Yoanes Bandung
Yoanes Bandung
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Email yang diverifikasi di stei.itb.ac.id - Beranda
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A design of continuous user verification for online exam proctoring on M-learning
HSG Asep
2019 international conference on electrical engineering and informatics …, 2019
Gamification framework model, based on social engagement in e-learning 2.0
O Wongso, Y Rosmansyah
2014 2nd international conference on technology, informatics, management …, 2014
Stereotypes based resource allocation for multimedia internet service in limited capacity network
A Sucipto
2016 International Symposium on Electronics and Smart Devices (ISESD), 272-277, 2016
An incremental training on deep learning face recognition for m-learning online exam proctoring
AHS Ganidisastra
2021 IEEE asia pacific conference on wireless and mobile (APWiMob), 213-219, 2021
Development of continuous authentication system on android-based online exam application
S Aisyah, LB Subekti
2018 international conference on information technology systems and …, 2018
Designing an enterprise architecture government organization based on TOGAF ADM and SONA
CM Firmansyah
2016 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and …, 2016
IoT-based fall detection and heart rate monitoring system for elderly care
TF Bernadus, LB Subekti
2019 International Conference on ICT for Smart Society (ICISS) 7, 1-6, 2019
Designing an enterprise architecture (EA) based on TOGAF ADM and MIPI
D Rusli
2017 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and …, 2017
Analisis Kualitas Layanan (QoS) audio-video layanan kelas virtual di jaringan digital learning pedesaan
B Yonathan, Y Bandung, AZR Langi
Konferensi Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi untuk Indonesia, 4-11, 2011
Implementing ICT in primary schools in Keerom-Papua
AZR Langi
2011 6th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services …, 2011
QoS analysis for WebRTC videoconference on bandwidth-limited network
LB Subekti, D Tanjung, C Chrysostomou
2017 20th International symposium on wireless personal multimedia …, 2017
ICT-based approaches for improving the quality of primary education in rural areas
AZR Langi, DH Widyantoro, Y Bandung, GAP Saptawati
Proceedings of International Conference on Rural Information and …, 2009
Interactive Digital Signage architecture to improve user interaction on tourism information services
Z Koto
2016 international symposium on electronics and smart devices (ISESD), 380-385, 2016
Design of secure iot platform for smart home system
Arvandy, Y Bandung
2018 5th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and …, 2018
Using instructional design model to implement open lesson with lesson study approach for online teacher community
F Nurpandi, AZR Langi
2013 Joint International Conference on Rural Information & Communication …, 2013
User efficiency model in usability engineering for user interface design refinement of mobile application
G Desideria, Y Bandung
J. ICT Res. Appl 14 (1), 16-33, 2020
Services computing systems engineering framework: a proposition and evaluation through soa principles and analysis model
NB Kurniawan, P Yustianto
IEEE Systems Journal 14 (3), 3105-3116, 2019
Design and implementation of iot sensor system for home power manager and environment condition monitor
A Setiawan, SJ Sahat, LB Subekti, K Mutijarsa
2018 International Symposium on Electronics and Smart Devices (ISESD), 1-6, 2018
The challenges of delivering multimedia-based learning services in rural areas
AM Gani, HC Tanuwidjaja, J Sembiring
2015 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and …, 2015
Application of digital signage for tourism information and communication system
E Cahyadi, A Wiguna
2012 7th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services …, 2012
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