Christantius Dwiatmadja
Christantius Dwiatmadja
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The practices of virtual reality marketing in the tourism sector, a case study of Bali, Indonesia
NS Subawa, NW Widhiasthini, IP Astawa, C Dwiatmadja, NPI Permatasari
Current Issues in Tourism 24 (23), 3284-3295, 2021
The role of psychological contract on employee commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour: A study of Indonesian young entrepreneurs in management action
AI Anggraeni, C Dwiatmadja, A Yuniawan
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology 43 (1), 1-9, 2017
The role of value innovation capabilities in the influence of market orientation and social capital to improving the performance of central Kalimantan bank in Indonesia
UR Christa, IM Wardana, C Dwiatmadja, V Kristinae
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 6 (4), 140, 2020
Pengaruh pengembangan karir, motivasi kerja dan pemberian kompensasi terhadap loyalitas kerja karyawan (Studi kasus pada karyawan PT. Tribun Berita Online)
VAVWR Utami, C Dwiatmadja
International Journal of Social Science and Business 4 (2), 267-275, 2020
Application of RBV theory in entrepreneurial orientation, dynamic capability and customer relationship management
V Kristinae, R Sambung, M Meitiana, L Mering, C Dwiatmadja, H Tunjang
Uncertain Supply Chain Management 11 (2), 707-712, 2023
Transformative interaction capability: the mediating role between quality of work life and teamwork performance
IN Qamari, AT Ferdinand, C Dwiatmadja, A Yuniawan
International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences 12 (2), 133-148, 2020
The model of capability soft governance in family business: Empirical study in bus transportation industry in Jakarta, Indonesia
BD Suseno, A Yuniawan, C Dwiatmadja
Journal of Economic Cooperation & Development 40 (2), 25-57, 2019
Technology transfer motive of managers in Eastern Asia: empirical results from manufacture industry in Banten province, Indonesia
BD Suseno, C Dwiatmadja
Problems and perspectives in management, 36-45, 2016
Knowledge sharing in a critical moment of work: A driver for success?
F Wulandari, AT Ferdinand, C Dwiatmadja
International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM) 14 (2), 88-98, 2018
The determinants of performance behavior of bank employees in Indonesia
ASB Putra, C Dwiatmadja, G Sasongko, L Suharti
Calitatea 20 (173), 95-99, 2019
A qualitative study on learning organization as an essential action lowering skill mismatch effects
YEP Dewi, C Dwiatmadja, L Suharti
Business: Theory and Practice 20, 50-60, 2019
Developing Optimal Distinctive Open Innovation in Private Universities: Antecedents and Consequences on Innovative Work Behavior and Employee Performance.
L Luhgiatno, C Dwiatmadja
International Journal of Higher Education 9 (5), 19-27, 2020
Creative self-efficacy: A new approach to social support and creativity of SMEs’ owners
SM Setyawati, Y Nurfaizal, C Dwiatmadja, AI Anggraeni
Eleftherios Thalassinos, 2019
Psychological capital as mediation between family support and creative behavior in handicraft sector SMEs
Y Nurfaizal, C Dwiatmadja, SM Setyawati
International Journal of Entrepreneurship 22 (3), 1-9, 2018
Managing sustainable microfinance institutions in the covid-19 situation through revitalizing balinese cultural identity
IP Astawa, I Astara, IG Mudana, C Dwiatmadja
Quality-Access to Success 22 (184), 131-137, 2021
Penyusunan Model Pengembangan Kewirausahaan Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Dalam Kewirausahaan Desa Adat Di Bali
EL Paramita, C Dwiatmaja, IW Damayana
Prosiding Seminar Nasional 4th UNS SME’s Summit & Awards, 354-360, 2015
The mediating roles of pro-commitment to learning and adaptability to technological change: professional experience portfolio toward employee performance
F Wulandari, C Dwiatmadja
Verslas: Teorija Ir Praktika/Business: Theory and Practice 21 (2), 859-868, 2020
Analisis Kesiapan Masyarakat Terhadap Implementasi Program Smart City Kota Kupang
DG Gella, C Dwiatmadja
Nuansa Akademik: Jurnal Pembangunan Masyarakat 7 (2), 327-340, 2022
A Heryjanto, H Tannady, J Ihalaum, C Dwiatmadja
Supply chain management for small and medium enterprises at central java …, 0
Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasi, Gaya Kepemimpinan, dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Intensitas Bertahan Karyawan Kantor PT. Perkebunan Musirawas Citraharpindo (Kalimantan Tengah)
MD Krismonika, C Dwiatmadja
International Journal of Social Science and Business 4 (1), 90-97, 2020
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