Muhammad Rifai
Muhammad Rifai
research center for accelerator technology
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Cited by
X-ray diffraction (XRD) profile analysis of pure ECAP-annealing Nickel samples
AD Prasetya, M Rifai, H Miyamoto
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1436 (1), 012113, 2020
Corrosion behavior of severely deformed pure and single-phase materials
H Miyamoto, M Yuasa, M Rifai, H Fujiwara
Materials Transactions 60 (7), 1243-1255, 2019
Effects of strain energy and grain size on corrosion resistance of ultrafine grained Fe-20% Cr steels with extremely low C and N fabricated by ECAP
M Rifai, H Miyamoto, H Fujiwara
International Journal of Corrosion 2015, 1-9, 2015
Creation of Harmonic Structured Materials with Outstanding Mechanical Properties
K Ameyama, H Fujiwara, T Sekiguchi, SN B.R, M Rifai
12th International Symposium on Giant Straining Process for Advanced …, 2010
The effect of ECAP deformation route on microstructure, mechanical and electrochemical properties of low CN Fe-20% Cr alloy
M Rifai, H Miyamoto, H Fujiwara
Materials Sciences and Applications 5 (8), 568-578, 2014
Enhanced Corrosion Resistance of Ultrafine-Grained Fe-Cr Alloys with Subcritical Cr Contents for Passivity
M Rifai, M Yuasa, H Miyamoto
Metals 8 (3), 1-10, 2018
Fabrication of Al/AlN in-situ nanocomposite through planetary ball milling and hot extrusion of Al/BN: Microstructural evaluation and mechanical behavior
R Gostariani, E Bagherpour, M Rifai, R Ebrahimi, H Miyamoto
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 768, 329-339, 2018
Fractographical analysis on fracture mechanism of stainless steel having harmonic microstructure
A Ueno, H Fujiwara, M Rifai, Z Zhang, K Ameyama
Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan 61 (8), 686-691, 2012
Effect of Grain Size on the Stress Corrosion Cracking of Ultrafine Grained Cu‐10 wt% Zn Alloy in Ammonia
T Asabe, M Rifai, M Yuasa, H Miyamoto
International Journal of Corrosion 2017 (1), 2893276, 2017
Effect of deformation structure and annealing temperature on corrosion of ultrafine-grain Fe-Cr alloy prepared by equal channel angular pressing
M Rifai, M Yuasa, H Miyamoto
Transition of dislocation structures in severe plastic deformation and its effect on dissolution in dislocation etchant
M Rifai, E Bagherpour, G Yamamoto, M Yuasa, H Miyamoto
Effect of deformation route on the development of low CN Fe-20% Cr alloy by Equal Channel Angular Pressing
M Rifai, H Miyamoto, H Fujiwara
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 63 (1), 012122, 2014
Microstructure evolution of a recycled Al–Fe–Si–Cu alloy processed by tube channel pressing
MH Farshidi, M Rifai, H Miyamoto
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials 25, 1166-1172, 2018
Effect of ECAP deformation route on the degree of anisotropy of microstructure of extremely low CN Fe-20mass% Cr alloy
M Rifai, H Miyamoto, H Fujiwara
Metals 4 (1), 55-63, 2014
Effects of SiO2 particles on deformation of mechanically milled water-atomized SUS304L powder compacts
Z Zhang, M Rifai, H Kobayakawa, OP Ciuca, H Fujiwara, A Ueno, ...
Materials transactions 53 (1), 109-115, 2012
Effect of strain energy on the grain growth behaviour of ultrafine-grained iron-chromium alloy by equal channel angular pressing
M Rifai, H Miyamoto
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences 14 (3), 7049-7057, 2020
Mujamilah and H. Miyamoto
AD Prasetya, M Rifai
J. Phys. Conf. Ser 1436, 12113, 2020
Effect of stored energy on corrosion fatigue properties of ultrafine grained Fe-20% Cr steel by equal channel angular pressing
M Rifai, H Miyamoto
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 673 (1), 012131, 2019
Hardness and Microstructure Homogeneity of Pure Copper and Iron-Chromium Alloy Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation
M Rifai, MM Hiroyuki
International Journal 10 (1), 2022
Microstructure and corrosion behaviour of ultrafine-grained pure magnesium by severe plastic deformation as a biodegradable material
M Rifai, AD Prasetya, H Miyamoto
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1825 (1), 012086, 2021
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Articles 1–20