Choirul Anam
Choirul Anam
Physics Department, Diponegoro University
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Analisis gugus fungsi pada sampel uji, bensin dan spiritus menggunakan metode spektroskopi FTIR
C Anam, Sirojudin, KS Firdausi
Berkala Fisika 10 (1), 79-85, 2007
Automated calculation of water‐equivalent diameter (Dw) based on AAPM task group 220
C Anam, F Haryanto, R Widita, I Arif, G Dougherty
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 17 (4), 320-333, 2016
A fully automated calculation of size-specific dose estimates (SSDE) in thoracic and head CT examinations
C Anam, F Haryanto, R Widita, I Arif, G Dougherty
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 694 (1), 012030, 2016
Volume computed tomography dose index (CTDIvol) and size-specific dose estimate (SSDE) for tube current modulation (TCM) in CT scanning
C Anam, F Haryanto, R Widita, I Arif, G Dougherty, D McLean
International Journal of Radiation Research 16 (3), 289-297, 2018
An algorithm for automated modulation transfer function measurement using an edge of a PMMA phantom: Impact of field of view on spatial resolution of CT images
C Anam, T Fujibuchi, WS Budi, F Haryanto, G Dougherty
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 19 (6), 244-252, 2018
The impact of patient table on size-specific dose estimate (SSDE)
C Anam, F Haryanto, R Widita, I Arif, G Dougherty, D McLean
Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine 40 (1), 153-158, 2017
The size-specific dose estimate (SSDE) for truncated computed tomography images
C Anam, F Haryanto, R Widita, I Arif, G Dougherty
Radiation Protection Dosimetry 175 (3), 313-320, 2017
The evaluation of the effective diameter (Deff) calculation and its impact on the size-specific dose estimate (SSDE)
C Anam, F Haryanto, R Widita, I Arif, G Dougherty
Atom Indonesia 43 (1), 55-60, 2017
Assessment of patient dose and noise level of clinical CT images: automated measurements
C Anam, WS Budi, K Adi, H Sutanto, F Haryanto, MH Ali, T Fujibuchi, ...
Journal of Radiological Protection 39 (3), 783-793, 2019
Noise reduction in CT images using a selective mean filter
C Anam, K Adi, H Sutanto, Z Arifin, WS Budi, T Fujibuchi, G Dougherty
Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering 10 (5), 623-634, 2020
Automated MTF measurement in CT images with a simple wire phantom
C Anam, T Fujibuchi, F Haryanto, WS Budi, H Sutanto, K Adi, Z Muhlisin, ...
Polish Journal of Medical Physics and Engineering 25 (3), 179-187, 2019
Automated estimation of patient's size from 3D image of patient for size specific dose estimates (SSDE)
C Anam, F Haryanto, R Widita, I Arif
Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine 7 (10), 892-896, 2015
An improved method of automated noise measurement system in CT images
C Anam, I Arif, F Haryanto, FP Lestari, R Widita, WS Budi, H Sutanto, ...
Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering 11 (2), 163-174, 2021
An evaluation of computed tomography dose index measurements using a pencil ionisation chamber and small detectors
C Anam, T Fujibuchi, F Haryanto, R Widita, I Arif, G Dougherty
Journal of Radiological Protection 39 (1), 112-124, 2019
A simple method for calibrating pixel values of the CT localizer radiograph for calculating water-equivalent diameter and size-specific dose estimate
C Anam, T Fujibuchi, T Toyoda, N Sato, F Haryanto, R Widita, I Arif, ...
Radiation Protection Dosimetry 179 (2), 158-168, 2018
Automated development of the contrast–detail curve based on statistical low-contrast detectability in CT images
C Anam, A Naufal, T Fujibuchi, K Matsubara, G Dougherty
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 23 (9), e13719, 2022
An improved method for automated calculation of the water-equivalent diameter for estimating size-specific dose in CT
C Anam, FR Mahdani, WK Dewi, H Sutanto, P Triadyaksa, F Haryanto, ...
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 22 (9), 313-323, 2021
Automated procedure for slice thickness verification of computed tomography images: Variations of slice thickness, position from iso‐center, and reconstruction filter
N Lasiyah, C Anam, E Hidayanto, G Dougherty
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 22 (7), 313-321, 2021
New noise reduction method for reducing CT scan dose: Combining Wiener filtering and edge detection algorithm
C Anam, F Haryanto, R Widita, I Arif
AIP Conference Proceedings 1677 (1), 040004, 2015
An investigation of spatial resolution and noise in reconstructed CT images using iterative reconstruction (IR) and filtered back-projection (FBP)
C Anam, F Haryanto, R Widita, I Arif, G Dougherty
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1127 (1), 012016, 2019
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Articles 1–20