Department of Statistics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
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Cited by
Multivariate control chart based on PCA mix for variable and attribute quality characteristics
M Ahsan, M Mashuri, H Kuswanto, DD Prastyo, H Khusna
Production & Manufacturing Research 6 (1), 364-384, 2018
PCA-based Hotelling's T2 chart with fast minimum covariance determinant (FMCD) estimator and kernel density estimation (KDE) for network intrusion detection
M Mashuri, M Ahsan, MH Lee, DD Prastyo
Computers & Industrial Engineering 158, 107447, 2021
Tr(R2) control charts based on kernel density estimation for monitoring multivariate variability process
M Mashuri, H Haryono, DF Aksioma, W Wibawati, M Ahsan, H Khusna
Cogent Engineering 6 (1), 1665949, 2019
Perfomance fuzzy multinomial control chart
Wibawati, M Mashuri, Purhadi, Irhamah, M Ahsan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1028, 012120, 2018
Pengelompokan Kabupaten/Kota Di Jawa Timur Berdasarkan Indikator Indonesia Sehat 2010
F Amaliyah, W Wibawati
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 1 (1), D188-D193, 2012
Multivariate control chart based on Kernel PCA for monitoring mixed variable and attribute quality characteristics
M Ahsan, M Mashuri, Wibawati, H Khusna, MH Lee
Symmetry 12 (11), 1838, 2020
Kernel principal component analysis (PCA) control chart for monitoring mixed non-linear variable and attribute quality characteristics
M Ahsan, M Mashuri, H Khusna
Heliyon 8 (6), 2022
Penerapan Diagram Kontrol MEWMA dan MEWMV pada Pengendalian Kualitas Air Produksi di IPAM Ngagel I
JD Jayanti, W Wibawati
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 3 (2), D314-D321, 2014
A fuzzy bivariate poisson control chart
Wibawati, M Mashuri, Purhadi, Irhamah
Symmetry 12 (4), 573, 2020
Multivariate control chart based on neutrosophic hotelling T2 statistics and its application
W Wibawati, M Ahsan, H Khusna, M Qori'atunnadyah, WM Udiatami
JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) 6 (1), 85-92, 2022
Multivariate T2 Control Chart Based on James-Stein and Successive Difference Covariance Matrix Estimators for Intrusion Detection
M Ahsan, M Mashuri, H Kuswanto, DD Prastyo, H Khusna
Malaysian Journal of Science 38 (Sp2), 23-35, 2019
Support vector data description with kernel density estimation (SVDD-KDE) control chart for network intrusion monitoring
M Ahsan, H Khusna, Wibawati, MH Lee
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 19149, 2023
Fuzzy multinomial control chart and its application
W Wibawati, M Mashuri, P Purhadi, I Irhamah
AIP Conference Proceedings 1718 (1), 2016
Wibawati (2022). Kernel principal component analysis (PCA) control chart for monitoring mixed non-linear variable and attribute quality characteristics
M Ahsan, M Mashuri, H Khusna
Heliyon 8 (6), e09590, 0
M., Purhadi, Irhamah, and Ahsan, M.(2018). Performance fuzzy multinomial control chart
M Wibawati
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1028 (1), 12120, 0
Comparison of short runs control chart and T2 Hotelling control chart for monitoring sunergy glass production process
M Qori’atunnadyah, WM Udiatami, M Ahsan, H Khusna
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2106 (1), 012019, 2021
Quality control of labelstock using fuzzy exponentially weighted moving average (FEWMA) control
RM Pratiwi, M Ahsan, H Khusna
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1863 (1), 012038, 2021
Fuzzy Univariate Control Chart untuk Monitoring Kualitas Ketebalan Lem Labelstock di PT" XYZ"
RM Pratiwi, W Wibawati
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 9 (2), D130-D137, 2021
Wibawati; Purhadi; Irhamah
M Mashuri
A Fuzzy Bivariate Poisson Control Chart. Symmetry 12, 573, 2020
Pembelajaran Berbasis Information and Communications Technology dan Sains Data Guru Taman Kanak-Kanak Muslimat Nahdatul Ulama Kabupaten Lamongan
A Suharsono, M Mashuri, N Suhermi, NLPSP Paramita
Sewagati 4 (1), 56-65, 2020
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Articles 1–20