Muhammad Ja'far Shidiq
Muhammad Ja'far Shidiq
STMIK Nusa Mandiri
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Analisis Algoritma Klasifikasi Neural Network Untuk Diagnosis Penyakit Kanker Payudara
FS Nugraha, MJ Shidiq, S Rahayu
Jurnal Pilar Nusa Mandiri 15 (2), 149-156, 2019
Algoritma c4. 5 untuk memprediksi pengambilan keputusan memilih deposito berjangka
HM Nawawi, S Rahayu, MJ Shidiq, JJ Purnama
Jurnal Techno Nusa Mandiri 16 (1), 65-72, 2019
Identification of herbal plant based on leaf image using glcm feature and k-means
RA Anggraini, FF Wati, MJ Shidiq, A Suryadi, H Fatah, DN Kholifah
Techno Nusa Mandiri 17 (1), 71-78, 2020
Analisis Tingkat Keberhasilan Cryoterapy Menggunakan Neural Network
S Rahayu, FS Nugraha, MJ Shidiq
Jurnal Pilar Nusa Mandiri 15 (2), 141-148, 2019
Analysis of Regression Algorithm to Predict Administration, Production, and Delivery to Accuracy of Delivery of Products in Cosmetic Industry
W Gata, HB Novitasari, R Nurfalah, R Hernawati, MJ Shidiq
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 662 (7), 072006, 2019
Analisis Penerimaan Grup Whatsapp Sebagai Media Komunikasi dan Diskusi Guru
MJ Shidiq, AI Warnilah
Jurnal Khatulistiwa Informatika 4 (2), 490822, 2019
Klasifikasi Diagnosis Melahirkan Dengan Metode Sesar Menggunakan Neural Network
MJ Shidiq, S Rahayu, FS Nugraha
Jurnal Pilar Nusa Mandiri 15 (2), 157-162, 2019
Performance comparison of CATA’s information retrieval system application vs WTS
JJ Purnama, S Rahayu, FS Nugraha, R Nurfalah, HM Nawawi, MJ Shidiq, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1367 (1), 012002, 2019
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