Riana Nurhayati
Riana Nurhayati
Lecturer of Education Policy, Yogyakarta State University
Email yang diverifikasi di uny.ac.id - Beranda
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Measuring Students' Curiosity Character Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis.
R Nurhayati
European Journal of Educational Research 10 (2), 773-783, 2021
Mobile assessment to improve learning motivation of elementary school students in online learning
H Herwin, R Nurhayati, SC Dahalan
International Journal of Information and Education Technology 12 (5), 436-442, 2022
Cyberbullying pelajar SMA di media sosial: Prevalnsi dan rekomendasi
A Efianingrum, SIA Dwiningrum, R Nurhayati
Jurnal Pembangunan Pendidikan: Fondasi Dan Aplikasi 8 (2), 144-153, 2020
Development of the Evaluation Instrument of the Child-Friendly School Policy in Elementary School.
M Hajaroh, LA Purwastuti, R Nurhayati
International Journal of Instruction 14 (3), 327-340, 2021
Aktivitas sekolah yang rentan terjadi bullying di kalangan siswa
A Efianingrum, SIA Dwiningrum, R Nurhayati
FOUNDASIA 12 (1), 2021
Improving student learning outcomes through mobile assessment: A trend analysis
H Herwin, A Senen, R Nurhayati, SC Dahalan
International Journal of Information and Education Technology 12 (10), 1005-1011, 2022
School policy innovation to reduce bullying effect
R Nurhayati, SIA Dwiningrum, A Efianingrum
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan 13 (3), 2675-2688, 2021
Indikator sekolah kreatif
R Nurhayati
Jurnal Pembangunan Pendidikan: Fondasi dan Aplikasi 5 (2), 199-209, 2017
The Effect of Innovative Learning on Student Achievement in Indonesia: A Meta-Analysis.
R Nurhayat, S Suranto, SIA Dwiningrum, H Retnawati, H Herwin
Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction 13 (3), 159-167, 2023
KRONIKUS (Krokot Brownies Kukus): Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Krokot (Portulaca Oleracea L.) Sebagai Camilan Sumber Omega-3
I Irmawati, H Nur, AN Rahmat, A Lestari, R Nurhayati
Dinamika Pendidikan 22 (2), 150-156, 2017
School policy for bullying prevention
R Nurhayati, SIA Dwiningrum, A Efianingrum
International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2019 …, 2020
The Development of School Resilience to Reduce Bullying in Schools: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis
SIA Dwiningrum, A Efianingrum, N Sitompul, R Nurhayati, ...
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University 55 (4), 2020
Strategies to inculcate moral values in Islamic Elementary School
R Nurhayati
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education) 8 (1), 35-45, 2022
School zoning policy and equalization of education access for poor students in Yogyakarta City
M Hajaroh, R Nurhayati, F Sidiq, AS Raharjo, E Sholikhah
KnE Social Sciences, 245–255-245–255, 2021
The role of social capital in developing effective and creative schools in primary schools
SIA Dwiningrum, R Nurhayati, S Nurbaya
Makalah dipresentasikan pada ISCEI2018. Nayang Universitas Singapura, Singapura, 2018
Model penilaian kinerja guru
B Kartowagiran
Seminar Nasional HEPI Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan, Pascasarjana …, 2012
Graded Response Models on the Curiosity Measurement of Elementary School Students
Herwin, R Nurhayati, AT Lidyasari, AD Costa
International Journal of Educational Methodology 9 (1), 53-62, 2023
School Readiness in Implementing and Evaluating the Reinforcement of Character Education Program in Yogyakarta City
R Nurhayati, M Hajaroh, A Rohman, E Sholikhah
KnE Social Sciences, 722–732-722–732, 2021
The Policy Formulation of Educational Funding in Yogyakarta Province
R Nurhayati, A Rohman, M Hajaroh, E Sholikhah
KnE Social Sciences, 6–16-6–16, 2019
Validity and Reliability of Child-Friendly School Policy Evaluation Instruments in Primary Schools: Confirmatory Factor Analysis
R Nurhayati, S Aw, SIA Dwiningrum, M Hajaroh, H Herwin
International Journal of Educational Methodology 10 (issue-1-february-2024 …, 1970
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