural network-based model to identify pills image using classification rules
W Swastika, K Prilianti, A Stefanus, H Setiawan, AZ Arfianto, ...
2019 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2019
Comparing statistical feature and artificial neural networks for control chart pattern recognition: a case study
MA Hadiyat, KR Prilianti
Proceeding: 3rd International Conference on Technology and Operation …, 2012
Non-destructive photosynthetic pigments prediction using multispectral imagery and 2D-CNN
K RegaPrilianti, THP Brotosudarmo, E Setiyono, OH Kelana
International Journal of Computing, 2021
Ethyl acetate fraction of faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R. Br) bark induces apoptosis and cell cycle on T47D breast cancer cells
R Rollando, KR Prilianti
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Community 14 (1), 1-14, 2017
Application of simple multispectral image sensor and artificial intelligence for predicting of drought tolerant variety of soybean
MAS Adhiwibawa, YE Setiawan, Y Setiawan, KR Prilianti, ...
Procedia Chemistry 14, 246-255, 2015
Metode Deteksi Pokok Pohon Secara Automatis pada Citra Perkebunan Sawit Menggunakan Model Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) pada Perangkat Lunak Sistem Informasi Geografis
S Samuel, KR Prilianti, H Setiawan, P Mimboro
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer 9 (7), 1689-1698, 2022
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