Sholeh Hadi Pramono
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Implementasi opinion mining (analisis sentimen) untuk ekstraksi data opini publik pada perguruan tinggi
IF Rozi, SH Pramono, EA Dahlan
Jurnal EECCIS (Electrics, Electronics, Communications, Controls, Informatics …, 2012
Optimasi pemanfaatan energi listrik tenaga matahari di Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Brawijaya
M Rif’an, SH Pramono, M Shidiq, R Yuwono, H Suyono, F Suhartati
Jurnal EECCIS 6 (1), 44-48, 2012
Deep learning-based short-term load forecasting for supporting demand response program in hybrid energy system
SH Pramono, M Rohmatillah, E Maulana, RN Hasanah, F Hario
Energies 12 (17), 3359, 2019
Sistem Informasi Geografis Pariwisata Berbasis Web Dan Pencarian Jalur Terpendek Dengan P Algoritma Dijkstra
AÃ GusmÃ, SH Pramono, S Sunaryo
Jurnal EECCIS (Electrics, Electronics, Communications, Controls, Informatics …, 2013
Penggunaan metode viola-jones dan algoritma eigen eyes dalam sistem kehadiran pegawai
AH Triatmoko, SH Pramono, HS Dachlan
Jurnal EECCIS (Electrics, Electronics, Communications, Controls, Informatics …, 2014
Design of flood warning system based iot and water characteristics
H Yuliandoko, S Subono, VA Wardhani, SH Pramono, P Suwindarto
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 16 (5 …, 2018
Location-based augmented reality information for bus route planning system
KC Brata, D Liang, SH Pramono
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 5 (1), 142, 2015
Classification of multiclass imbalanced data using cost-sensitive decision tree C5. 0
MA Febriantono, SH Pramono, R Rahmadwati, G Naghdy
IAES Int. J. Artif. Intell 9 (1), 65, 2020
Internet-based monitoring and protection on PV smart grid system
SH Pramono, SN Sari, E Maulana
2017 international conference on sustainable information engineering and …, 2017
Konsepsi pembangunan kekuatan dan kemampuan sistem informasi operasi TNI AL dalam mendukung penyelenggaraan strategi pertahanan laut nusantara
IN Putra, SH Pramono
JOURNAL ASRO 7, 1-48, 2017
The effect of strategic environment change toward Indonesia maritime security: Threat and opportunity
IN Putra, A Hakim, SH Pramono, AS Leksono
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12 (16), 6037-6044, 2017
Characterization of dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) based on chlorophyll dye
SH Pramono, E Maulana, AF Prayogo, R Djatmika
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 10 (1), 193-205, 2015
Adopted COBIT-5 framework for system design of Indonesia navy IS/IT: An evaluation
IN Putra, A Hakim, SH Pramono, H Tolle
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12 (17), 6420-6427, 2017
Penerapan metode inferece tree dan forward chaining dalam sistem pakar diagnosis hama dan penyakit kedelai edamame berdasarkan gejala kerusakannya
P Destarianto, E Yudaningtyas, SH Pramono
Jurnal EECCIS (Electrics, Electronics, Communications, Controls, Informatics …, 2013
Effect of chlorophyll concentration variations from extract of papaya leaves on dye-sensitized solar cell
E Maulana, SH Pramono, D Fanditya, M Julius
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 9 (1), 49-52, 2015
MPPT menggunakan metode Hibrid JST dan Algoritma Genetika untuk sistem Photovoltaic
G Wibisono, SH Pramono, MA Muslim
jurnal EECCIS 8 (2), 181-186, 2014
Design of flooding detection system based on velocity and water level DAM with ESP8266
H Yuliandoko, VA Wardhany, SH Pramono, P Siwindarto
2017 2nd International conferences on Information Technology, Information …, 2017
Organic Solar Cell based on extraction of Papaya (Carica papaya) and jatropha (Ricinus communis) leaves in DSSC (Dye Sensitized Solar Cell)
SH Pramono, E Maulana, M Julius, T Utomo
Proceeding of International Conf. on Edu. Tech and Science, 248-251, 2013
YOLOv3 with Spatial Pyramid Pooling for Object Detection with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
W Pebrianto, P Mudjirahardjo, SH Pramono, RA Setyawan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.12344, 2023
Optimasi penempatan node B UMTS900 pada BTS existing menggunakan algoritma genetika
PD Aryanti, SH Pramono, O Setyawati
Jurnal EECCIS (Electrics, Electronics, Communications, Controls, Informatics …, 2013
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