The South East Asian Journal of Management
The South East Asian Journal of Management
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The impact of work-life balance on job engagement and turnover intention
NS Jaharuddin, LN Zainol
The South East Asian Journal of Management 13 (1), 7, 2019
Work overload and turnover intention of junior auditors in greater Jakarta, Indonesia
A Pradana, I Salehudin
The South East Asian Journal of Management 9 (2), 108-124, 2015
Students’ entrepreneurial intentions by using theory of planned behavior: The case in Indonesia
RD Astuti, F Martdianty
The South East Asian Journal of Management 6 (2), 100-112, 2012
Underlying factors of entrepreneurial intentions among Asian students
N Indarti, R Rostiani, T Nastiti
The South East Asian Journal of Management 4 (2), 143-160, 2010
The effects of transformational leadership and job satisfaction on commitment to organisational change: a three-component model extension approach
LT Dung, PV Hai
The South East Asian Journal of Management 14 (1), 6, 2020
What factors drive job seekers attitude in using E-recruitment?
RKMR Brahmana, RK Brahmana
The South East Asian Journal of Management 7 (2 (), 123-134, 2012
Planned behaviour in purchasing health Insurance
RK Brahmana, RKMR Brahmana, G Memarista
The South East Asian Journal of Management (SEAM) 12 (1), 53-64, 2018
Financial literacy and financial performance of small and medium-sized enterprises
S Yakob, R Yakob, HS BAM, RZA Rusli
The South East Asian Journal of Management 15 (1), 5, 2021
The impact of social capital on crowdfunding performance
L Aprilia, SS Wibowo
The South East Asian Journal of Management 11 (1), 44, 2017
The role of HRM practices in predicting faculty turnover intention: empirical evidence from private universities in Bangladesh
M Joarder, DMY Sharif
The South East Asian Journal of Management 5 (2), 4, 2011
Relationship between organizational justice perception and engagement in deviant workplace behavior
MI Syaebani, RR Sobri
The South East Asian Journal of Management 5 (1), 3, 2011
Employers’ perspective towards people with disabilities: A review of the literature
S Heera, A Devi
The South East Asian Journal of Management, 2016
Effect of perception for organisational politics on employee engagement with personality traits as moderating factors
L Jain, AA Ansari
The South East Asian Journal of Management 12 (1), 5, 2018
Voice behavior: The role of perceived support and psychological ownership
A Andiyasari, CD Riantoputra, RW Matindas
The South East Asian Journal of Management 11 (1), 1, 2017
The influence of sponsor-event congruence in sponsorship of music festivals
P Hutabarat, G Gayatri
The South East Asian Journal of Management 8 (1), 4, 2014
The effect of post-purchase perceived-value towards the relationship quality of Hajj and Umrah travel agencies in Indonesia
K Oktora, A Achyar
The South East Asian Journal of Management 8 (1), 3, 2014
Relationship analysis of corporate governance, corporate social responsibility disclosure and economic consequences: Empirical study of Indonesia capital market
D Hapsoro, AF Fadhilla
The South East Asian Journal of Management 11 (2), 5, 2017
Backward linkages in readymade garment industry of Bangladesh: Appraisal and policy implications
RI Habib
Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management 6 (2), 2009
Organizational culture, absorptive capacity, innovation performance and competitive advantage: An integrated assessment in Indonesian banking industry
A Adriansyah, AZ Afiff
The South East Asian Journal of Management 9 (1), 70, 2015
Is Bangladeshi RMG sector fit in the global apparel business? Analyses the supply chain management
N Nuruzzaman, A Haque, R Azad
The South East Asian Journal of Management 4 (1), 5, 2010
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Articles 1–20