Kusdhany LS
Kusdhany LS
Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Indonesia
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Current state of craniofacial prosthetic rehabilitation
N Ariani, A Visser, RP Van Oort, L Kusdhany, TB Rahardjo, BP Krom, ...
Int J Prosthodont 26 (1), 57-67, 2013
Effect of online learning for dental education in asia during the pandemic of COVID-19
TY Chang, ML Hsu, JS Kwon, MFLS Kusdhany, G Hong
Journal of Dental Sciences 16 (4), 1095-1101, 2021
Microbial biofilms on facial prostheses
N Ariani, A Vissink, RP van Oort, L Kusdhany, A Djais, TBW Rahardjo, ...
Biofouling 28 (6), 583-591, 2012
The evaluation of root fracture with cone beam computed tomography (CBCT): an epidemiological study
MS Doğan, M Callea, LS Kusdhany, A Aras, DA Maharani, M Mandasari, ...
Journal of clinical and experimental dentistry 10 (1), e41, 2018
Gene promoter polymorphism of RUNX2 and risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal Indonesian women
EI Auerkari, DA Suryandari, SS Umami, LS Kusdhany, TWA Siregar, ...
SAGE open Medicine 2, 2050312114531571, 2014
CRP and IL-1B gene polymorphisms and CRP in blood in periodontal disease
C Auerkari, E.I., Suhartono, A.W., Djamal, N.Z., (...), Masulili, S.L.C., Talbot
Open Dentistry Journal 7 (1), 88-93, 2013
Oral health related quality of life in Indonesian middle-aged and elderly women
LS Kusdhany, Y Sundjaja, S Fardaniah, RI Ismail
Medical Journal of Indonesia 20 (1), 62-5, 2011
Temporomandibular disorders in elderly patients
LS Himawan, LS Kusdhany, N Ariani
Medical Journal of Indonesia 16 (4), 237-9, 2007
Relationships between tooth loss and masticatory performance, nutrition intake, and nutritional status in the elderly
P Saksono, M Hijryana, A Walls, L Kusdhany, M Indrasari, N Ariani
Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada 19, e5333, 2019
Diagnostic index for temporomandibular disorders in Indonesia
LS Himawan, L Kusdhany, I Ismail
Thai J Oral Maxillofac Surg 20 (2), 104-110, 2006
Modification of Dental Age Estimation Technique among Children from Transcarpathian Region.
M Goncharuk-Khomyn
Journal of International Dental & Medical Research 10 (3), 2017
Impact of periodontal disease on the quality of life of older people in Indonesia: a qualitative study
M Hijryana, M MacDougall, N Ariani, LS Kusdhany, AWG Walls
JDR Clinical & Translational Research 7 (4), 360-370, 2022
The role of parathyroid hormone in alveolar bone resorption on postmenopausal women
SR Puspitadewi, LS Kusdhany, SLC Masulili, P Wulandari, HB Iskandar, ...
The Open Dentistry Journal 14 (1), 2020
Oral health status and oral health-related quality of life in Indonesian elderly (analysis using the Indonesian version of the oral health assessment tool and the geriatric …
F Gita, T Wiryasmoro, DM Sagala, E Hogervorst, LS Kusdhany
Journal Of International Dental And Medical Research 10, 533-539, 2017
Occlusal vertical dimension index to simplified vertical dimension measurement
LS Kusdhany, M Indrasari, H Koesmaningati, MB Leepel, I Oktaria
Journal of International Dental and Medical Research 9, 334, 2016
Etiology of temporomandibular disorders index
I Tanti, LS Himawan, L Kusdhany
J Int Dent Med Res 9, 299-305, 2016
Oral Hygiene Status and Cognitive Function in Indonesian Elderly
L Kusdhany, TB Rahardjo, A Dinni, chaidar Masulili, S Lelyati, ...
International Journal of clinical prevemtive dentistry 11 (4), 261-264, 2015
Differences in periodontal severity between perimenopausal and postmenopausal women with chronic periodontitis
P Wulandari, SLC Masulili, LS Kusdhany, FM Tadjoedin, SR Puspitadewi, ...
Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada 19, e5091, 2019
Genotyping analysis of the Pax9 Gene in patients with maxillary canine impaction
EE Vitria, I Tofani, L Kusdhany, EW Bachtiar
F1000Research 8, 2019
The salivary bone specific alkaline phosphatase in relation to pubertal growth phase in Indonesian children
H Wijaya, LS Kusdhany, S Redjeki, BM Soegiharto
Asian J Pharm Clin Res 10 (5), 389, 2017
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