Stefan Schwarze
Stefan Schwarze
Scientist, Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute
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Cited by
Tradeoffs between income, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning during tropical rainforest conversion and agroforestry intensification
I Steffan-Dewenter, M Kessler, J Barkmann, MM Bos, D Buchori, S Erasmi, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (12), 4973-4978, 2007
Oil palm adoption, household welfare, and nutrition among smallholder farmers in Indonesia
M Euler, V Krishna, S Schwarze, H Siregar, M Qaim
World Development 93, 219-235, 2017
Linking deforestation scenarios to pollination services and economic returns in coffee agroforestry systems
JA Priess, M Mimler, AM Klein, S Schwarze, T Tscharntke, ...
Ecological Applications 17 (2), 407-417, 2007
Understanding the adoption of system technologies in smallholder agriculture: The system of rice intensification (SRI) in Timor Leste
M Noltze, S Schwarze, M Qaim
Agricultural systems 108, 64-73, 2012
Oil palm expansion among smallholder farmers in Sumatra, Indonesia
M Euler, S Schwarze, H Siregar, M Qaim
Journal of Agricultural Economics 67 (3), 658-676, 2016
Are local people conservationists? Analysis of transition dynamics from agroforests to monoculture plantations in Indonesia
L Feintrenie, S Schwarze, P Levang
Ecology and Society 15 (4), 2010
Income diversification of rural households in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
S Schwarze, M Zeller
Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 44 (1), 61-74, 2005
Economic evaluation of pollination services comparing coffee landscapes in Ecuador and Indonesia
R Olschewski, T Tscharntke, PC Benítez, S Schwarze, AM Klein
Ecology and Society 11 (1), 2006
Exploring yield gaps in smallholder oil palm production systems in eastern Sumatra, Indonesia
M Euler, MP Hoffmann, Z Fathoni, S Schwarze
Agricultural Systems 146, 111-119, 2016
Impacts of natural resource management technologies on agricultural yield and household income: The system of rice intensification in Timor Leste
M Noltze, S Schwarze, M Qaim
Ecological Economics 85, 59-68, 2013
Impacts of integrated soil fertility management on yield and household income: The case of Tamale (Ghana) and Kakamega (Kenya)
IS Adolwa, S Schwarze, A Buerkert
Ecological Economics 161, 186-192, 2019
Determinants of income generating activities of rural households: A quantitative study in the vicinity of the Lore-Lindu National Park in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
S Schwarze
Göttingen, Univ., Diss., 2004, 2004
Statistical sampling frame and methods used for the selection of villages and households in the scope of the research program on Stability of Rainforest Margins in Indonesia …
M Zeller, S Schwarze, T van Rheenen
Göttingen, 2002
Local institutions: Regulation and valuation of forest use—Evidence from Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
M Mehring, C Seeberg-Elverfeldt, S Koch, J Barkmann, S Schwarze, ...
Land use policy 28 (4), 736-747, 2011
A comparative analysis of agricultural knowledge and innovation systems in Kenya and Ghana: sustainable agricultural intensification in the rural–urban interface
IS Adolwa, S Schwarze, I Bellwood-Howard, N Schareika, A Buerkert
Agriculture and human values 34, 453-472, 2017
Assessment of socio-economic functions of tropical lowland transformation systems in Indonesia-sampling framework and methodological approach
H Faust, S Schwarze, B Beckert, B Brümmer, C Dittrich, M Euler, M Gatto, ...
EFForTS discussion paper series, 2013
Pesticides and tropical biodiversity
TC Wanger, A Rauf, S Schwarze
Ecological Soc Amer, 2010
Carbon finance options for smallholders’ agroforestry in Indonesia
C Seeberg-Elverfeldt, S Schwarze, M Zeller
International Journal of the Commons 3 (1), 108-130, 2009
Rubber vs. oil palm: an analysis of factors influencing smallholders' crop choice in Jambi, Indonesia
S Schwarze, M Euler, M Gatto, J Hein, E Hettig, AM Holtkamp, L Izhar, ...
DEU 11, 35, 2015
Understanding system innovation adoption: A comparative analysis of integrated soil fertility management uptake in Tamale (Ghana) and Kakamega (Kenya)
IS Adolwa, S Schwarze, B Waswa, A Buerkert
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 34 (4), 313-325, 2019
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Articles 1–20