Nusantara Medical Science Journal
Nusantara Medical Science Journal
Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University
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Hubungan efikasi diri dengan kepatuhan melakukan latihan fisik pada pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2
MW Anindita, N Diani, I Hafifah
Nusantara Medical Science Journal, 19-24, 2019
Perbandingan pengaruh kombinasi latihan hold relax dan open kinetic chain dengan latihan hold relax dan close kinetic chain terhadap peningkatan kemampuan fungsional pasien …
K Khairurizal, I Irianto, Y Ramba
Nusantara Medical Science Journal, 55-63, 2019
Analysis risk factors for neck pain complaints in production workers at PT Maruki International Indonesia
N Nadhifah, I Irianto, AB Ahsaniyah
Nusantara Medical Science Journal, 7-13, 2019
Edukasi Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Tentang Perawatan Kaki Pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus Di Kelurahan Cempaka
N Fajeriani, N Diani, HP Choiruna
Nusantara Medical Science Journal, 25-31, 2019
Hubungan Pengetahuan Dan Perilaku Pasien Tentang Penatalaksanaan Diabetes Mellitus Di Banjarbaru Kalimantan Selatan
RM Agustina, N Diani, A Agianto
Nusantara Medical Science Journal, 14-18, 2019
The hepatoprotection effect of neem leaf extract using ALT activity test on male wistar rats induced with high dose paracetamol
E Hartono, S Prabowo
Nusantara Medical Science Journal 4 (2), 1-6, 2019
Spiritual psychotherapy effect to increase Cd4+ count in HIV/AIDS patients
MF Idrus, J Jayalangkara, S Syamsu, I Ilham
Nusantara medical science journal, 25-32, 2016
The relationship between histopathological grading and metastasis in colorectal carcinoma patients
R Minhajat, AF Benyamin, UA Miskad
Nusantara Medical Science Journal, 51-60, 2020
The protective effect of Paliasa (Kleinhovia hospita L.) leaf extract against elevated total bilirubin serum induced by toxic dose of antituberculosis in rats
YY Djabir, ID Meylin, R Tayeb
Nusantara Medical Science Journal, 43-47, 2019
Effect of brain gym on cognitive function in elderly with post ischemic stroke
J Tammasse, S Wahyun
Nusantara Medical Science Journal, 16-24, 2016
Gambaran ultrasonografi kelainan endometrium pada penderita kanker payudara yang mendapat terapi hormonal di Rumah Sakit Wahidin Sudirohusodo
H Thayyib, M Muis, B Murtala
Nusantara Medical Science Journal, 87-96, 2020
The Effect Of Freeletic Exercise On Leg Strength In The Freeletic Community Of Makassar
H Hastuti
Nusantara Medical Science Journal, 27-31, 2018
The Effect Of Freeletic Sport To Vo2 Max Levels On The Freeletic Community Members
I Hasnah, S Saadiyah
Nusantara Medical Science Journal (NMSJ) 3 (2), 37-41, 2018
Comparison of total antioxidant capacity and CD-4 in patients with HIV stage I and stage IV
N Jalil, AM Adam, K Djawad, A Seweng, R Halim, A Adriani
Nusantara Medical Science Journal, 14-21, 2017
Comparison of Helsinki CT and Rotterdam CT scoring systems as prognostic factors of brain injury
KE Yap, AA Islam, A Ihwan, JAB Baan, F Hamid
Nusantara Medical Science Journal, 33-43, 2021
Case Reports on Severe Antituberculosis-Drug Induced Hepatotoxicity in Tuberculosis Patients: The Post-Incidence Therapy
N Basir, YY Djabir, A Santoso
Nusantara Medical Science Journal, 44-50, 2020
The Effect Of Freeletic Sport To Vo2 Max Levels On The Freeletic Community Members In Makassar City
I Irianto, H Hasnah
Nusantara Medical Science Journal, 37-41, 2018
Identification of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Test And its Relationship to MGG Staining of Pleural Fluid in Patients with Suspected …
S Salmah, AS Culla
Nusantara Medical Science Journal, 49-53, 2018
The association of cumulative fluid balance and sepsis patient mortality during treatment in the intensive care unit
B Gusriadi, SH Salam, H Hisbullah, SK Arif, M Rum, AS Palinrungi
Nusantara Medical Science Journal, 88-97, 2022
Antibiotic susceptibility pattern in clinical isolates of pseudomonas aeruginosa
W Do Toka, R Sjahril, F Hamid
Nusantara Medical Science Journal, 66-73, 2021
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