Membangun Sistem Otomasi Perpustakaan dengan Senayan Library Management System (SLiMS) M Azwar Khizanah al-Hikmah Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan, Informasi, dan Kearsipan 1 (1 …, 2013 | 128* | 2013 |
Information literacy skills : strategi penelusuran informasi online MA Muin Alauddin University Press, 2013 | 118* | 2013 |
Teori Simulakrum Jean Baudrillard dan upaya pustakawan mengidentifikasi informasi realitas M Azwar Khizanah al-Hikmah: Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan, Informasi, dan Kearsipan 2 (1 …, 2014 | 94 | 2014 |
Pemanfaatan jurnal elektronik sebagai sumber referensi dalam penulisan skripsi di Institut Pertanian Bogor M Azwar, R Amalia LIBRARIA: Jurnal Perpustakaan 5 (1), 87-110, 2017 | 47 | 2017 |
Manajemen tata ruang perpustakaan pesantren madani Alauddin Pao-Pao Makassar M Azwar, AN Rusli AL-MAKTABAH 15 (1), 2016 | 38 | 2016 |
Penerapan Sistem Otomasi di Perpustakaan Fakultas Adab Dan Humaniora UIN Alauddin Makassar M Azwar Al-Kuttab: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Informasi 2 (1), 45-67, 2015 | 28 | 2015 |
The utilization of instagram as a media promotion: the case study of library in Indonesia M Azwar, S Sulthonah Insaniyat: Journal of Islam and Humanities 2 (2), 147-159, 2018 | 26 | 2018 |
Evaluating The Library Website Of The Indonesian Ministry Of Education And Culture Through The End-User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) Model M Azwar, I Surandari, HI Djohar Library Philosophy and Practice (e-Journal), 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
YouTube as a New Culture in Indonesia: The Construction of Gender Role in the Lens of the Circuit of Culture I Rosida, M Azwar International Journal of Media and Information Literacy 6 (1), 182-192, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
Modern Standard Arabic and Yemeni Arabic Cognate: A Contrastive Study D Suparno, M Azwar, A Al-Rawafi, M Rokhim, N Angga, AI Chairul Langkawi: Journal of The Association for Arabic and English, 2022 | 12 | 2022 |
Islamic Education and Islamization Channels in Malay Peninsula in 7th-8th Centuries AD N Nurbaiti, M Suparta, M Azwar Buletin Al-Turas 26 (2), 303-316, 2020 | 12 | 2020 |
The Development of Indonesia One Search: Retrieving Information Resources in Indonesia M Azwar Atlantis Press, 2018 | 9 | 2018 |
Kemampuan Mahasiswa dalam Menelusuri dan Mengevaluasi Informasi Berbasis Internet (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa JIP UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta Angkatan 2007) M Azwar Universitas Indonesia, 2011 | 9* | 2011 |
Penerapan Knowledge Management (Studi Kasus SDIT Al-Hamidiyah Depok) M Azwar Majalah Perpustakaan Dan Informasi 6 (1), 10-23, 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
Comparison of Emotional Intelligence, Self-Development, Decision for Selecting a Profession and Work Productivity between Librarian with Education in Library Science and … M Azwar, AA Hak, M Rum Library Philosophy and Practice (e-Journal), 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
Pemanfaatan Fitur Z39. 50 Pada SLiMS (Studi Kasus Di Perpustakaan Fakultas Adab Dan Humaniora UIN Alauddin) A Syukur, T Mathar, M Azwar Khizanah al-Hikmah: Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan, Informasi, dan Kearsipan 4 (1 …, 2016 | 6* | 2016 |
Pemanfaatan Jurnal Elektronik oleh Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin H Harisyah, M Azwar Khizanah al-Hikmah: Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan, Informasi, dan Kearsipan 3 (1 …, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
Visibilitas Website UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta dalam Pemeringkatan Webometrics P Hidayat, M Azwar TIK ILMEU: Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Analysis of the Technology Acceptance Model on The Union Catalog Server based the Senayan Library Management System within the Library of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and … DN Sari, M Suprayogi, M Azwar Library Philosophy and Practice (e-Journal), 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Memilih Profesi Pustakawan: Antara Kecerdasan Emosional dan Pengembangan Karir AA Hak, M Rum, M Azwar Adabia Press, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |