Donard Games
Donard Games
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The effects of knowledge management and risk taking on SME financial performance in creative industries in an emerging market: the mediating effect of innovation outcomes
D Games, RP Rendi
Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research 9 (1), 44, 2019
An evaluation of social media advertising for Muslim millennial parents
DK Sari, S Suziana, D Games
Journal of Islamic Marketing 12 (9), 1835-1853, 2020
Business incubator effectiveness and commercialization strategy: a thematic analysis
D Games, R Kartika, DK Sari, A Assariy
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management 12 (2), 176-192, 2021
Personal values and SME innovation in a Muslim ethnic group in Indonesia
D Games, G Soutar, J Sneddon
Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies 13 (5), 1012-1032, 2021
The impact of trust, knowledge sharing, and affective commitment on SME innovation performance
D Games, T Hidayat, J Fhardilha, Y Fernando, DK Sari
Journal of Governance and Integrity 5 (2), 267-274, 2022
Can SME benefit from innovation
D Games
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 25 (1), 2019
Earthquakes, fear of failure, and wellbeing: An insight from Minangkabau entrepreneurship
D Games, DK Sari
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 51, 101815, 2020
Entrepreneurship, values, and Muslim values: some insights from Minangkabau entrepreneurs
D Games, G Soutar, J Sneddon
International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation 4 2 (4), 361-373, 2013
The Influence of Talent Management Practices on Employee Performance: The Mediating Role of Employee Engagement and Employee Job Satisfaction.(Case Study at PT Bank Negara …
F Khairina, D Games
Enrichment: Journal of Management 12 (4), 2879-2892, 2022
Covid 19 Pandemic: Enhancing Customer Loyalty to The Existence of Traditional Market
ZP Pratama, DK Sari, D Games, T Hidayat
Enrichment: Journal of Management 12 (1), 152-157, 2021
Analisis Pengaruh Learning Behavior From Failure Terhadap Subjective Wellbeing Dimediasi Oleh Organizational Crisis Preparedness pada UKM di Sumatera Barat
A Ariliusra, D Games
Menara Ilmu: Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Ilmiah 14 (2), 2020
Entrepreneurial fear of failure and well-being of incubated and non-incubated startups during crises
D Games, DK Sari, N Khairiyyah, HA Shaikh
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management 15 (5), 948-962, 2024
Entrepreneurial fear of failure during crises: Some insights from opportunity-driven entrepreneurs in a Muslim ethnic group in Indonesia
D Games, DK Sari
Strategic Islamic Marketing: A Roadmap for Engaging Muslim Consumers, 229-250, 2022
Ethnicity, religiosity and SME innovation outcomes: some insights from a Muslim ethnic group
D Games
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 16 …, 2020
Upaya Membangun Kemandirian Ekonomi Penyandang Disabilitas Di Sumatera Barat: Suatu Pendekatan Pemasaran Dan Inovasi Produk
D Games, DK Sari
Jurnal Hilirisasi IPTEKS 2 (4. a), 415-422, 2019
Pengaruh Komitmen Kerja, Softskill, dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Guru di SMK Kesehatan Genus
R Rina, D Games
OPTIMAL Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen 2 (2), 01-20, 2022
The effectiveness of mentoring and coaching in teaching business planning
D Games
The 3rd International Conference on Educational Development and Quality …, 2020
The Effect of Leader Member Exchange and Perceived Organizational Support on Organizational Citizenship Behavior through Job Satisfaction (Study at Branch Office of PT Bank …
AL Monna, H Lukito, D Games
Jurnal Mantik 6 (2), 2360-2368, 2022
Inovasi Produk Dan Jejaring Pada Usaha Kecil: Studi Kasus Kerajinan Perak Koto Gadang
D Games, RP Ramadhani
Jurnal Kewirausahaan Dan Bisnis 27 (1), 13-23, 2022
Livelihood and resiliency: An entrepreneurship of West Sumatran SMEs aftermath disasters
D Games, ANR Mardiah
Post-Disaster Governance in Southeast Asia: Response, Recovery, and …, 2022
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