Ali Haedar
Cited by
Cited by
Global resuscitation alliance utstein recommendations for developing emergency care systems to improve cardiac arrest survival
GD Nadarajan, L Tiah, AFW Ho, A Azazh, MK Castren, SL Chong, ...
Resuscitation 132, 85-89, 2018
The psychological well-being of Southeast Asian frontline healthcare workers during COVID-19: a multi-country study
I Teo, GD Nadarajan, S Ng, A Bhaskar, SC Sung, YB Cheung, FT Pan, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (11), 6380, 2022
Studi fenomenologi: pengalaman perawat dalam melaksanakan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien henti jantung di salah satu igd rumah sakit tipe a di jawa timur
LE Darwati, I Winarni, A Haedar
Medika Respati: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan 10 (4), 2015
Pengalaman perawat puskesmas kota malang dalam penatalaksanaan henti jantung (out-of-hospital cardiac arrest)
RY Mumpuni, I Winarni, A Haedar
Medica Majapahit (Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan …, 2017
Analisis Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Terjadinya Return Of Spontaneous Circulation Pada Pasien Henti Jantung Di Igd Rsud Dr Iskak Tulungagung
WRB Santosa, TA Wihastuti, A Haedar
The Indonesian Journal of Health Science 6 (1), 2015
Global resuscitation alliance consensus recommendations for developing emergency care systems: Reducing perinatal mortality
SL Chong, T Laerdal, J Cordero, M Khursheed, A Haedar, W Cai, ...
Resuscitation 133, 71-74, 2018
Hubungan Moda Transportasi Dengan Waktu Tanggap/Response Time Pada Pasien Henti Jantung Di Luar Rumah Sakit Yang Dirujuk Ke IGD RSUD Dr. Iskak Tulungagung
A Prasyta, RS Drajat, A Haedar, N Setijowati
Epidemiology and Prehospital Care of Pediatric Unintentional Injuries Among Countries with Different Economic Status in Asia: A Cross-National, Multi-Center Observational Study
MC Lee, WC Tseng, LM Hsu, SD Shin, SF Jamaluddin, H Tanaka, ...
Prehospital emergency care 27 (2), 227-237, 2023
Studi Fenomenologi: Pengalaman Perawat di Lingkungan Tempat Kejadian Trauma Akut di Pre-Hospital Kota Malang
E Prasetya, I Winarni, A Haedar
Medika Respati: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan 10 (4), 2015
Characteristics of non-accidental injuries in children and adolescents in Asia: a cross-national, multicenter cohort study
PY Wang, WC Tseng, MC Lee, LM Hsu, SD Shin, SF Jamaluddin, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 6602, 2023
Challenges in Conducting Disaster Simulations
A Haedar, I Murwoko, TE Yuliana, AN Kholis, R Husein, C Rintawan, ...
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 32 (S1), S215-S216, 2017
(A18) The Influence of Status and the Patterns of Driving License Ownership Toward the Gradation of Open Fractures According to Sardjito Scoring System Suffered by Motorcycles …
T Maharani, A Haedar
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 26 (S1), s5-s5, 2011
Edukasi dan Pelatihan Orang Awam Tentang Mitigasi Bencana Kebakaran Gedung
UPM Taufiq Abdullah, Aurick Yudha Nagara, Ali Haedar, Suryanto Eko Agung ...
Jurnal TRI DHARMA MANDIRI 3 (2), 73-82, 2023
CPR And AED for Layperson Initiative in a Place of Worship
A Haedar
Circulation 140 (Suppl_2), A293, 2019
Disaster and Emergency Medicine 2019
A Alim, B Santosa, R Husein, A Nurkholis, Z Nihayati, C Rintawan, ...
Prehosp. Disaster Med 34 (1), s78, 2019
Analisis Hubungan Karakteristik Perawat Terhadap Kemampuan Non Teknis Dalam Pelaksanaan Kegawatan Neonatal
NLDAS Dewi, A Ali Haedar
Jurnal Kesehatan Mesencephalon 3 (1), 2017
Studi Fenomenologi: Kebutuhan Peningkatan Kompetensi Perawat Ambulans dalam Pelayanan di Prehospital Kalimantan Timur
MN Jannah, R Ratnawati, A Haedar
The Indonesian Journal of Health Science 6 (1), 2015
Establishing Core elements for a Prehospital Emergency Care Systems Evaluation Tool (PECSET) for systems in early stages of development: A Delphi consensus
GD Nadarajan, PP Pek, AL Blewer, A Haedar, C Staton, KD Wong, ...
Prehospital Emergency Care, 1-17, 2024
Efektivitas Pelatihan Resusitasi Jantung Paru Pada Pengetahuan Henti Jantung Murid SMP di Kabupaten Malang
T Abdullah, A Haedar, S Suryanto, FA Yasir, Y Prastio, RW Putra, ...
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara 6 (1.1), 278-285, 2024
Octreotide Treatment for Hypoglycemic Refractory Case Caused by Sulfonylureas with Impaired Renal Function
T Abdullah, A Haedar, B Soenarto
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya 32 (4), 2023
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Articles 1–20