Hatta Ridho
Hatta Ridho
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Disposition of Waste Management Policy Implementers Through the Regional Cooperation Scheme.
H Ridho, MH Thamrin, FA Nasution, YI Indainanto
International Journal of Sustainable Development & Planning 18 (1), 2023
Parents' perceptions of children's education and parents' attitudes towards the education of fishermen's children
BK Amal, T Rambe, D Ampera, AS Purba, H Ridho
Jurnal Pendidikan, Sains Sosial, dan Agama 8 (1), 85-97, 2022
Strengthening community participation in spatial planning of riverflow regions in Medan City
MH Thamrin, H Ridho, FA Nasution
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 17 (6), 1849-1854, 2022
Pengaruh Mutasi Terhadap Semangat Kerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil Pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Kota Pematang Siantar
AJ Ambarita, H Ridho
Perspektif 5 (2), 2016
Evaluation of The Quality of Licensing Services at The Investment Services and One Door Integrated Licensing Services In North Sumatra Province
S Ariani Rambe, S Asmara, H Ridho
International Journal of Social Science, Educational, Economics, Agriculture …, 2022
Institutional coordination of flood control at Medan city in Mebidangro Cooperation scheme
MH Thamrin, H Ridho, FA Nasution
Sosiohumaniora, 2021
Public Service Management for Art Activists at the North Sumatra Cultural Park
A Suharyanto, M Sihombing, H Ridho, H Kusmanto
Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 2022
Sustainable Development of Beggars Handling Systems in Indonesia: A Case Study in Medan City
H Thamrin, H Ridho, FA Nasution, FU Ritonga, ID Saragih
WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development 19, 881-890, 2023
Fenomena geng motor di Kota Medan: Satu konstruksi model sosio psikologi komunikasi
S Asmara, H Ridho
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komunikasi Communique 1 (1), 38-44, 2018
Analisis Problematika Perekrutan Kelompok Penyelenggara Pemungutan Suara (KPPS) pada Pemilihan Walikota dan Wakil Walikota Medan Tahun 2020
PSMT Marpaung, H Harahap, H Ridho
PERSPEKTIF 11 (3), 1131-1145, 2022
MEBIDANGRO: Kerja Sama dalam Pengolahan Sampah Perkotaan
H Ridho
Jejak Pustaka, 2022
Kinerja Kelompok Penyelenggara Pemungutan Suara Pemungutan Suara Ulang pada PEMILU 2019 di Kota Tebing Tinggi
DH Hurasan, M Amin, H Ridho
Perspektif 11 (1), 214-230, 2022
Model Legislative Candidate Recruitment In Province (Case Study in Golkar Party and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle on North Sumatera Province and Central Java, 2014)
MH Thamrin, E Dewi, H Ridho, RS Salam
2nd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP …, 2017
Kualitas Daftar Pemilih Tetap pada Pemilihan Umum Serentak Tahun 2019 di Komisi Pemilihan Umum Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan
EH Manalu, H Harahap, H Ridho
PERSPEKTIF 11 (3), 1092-1104, 2022
Empowerment of Padang Bulan community affected Covid-19 through business training for MSME: Indonesia
MH Thamrin, H Ridho, FA Nasution
ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 5 (2), 265-270, 2020
Analysis of Community-Based Waste Management in Medan
H Ridho, MA Nasution
1st International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP …, 2016
Local wisdom in natural resources management of freshwater fish In Lau Teba
H Thamrin, H Ridho, RPK Sinaga, FU Ritonga, FA Nasution, CP Purwanto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1115 (1), 012104, 2022
Performance analysis of APIP (government internal supervision apparatus) in realizing good governance in the inspectorate of North Sumatra province
BP Harahap, H Ridho, T Irmayani
Journal of International Islamic Law, Human Right and Public Policy 2 (3 …, 2024
The Impact of Bureaucratic Reform Policy on Public Services at the Population and Civil Registration Service of North Padang Lawas Regency
AF Nasution, M Sihombing, H Ridho
PERSPEKTIF 13 (1), 231-243, 2024
Perkembangan Teknologi Digital Untuk Berbagai Bidang Kehidupan (Digital Technology For Humanity)
AS Rambe, D Tanjung, E Octiara, H Ridho, I Yustina, M Siregar, MS Lydia, ...
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Articles 1–20