Wahyu Pamungkas
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Analisa Model Propagasi Cost 231 Multi Wall pada Perancangan Jaringan Indoor Femtocell HSDPA menggunakan Radiowave Propagation Simulator
A Hikmaturokhman, L Berlianti, W Pamungkas
Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI), 2015
Aplikasi Sensor Cahaya Untuk Alarm Anti Pencuri
AS Muzaki, AH Saptadi, W Pamungkas
Jurnal Infotel 3 (2), 50-59, 2011
Modulasi Digital Menggunakan Matlab
W Pamungkas, AF Isnawati, A Kurniawan
Jurnal Infotel 4 (2), 1-9, 2012
Doppler effect in VANET technology on high user's mobility
W Pamungkas, T Suryani
Information and Communications Technology (ICOIACT), 2018 International …, 2017
Sistem Komunikasi Satelit
I MPB, W Pamungkas
Yogyakarta: CV. Andi OFFSET, 2014
Correlated double ring channel model at high speed environment in vehicle to vehicle communications
W Pamungkas, T Suryani, Wirawan
Information and Communications Technology (ICOIACT), 2018 International …, 2017
Analisis Kualitas Jaringan 2G Pada Frekuensi 900MHz Dan 1800MHz Di Area Purwokerto
A Hikmaturokhman, W Pamungkas, MAS Malisi
Jurnal Infotel 5 (2), 1-9, 2013
Analisis Link Budget Antena Sideband Doppler Very High Omni-Directional Range (DVOR) Pada Jalur Lintasan Penerbangan
E Wahyudi, W Pamungkas, B Saputra
Jurnal Infotel 5 (1), 1-9, 2013
Channel Sounder in Indoor Environment with Multipath Fading using Software Defined Radio
W Pamungkas, AF Isnawati, S Larasati, AE Jayati, EN Ardina, J Hendry
2023 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite …, 2024
An improved spectral temporal average method for mitigating Doppler effects in V2V communications
W Pamungkas, J Hendry, WM Hadiansyah
International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems 6 (3 …, 2021
Verification of Himawari-8 Observation Data using Cloud Optical Thickness (COT) and Cloud Image Energy
AU Ahmad, LA Suherman, A Virgono, B Dirgantoro, W Harjupa, ...
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA …, 2020
Doppler Effect Mitigation Using Spectral Temporal Average Estimation on V2V Channel with Moving Scatterer
W Pamungkas, T Suryani, I Wirawan, A Affandi
IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Computational Intelligence …, 2019
Power Spectral Density of V2V Communication System in the Presence of Moving Scatterers
W Pamungkas, T Suryani, I Wirawan, A Affandi
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 12 (Issue 6 …, 2019
Coherence Time and Doppler Spectrum of V2V Channel with Moving Scatterer Based on Autocorrelation Function
W Pamungkas, T Suryani, Wirawan, A Affandi
Journal of Communications 14 (9), 859-865, 2019
Perbandingan Perhitungan Trafik Jam Sibuk CDMA 2000 1x pada BTS Inner City dan BTS Outer City dengan Mempergunakan Metode ADPH, TCBH, FDMH dan FDMP
E Wahyudi, W Pamungkas, A Basuseno
Jurnal Infotel 5 (2), 33-41, 2013
Komunikasi Satelit
W Pamungkas
Purwokerto: Diktat Kuliah Akademi Teknik Telkom Sandhy Putra Purwokerto, 2005
The Effect of High-Speed Train Channel on the Performance of DVB-Terrestrial Communication Systems
AF Isnawati, W Pamungkas, MP Praja
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 2 (17), 477-488, 2024
Doppler effect mitigation on V2V channels with moving scatterers using dynamic equalization based on the coherence time
W Pamungkas, T Suryani, Wirawan, A Affandi
International Journal of Wireless Information Networks 28 (3), 332-343, 2021
Analisis Perhitungan Cakupan Sinyal Sistem Wcdma Pada Area Kampus Akademi Teknik Telekomunikasi Sandhy Putra Purwokerto
A Hikmaturokhman, W Pamungkas, PI Setyawan
Jurnal Infotel 5 (1), 21-29, 2013
Power Control Game Performance in Cognitive Femtocell Network
AF Isnawati, W Pamungkas, J Hendry
Journal of Communications 2 (14), 121-127, 2019
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Articles 1–20