Maman Setiawan
Maman Setiawan
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Padjadjaran
Email yang diverifikasi di fe.unpad.ac.id
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Digital financial literacy, current behavior of saving and spending and its future foresight
M Setiawan, N Effendi, T Santoso, VI Dewi, MS Sapulette
Economics of Innovation and New Technology 31 (4), 320-338, 2022
The relationship between technical efficiency and industrial concentration: Evidence from the Indonesian food and beverages industry
M Setiawan, G Emvalomatis, AO Lansink
Journal of Asian Economics 23 (4), 466-475, 2012
Ekonometrika: Pendekatan Teori dan Terapan
N Effendi, M Setiawan
Jakarta: Salemba Empat, 2014
Structure, conduct, and performance: evidence from the Indonesian food and beverages industry
M Setiawan, G Emvalomatis, A Oude Lansink
Empirical Economics 45, 1149-1165, 2013
Industrial concentration and price-cost margin of the Indonesian food and beverages sector
M Setiawan, G Emvalomatis, AO Lansink
Applied Economics 44 (29), 3805-3814, 2012
Darmawan.(2011). The relationship between corporate social responsibility and firm financial performance: evidence from the firms listed in LQ45 of the Indonesian Stock …
M Setiawan
European Journal of Social Sciences 23 (2), 288-293, 2011
Pengaruh struktur kepemilikan, karakteristik perusahaan, dan karakteristik tata kelola korporasi terhadap kinerja perusahaan: studi kasus pada perusahaan yang terdaftar di …
M Setiawan
Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Padjadjaran, 2006
R&d and industrial concentration in the Indonesian manufacturing industry
M Setiawan, R Indiastuti, AK Hidayat, E Rostiana
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 7 (2), 112, 2021
Dynamic technical inefficiency and industrial concentration in the Indonesian food and beverages industry
M Setiawan, AGJM Oude Lansink
British Food Journal 120 (1), 108-119, 2018
Information technology and competitiveness: evidence from micro, small and medium enterprises in Cimahi District, Indonesia
M Setiawan, R Indiastuti, P Destevanie
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 25 (4), 475-493, 2015
Survey of the industrial concentration and price-cost margin of the Indonesian manufacturing industry
M Setiawan, N Effendi
International Economic Journal 30 (1), 123-146, 2016
The relationship between COVID-19 pandemic, foreign direct investment, and gross domestic product in Indonesia
F Syarifuddin, M Setiawan
Sustainability 14 (5), 2786, 2022
Technical efficiency and its determinants in the Indonesian micro and small enterprises
M Setiawan, N Effendi, R Heliati, ASA Waskito
Journal of Economic Studies 46 (6), 1157-1173, 2019
Technical efficiency and environmental factors of the micro, small, and medium enterprises in Bandung city: a slack-based approach
M Setiawan, R Indiastuti, D Indrawati, N Effendi
International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business 8 (1), 1-17, 2016
Dynamic productivity growth and its determinants in the Indonesian food and beverages industry
M Setiawan
International Review of Applied Economics 33 (6), 774-788, 2019
Persistence of price–cost margin and technical efficiency in the Indonesian food and beverage industry
M Setiawan
International Journal of the Economics of Business 26 (2), 315-326, 2019
Technical efficiencies of Indonesian regional and non-regional banks pre-and post-financial crisis
N Effendi, M Setiawan, R Indiastuti
International Journal of Economics and Business Research 16 (3), 355-366, 2018
The adoption of digital technology and labor demand in the Indonesian banking sector
AS Alisjahbana, M Setiawan, N Effendi, T Santoso, B Hadibrata
International Journal of Social Economics 47 (9), 1109-1122, 2020
Technical Efficiency and Its Determinants of the State-owned Enterprises in the Indonesian Manufacturing Industry.
M Setiawan, ET Sule
International Journal of Economics & Management 14 (3), 2020
Technical efficiency and decision to exit: evidence from the dairy farms in Sukabumi district, West Java, Indonesia
M Setiawan
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 15 …, 2019
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