La Ode Ngkoimani
La Ode Ngkoimani
Associate Professor of Earth Science, Universitas Halu Oleo
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Cited by
Monsoon drought over Java, Indonesia, during the past two centuries
R D'Arrigo, R Wilson, J Palmer, P Krusic, A Curtis, J Sakulich, S Bijaksana, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (4), 2006
The reconstructed Indonesian warm pool sea surface temperatures from tree rings and corals: Linkages to Asian monsoon drought and El Nino–Southern Oscillation
R D'Arrigo, R Wilson, J Palmer, P Krusic, A Curtis, J Sakulich, S Bijaksana, ...
Paleoceanography 21 (3), 2006
Pacific and Indian Ocean climate signals in a tree-ring record of Java monsoon drought
RD D'Arrigo, R Allan, R Wilson, J Palmer, J Sakulich, JE Smerdon, ...
The Towuti Drilling Project: paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lake
JM Russell, S Bijaksana, H Vogel, M Melles, J Kallmeyer, D Ariztegui, ...
Scientific Drilling 21, 29-40, 2016
Study on Physical and Mechanical Properties with Its Environmental Impact in Konawe-Indonesia upon Utilization of Sago Husk as Filler in Modified Structural Fly Ash-Bricks
K Ornam, S Kimsan, Masykur, Ngkoimani, La Ode
Procedia Computer Science 111, 420-426, 2017
The microwave effects on the properties of alumina at high frequencies of microwave sintering
IN Sudiana, S Mitsudo, K Sako, S Inagaki, LO Ngkoimani, I Usman, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1719 (1), 2016
Magnetic susceptibilities of surface sediments from estuary rivers in volcanic regions
AM Hamdan, KH Kirana, F Hakim, M Iksan, S Bijaksana, M Mariyanto, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 194 (4), 239, 2022
Magnetisasi pada batuan andesit di pulau Jawa serta implikasinya terhadap paleomagnetisme dan evolusi tektonik
LO Ngkoimani
Disertasi S3, ITB, 110h, 2005
Checking adequateness of spatial regressions using set-indexed partial sums technique
W Somayasa, E Cahyono, LO Ngkoimani
Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 96 (8), 933, 2015
Status of tree-ring research from teak (Tectona grandis) for climate studies
S Bijaksana, LO Ngkoimani, R D’Arrigo, P Krusic, J Palmer, J Sakulich, ...
Jurnal Geofisika 2, 1-7, 2007
Hasria, and S. Maymanah,“Analisis Priksimasi dan Nilai Kalor Bioarang Sekam Padi sebagai Bahan Baku Briket Hybrid,”
M Jahiding, LO Ngkoimani, ES Hasan
Jurnal Aplikasi Fisika 7 (2), 77-83, 2011
Investigation of silica from rice husk ash wastes as an alternative material for microwave absorbers
IN Sudiana, S Mitsudo, MZ Firihu, L Aba, LO Ngkoimani, MW Arsana, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1801 (1), 2017
Asymptotic theory in model diagnostic for general multivariate spatial regression
W Somayasa, GN Adhi Wibawa, L Hamimu, LO Ngkoimani
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2016 (1), 2601601, 2016
A high-resolution, 60 kyr record of the relative geomagnetic field intensity from Lake Towuti, Indonesia
KH Kirana, S Bijaksana, J King, GH Tamuntuan, J Russell, LO Ngkoimani, ...
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 275, 9-18, 2018
Tinjauan Volkanisme Paleogene Jawa
S Bronto, S Bijaksana, P Sanyoto, LO Ngkoimani, G Hartono, ...
Majalah Geologi Indonesia 20 (4), 195-204, 2005
Patterns of variation magnetic properties and chemical elements of soil profile in landslide area of South East Sulawesi Indonesia
R Eso, S Bijaksana, LO Ngkoimani, E Agustine, G Tamuntuan, M Tufaila, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 311 (1), 012008, 2019
Interaction of droplet diffusions governed by 2-D porous medium equation
E Cahyono, L Hamimu, LD Ngkoimani, J Safani
Applied Mathematical Sciences 8 (127), 6303-6311, 2014
Notes on Multi-parameters Perturbation Method for Dispersive and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
E Cahyono, M Ngkoimani, La Ode, Ramli
International Journal of Mathematical Analysis 9 (43), 2121-2132, 2015
Pengembangan briket hybrid berbasis sekam padi dan batubara muda (brown coal) sebagai bahan bakar alternatif
M Jahiding, LO Ngkoimani, SH Erzam, WO Ratnawati, S Maymanah
Jurnal Aplikasi Fisika 7 (1), 12-21, 2011
Pengaruh Geomorfologi Terhadap Pola Distribusi Unsur Nikel Dan Besi Pada Endapan Nikel Laterit Di Kabupaten Buton Tengah-Sulawesi Tenggara
H Hasria, S Asfar, LO Ngkoimani, A Okto, RIMC Jaya, R Sepdiansar
Jurnal Geosapta 7 (2), 103-114, 2021
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Articles 1–20