Fathahillah UNM
Cited by
Cited by
Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Literacy in the Blended Learning Model in Higher Education
F Fathahillah, MM Fakhri, AS Ahmar
EduLine: Journal of Education and Learning Innovation 3 (4), 566-575, 2023
Development of Internet of Things (IoT) Based Electric Equipment Control
F Fathahillah, SG Zain, W Setialaksana, M Asriadi
International Journal of Environment, Engineering and Education 4 (2), 60-65, 2022
Penerapan e-learning sebagai alternatif pembelajaran di masa pandemi covid-19
DD Andayani, F Fathahillah, NM Abdal
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 228-236, 2020
Implementation of Programmable Logic Controller in multi machine operations with product sorting and packaging based on colour detection
F Fathahillah, M Siswanto, M Fauziyah, R Parlindungan, RI Putri, YG Roh
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 732 (1), 012069, 2020
Pelatihan pembuatan media pembelajaran praktis dan interaktif untuk guru smp kabupaten bone
AB Kaswar, N Nurjannah, F Fathahillah, DD Andayani
GERVASI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 7 (1), 172-180, 2023
Homogeneous Image Compression Techniques with the Shannon-Fano Algorithm
F Fathahillah, SG Zain, R Rismawati
International Journal of Environment, Engineering and Education 1 (2), 59-66, 2019
Classification of Sentiment Analysis and Community Opinion Modeling Topics for Application of ICT in Government Operations
AAN Risal, F Fathahillah, DRA Sulaiman
International Journal of Environment, Engineering and Education 5 (1), 35-44, 2023
A Decision Support System to Determine the Familiy’ s Economic Status for Certificate of The Low-Income Household Using MAUT Method
M Yahya, JM Parenreng, F Fathahillah, MSN Wahid, A Wahid
Jurnal Inovtek Polbeng Seri Informatika 7 (2), 185-192, 2022
Educational Game Development for Improving Student Learning Outcomes in Vocational High School
F Fathahillah
1st World Conference on Social and Humanities Research (W-SHARE 2021), 315-319, 2022
Development of an intelligent mobile health monitoring system for the health surveillance system in indonesia
YA Djawad, S Suhaeb, H Jaya, F Fathahillah
IRBM 42 (1), 28-34, 2021
Application of the Prototype Development Model to Develop Online Information System for Student Internship at the Vocational High School in South Sulawesi Indonesia
DD Andayani, F Fathahillah
Advanced Science Letters 24 (5), 3713-3717, 2018
Pengembangan pembelajaran berbasis dalam jaringan (daring) di SMK
F Fatahillah, M Zainuddin, R Kasau, MR Samad
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fakultas Teknik UNM, 2020
Analisis Kualitas dan Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan berbasis web menggunakan Teknologi Barcode
MS Lamada, F Fathahillah
JESSI 3 (1), 15-28, 2022
Purwarupa Sistem Kontrol Elevator Berbasis Programable Logic Control
F Fathahillah, H Hardianto
Setrum: Sistem Kendali-Tenaga-elektronika-telekomunikasi-komputer 6 (2), 142-149, 2017
Web-Based Student Academic Grade Processing Information System
AM Mappalotteng, F Fathahillah, MA Punggawa
ITM Web of Conferences 58, 03006, 2024
Development of Educational Games for Collecting the Alphabet Based on Desktop
F Fathahillah, M Nurdin, Fitria, Purnamawati
2nd World Conference on Social and Humanities Research (W-SHARE 2022), 93-100, 2023
Pengembangan Sistem Pemantau Keamanan Rumah Menggunakan CCTV Berbasis Nodemcu
SG Zain
Jurnal MediaTIK, 59-62, 2022
Aplikasi Teknologi Pesawat Tanpa Awak Berbasis Drone Hexacopter dalam Mengefisiensikan Proses Penyemprotan Tanaman Padi di Kabupaten Pinrang Sulawesi Selatan
F Fathahillah, M Yahya, BA Rauf, AM Mappalotteng, E Novitasari
Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2020
Modifikasi Alat Penyiram Berbasis Sistem Otomatis Pada Tanaman Cabai (Capsicum Annum L.)
R Sulfany, J Jamaluddin, F Fathahillah
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Pertanian 5 (2), 38-42, 2019
The Effectiveness Of Using Plc Trainer Panel System In The Practice Learning Of Operating Electromagnetic Control System In Vocational High School
AM Mappalotteng, F Fathahillah, P Pattasang
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Articles 1–20