Addion Nizori
Addion Nizori
Associate Professor at Agricultural Product Technology, Jambi University, Indonesia
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Sifat fisiko-kimia kopi seduh instan liberika tungkal jambi yang diproduksi dengan metode kokristalisasi
M Mursalin, A Nizori, I Rahmayani
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Terapan Universitas Jambi 3 (1), 71-77, 2019
Pembuatan Soyghurt Sinbiotik Sebagai Makanan Fungsional dengan Penambahan Kultur Campuran Streptococus thermophillus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus dan Lactobacillus acidophilus
A Nizori, V Suwita, M Surhaini, TCS Melisa, E Warsiki
Jurnal teknologi industri pertanian 18 (1), 2008
Karakteristik Ekstrak Kulit Buah Naga Merah (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) Dengan Penambahan Berbagai Kosentrasi Asam Sitrat Sebagai Pewarna Alami Makanan
A Nizori, N Sihombing
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 30 (2), 2020
Pengaruh Lama Fermentasi Biji Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Terhadap Sifat Fisik, Kimia dan Organoleptik Bubuk Kakao
A Nizori, OY Tanjung, U Ulyarti, A Arzita, L Lavlinesia, B Ichwan
Jurnal Pangan dan Agroindustri 9 (2), 129-138, 2021
Spray‐drying microencapsulation of ascorbic acid: impact of varying loading content on physicochemical properties of microencapsulated powders
A Nizori, LTT Bui, F Jie, DM Small
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 100 (11), 4165-4171, 2020
Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek Terhadap Keaktifan dan Kemampuan Mahasiswa
R Suseno, I Indriyani, M Afdal, A Nizori
Jurnal Inovasi Dan Teknologi Pembelajaran 91 (1), 90-98, 2022
Impact of varying hydrocolloid proportions on encapsulation of ascorbic acid by spray drying
A Nizori, LTT Bui, F Jie, DM Small
International Journal of Food Science & Technology 53 (6), 1363-1370, 2018
Microencapsulation of ascorbic acid by spray drying: Influence of process conditions
A Nizori, LTT Bui, DM Small
International Journal of Chemical and Molecular Engineering 6 (12), 1135-1139, 2012
Antimicrobial activity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from fermented durian flesh (tempoyak) against pathogenic and spoilage bacteria during storage
A Nizori, A Sukendra, S Mursyid
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 347 (1), 012053, 2019
Nanotechnology for dryland agriculture water saving: Biodegradable hydrogel application in sweet corn (Zea mays saccharate Sturt) productio
R Radian, B Ichwan, I Hayat, M Mapegau, A Nizori, Erizal
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 2022
The Influence of Fermentation Conditions on The Antioxidant and Physico-Chemical of Arabica Coffee from Kerinci Region of Indonesia
A Nizori, E Jayanti, S Surhaini, I Gusriani, M Mursyid, DT Purba
Indonesian Food Science and Technology Journal 5 (1), 34-38, 2021
Energy potential from areca palm through direct combustion and pyrolysis in Indonesia: a review
HY Setyawan, S Sunaryo, B Waluyo, M Merlya, A Nizori, S Sahrial
Indonesian Food Science and Technology Journal 4 (1), 19-26, 2020
T. C, Suharni, dan E. Warsi, 2008. Pembuatan Soyghurt Sinbiotik Sebagai Makanan Fungsional dengan Penambahan Kultur Campuran Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus …
AS Nizori, V Surhaini, M Mursalin
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 18 (1), 28-33, 0
Variasi Media Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) Dengan Metode Hidroponik Sistem Deep Flow Technique (DFT)
A Arzita, MH Setiawan, M Mapegau, A Nizori
Jurnal Media Pertanian 8 (1), 78-85, 2023
Wastewater Treatment Plant Design for Batik Wastewater with Off-Site System Method in Ulu Gedong Sub-District, Jambi City
SI Purwaningrum, H Syarifuddin, A Nizori, YG Wibowo
Jurnal Presipitasi: Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan 20 …, 2023
“Isolasi dan Identifikasi Bakteri Asam Laktat Tempoyak Asal Jambi dari Berbagai Kosentrasi Garam”
A Nizori, N Prayogi
Jurnal Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fkpt-Tpi, 0
Study of red dragon fruit peel (Hylocereus polyrhizus) extract as natural food colorants to physicochemical properties of pedada’s jam as functional foods
A Nizori
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 519 (1), 012012, 2020
Pemanfaatan Biji Karet Sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Tortila Chips di RT 02 Desa Suka Maju Muaro Jambi
S Surhaini, R Suseno, U Ulyarti, A Nizori, L Lavlinesia
Jurnal Karya Abdi Masyarakat 4 (3), 656-659, 2020
The effect of heating schedule on physico-chemical properties of instant coffee of Liberika Tungkal Jambi
M Mursalin, A Nizori, I Rahmayani
Indonesian Food Science and Technology Journal 2 (2), 26-29, 2019
The effects of frying time and temperatures on fatty acids profile of blanched potato chips
A Nizori, V Mishra
Indonesian Food Science & Technology Journal 2 (1), 17-20, 2018
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Articles 1–20