Sains Tanah - Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology
Sains Tanah - Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology
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The relationship between the normalized difference vegetation index, rainfall, and potential evapotranspiration in a banana plantation of Venezuela
BOO Campos, F Paredes, JC Rey, D Lobo, S Galvis-Causil
SAINS TANAH - Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 18 (1), 58-64, 2021
Pengaruh tingkat kematangan kompos tandan kosong sawit dan mulsa limbah padat kelapa sawit terhadap produksi tanaman tomat (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) pada tanah ultisol
MB Yunindanova, H Agusta, D Asmono
Sains Tanah-Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 10 (2), 91-100, 2014
Characteristics of Ultisols derived from basaltic andesite materials and their association with old volcanic landforms in Indonesia
S Purwanto, RA Gani, E Suryani
SAINS TANAH - Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 17 (2), 135-143, 2020
Role and perspective of Azotobacter in crops production
R Hindersah, NN Kamaluddin, S Samanta, S Banerjee, S Sarkar
SAINS TANAH - Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 17 (2), 170-179, 2020
Pengaruh beberapa metode sterilisasi tanah terhadap status hara, populasi mikrobiota, potensi infeksi mikorisa dan pertumbuhan tanaman
VR Cahyani
Sains Tanah-Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 6 (1), 43-52, 2009
Kajian komposisi pupuk NPK terhadap hasil beberapa varietas tanaman buncis tegak (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) di tanah alfisol
S Minardi
Sains Tanah-Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 2 (1), 18-24, 2002
Tin mining process and its effects on soils in Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Indonesia
S Sukarman, RA Gani, A Asmarhansyah
SAINS TANAH - Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 17 (2), 180-189, 2020
Pengaruh inokulasi jamur mikoriza arbuskula terhadap glomalin, pertumbuhan dan hasil padi
J Syamsiyah, BH Sunarminto, E Hanudin, J Widada
Sains Tanah-Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 11 (1), 39-46, 2014
Efek perimbangan pupuk organik dan pupuk anorganik terhadap sifat kimia tanah andisol tawangmangu dan hasil tanaman wortel (Daucus carota L.)
S Minardi, J Winarno, AHN Abdillah
Sains Tanah-Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 6 (2), 111-116, 2013
Phosphorus availability as affected by the application of organic amendments in Ultisols
Z Muktamar, L Lifia, T Adiprasetyo
SAINS TANAH - Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 17 (1), 16-22, 2020
Nutrient release performance of starch coated NPK fertilizers and their effects on Corn growth
NIF Himmah, G Djajakirana, D Darmawan
SAINS TANAH-Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 15 (2), 104-114, 2018
Imbangan Pupuk Organik dan Anorganik Pengaruhnya Terhadap Hara Pembatas dan Kesuburan Tanah Lahan Sawah Bekas Galian C pada Hasil Jagung (Zea mays L)
S Minardi, S Hartati, P Pardono
Sains Tanah-Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 11 (2), 122-129, 2015
Pengaruh Macam dan Dosis Pupuk Organik terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Ness.)
B Pujiasmanto, P Sunu, T Toeranto, A Imron
Sains Tanah-Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 6 (2), 81-90, 2013
Penggunaan ekstrak teh dan pupuk kascing pada budidaya Caisim (Brassica juncea L.)
D Purnomo, AT Sakya, F Fahrudin
Sains Tanah-Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 6 (2), 61-68, 2012
Rice-husk biochar effects on organic carbon, aggregate stability and nitrogen-fertility of coarse-textured Ultisols evaluated using Celosia argentea growth
NE Ebido, IG Edeh, BO Unagwu, AL Nnadi, OV Ozongwu, SE Obalum, ...
SAINS TANAH - Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 18 (2), 177-187, 2021
Studi Beberapa Sifat Fisika dan Kimia Tanah pada Berbagai Komposisi Tegakan Tanaman di Sub DAS Solo Hulu
SW Kumalasari, J Syamsiyah, S Sumarno
Sains Tanah-Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 8 (2), 119-124, 2013
Analysis of drought hazards in agricultural land in Pacitan Regency, Indonesia
I Nita, AN Putra, A Fibrianingtyas
SAINS TANAH - Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 17 (1), 7-15, 2020
Consequences of the catastrophic wildfire in 2020 for the soil cover of the Utrish State Nature Reserve
K Kazeev, V Vilkova, A Shkhapatsev, O Bykhalova, Y Rudenok, ...
SAINS TANAH-Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 19 (1), 52-59, 2022
Characteristics of Inceptisols derived from basaltic andesite from several locations in volcanic landform
RQ Muslim, P Kricella, MM Pratamaningsih, S Purwanto, E Suryani, ...
SAINS TANAH - Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 17 (2), 115-121, 2020
The decomposition and efficiency of NPK-enriched biochar addition on Ultisols with soybean
S Winarso, M Mandala, H Sulistiyowati, S Romadhona, B Hermiyanto, ...
SAINS TANAH - Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 17 (1), 35-41, 2020
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Articles 1–20