Zuprizal Zuprizal
Zuprizal Zuprizal
Email yang diverifikasi di ugm.ac.id - Beranda
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Influence of ambient temperature on true digestibility of protein and amino acids of rapeseed and soybean meals in broilers
M Larbier, AM Chagneau, PA Geraert
Poultry Science 72 (2), 289-295, 1993
Experimental infection of European crustaceans with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV)
V Corbel, Z Zuprizal, C Shi, Huang, Sumartono, JM Arcier, JR Bonami
Journal of fish diseases 24 (7), 377-382, 2001
Effect of age and sex on true digestibility of amino acids of rapeseed and soybean meals in growing broilers
M Larbier, AM Chagneau
Poultry Science 71 (9), 1486-1492, 1992
Effect of heat drying temperature on the nutritive value of corn in chickens and pigs
B Barrier-Guillot, C Jondreville, AM Chagneau, M Larbier, M Leuillet
Animal feed science and technology 41 (2), 149-159, 1993
Performan ayam broiler dengan penambahan tepung daun dalam pakan
AK Wati, Z Zuprizal, K Kustantinah, E Indarto, ND Dono, W Wihandoyo
Sains Peternakan: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Peternakan 16 (2), 74-79, 2018
Research note: Effect of high ambient temperature on dietary metabolizable energy values in genetically lean and fat chickens
PA Geraert, S Guillaumin
Poultry science 71 (12), 2113-2116, 1992
Bioavailability of lysine in rapeseed and soyabean meals determined by digestibility trial in cockerels and chick growth assay
ZM Larbier, AM Chagneau, M Lessire
Animal feed science and technology 35 (3-4), 237-246, 1991
Penggunaan Vitamin E dalam Pakan terhadap Fertilitas, Daya Tetas dan Bobot Tetas Telur Ayam Kampung
N Iriyanti, Z Zuprizal, T Yuwanta, S Keman
Animal Production, Jurnal Produksi Ternak 9 (1), 2008
Formulation and characterization of self-nano emulsifying drug delivery systems of lemongrass (cymbopogon citratus) essential oil
T Ujilestari, ND Dono, B Ariyadi, R Martien, Z Zuprizal
Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences 14 (3), 360-363, 2018
Duodenum histomorphology and performance as influenced by dietary supplementation of turmeric (Curcuma longa), garlic (Allium sativum) and its combinations …
S Purwanti, Z Zuprizal, T Yuwanta, S Supadmo
The effect nanocapsule of turmeric extracts in rations on nutrient digestibility of broiler chickens
S Sundari, Z Zuprizal, T Yuwanta, R Martien
Animal Production 16 (2), 107-113, 2014
Effect of nanocapsule level on broiler performance and fat deposition
Z Sundari, T Yuwanta, R Martien
International Journal of Poultry Science 13 (1), 31-35, 2014
Pengaruh lama pemanasan terhadap kualitas kimia wheat pollard yang berpotensi sebagai prebiotik
CS Utama, ZZ Zuprizal, C Hanim, W Wihandoyo
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan 8 (3), 113-121, 2019
Pengaruh suplementasi dl-metionin dan L-lisin HCl pada pakan standar kafetaria terhadap berat badan, organ dalam dan organ reproduksi ayam kampung fase pullet
CV Lisnahan, W Wihandoyo, Z Zuprizal, S Harimurti
Jurnal Ilmiah Peternakan Terpadu 6 (2), 128-133, 2018
Effect of cellulase supplementation on in vitro digestibility and energy, crude fiber and cellulose content of sago palm (Metroxylon sp.) waste as broiler chicken feed
D Zulkarnain, Z Zuprizal, W Wihandoyo, S Supadmo
Pak. J. Nutr 15 (11), 997-1002, 2016
Physical and sensory quality of broiler meat as influenced by dietary supplementation of turmeric (Curcuma longa), garlic (Allium sativum) and in combinations as a feed additive
S Purwanti, Z Zuprizal, T Yuwanta, S Supadmo
Animal Production 20 (1), 61-69, 2019
The performance of laying hens fed different calcium source
S Kismiati, T Yuwanta, Z Zuprizal, S Supadmo
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 37 (4), 263-270, 2012
Zuprizal, & Rusman. 2013. Improving performance, meat quality and muscle fiber microstructure of native Indonesian muscovy duck through feed protein and metabolizable energy
E Tugiyanti, T Yuwanta
Int. J. Poult. Sci 12 (11), 653-659, 0
The effect of liquid tumeric extract supplementation on carcass production and chemical quality of broiler meat.
M Hidayat, A Kurniawati, AK Wati, A Kusmayadi
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 42 (1), 2017
Biosintesis dan karakterisasi nano-enkapsulasi ekstrak buah mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia) dengan kitosan-sodium tripolifosfat sebagai kandidat antioksidan alami
Z Choiri, R Martien, ND Dono, Z Zuprizal
Prosiding Simposium Nasional, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan Tropik …, 2016
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