Prof. dr. Ir. D.N. Adnyana
Prof. dr. Ir. D.N. Adnyana
Institut Sains dan Teknologi Nasional Jakarta
Email yang diverifikasi di istn.ac.id
Dikutip oleh
Dikutip oleh
Packing tool apparatus for sealing well bores
NE Rogen, DN Adnyana
US Patent 4,515,213, 1985
Subsurface well safety valve and control system
DN Adnyana, NE Rogen
US Patent 4,619,320, 1986
Effect of grain size on transformation temperatures in a grain-refined, copper-based, shape-memory alloy
DN Adnyana
Metallography 19 (2), 187-196, 1986
Apparatus for sealing a well blowout
DN Adnyana, NE Rogen
US Patent 4,840,346, 1989
Failure analysis of stainless steel heat exchanger tubes in a petrochemical plant
DN Adnyana
Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention 18, 413-422, 2018
Corrosion fatigue of a low-pressure steam turbine blade
DN Adnyana
Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention 18, 162-173, 2018
Metalurgi Las
DN Adnyana
Jakarta, 1991
Logam dan paduan
DN Adnyana
Jakarta: Yayasan Puncak Sari, 1989
A copper-based alloy for shape memory wires and springs
DN Adnyana
Wire journal 17 (4), 52-60, 1984
Comparison of strength, microstructure and corrosion resistance of stainless steels type 410 and type 410-3Mo in tempered condition
E Mabruri, MS Anwar, TB Romijarso, B Adjiantoro, DN Adnyana
Materials Today: Proceedings 13, 121-126, 2019
Stress Corrosion Cracking in a Nickel-base alloy pre-heater expansion bellows
DN Adnyana
Majalah Metalurgi 29 (3), 235-244, 2014
Damage Analysis of The Electric Generator Diesel Engine Connecting Rod
A Surya, DN Adnyana
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1477 (5), 052004, 2020
The Effect of Grain Size on the M sub s-Temperature in a Grain-Refined Copper-Based Shape Memory Alloy
DN Adnyana
Proceedings of the International Conference on Martensitic Transformations …, 1986
Metallurgical Assessment of a Broken Gearbox Intermediate Shaft of a Reciprocating Compressor
DN Adnyana
Metalurgi-Majalah Ilmu dan Teknologi 31 (1), 19-32, 2016
Studi Evaluasi Keselamatan pada LPG Storage Tank Berdasarkan Tingkat Risiko Menggunakan Metode Risk Based Inspection
AF Rozie, DN Adnyana
JTTM: Jurnal Terapan Teknik Mesin 2 (2), 88-98, 2021
Logam dan Paduan tinjauan tentang proses pengolahan dan hubungan antar struktur dengan sifat mekanis
DN Adnyana
Jakarta, 1978
Analisa Kegagalan Conrod Bearing Pada Kapal Cepat
DTY Tatang, DN Adnyana
JTRM (Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Manufaktur) 3 (2), 87-98, 2021
Failure of Heat Exchanger Return Bend Due to Long-Term Localized Overheating [Kerusakan pada Pipa Belokan U Alat Penukar Kalor akibat Panas Berlebih secara Lokal dalam Jangka …
DN Adnyana
Metalurgi 34 (1), 19-30, 2019
PENGARUH SOLUTION ANNEALING DAN AGING PADA KAWAT PADUAN SHAPE MEMORY Ni-Ti DAN Ni-Ti-Cu [The Influence of Solution Annealing and Aging on Ni-Ti and Ni-Ti-Cu Shape Memory Alloy …
E Mabruri, B Sriyono, B Adjiantoro, DN Adnyana
Metalurgi 27 (2), 77-84, 2016
Quality improvement of copper rod production for magnet wire application
DN Adnyana
Wire J. Int. 28, 48-57, 1995
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