Arief Sabdo Yuwono
Arief Sabdo Yuwono
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, IPB University
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Odor pollution in the environment and the detection instrumentation
A Yuwono, P Schulze Lammers
International Commission of Agricultural Engineering, 2004
Penggunaan larva (Maggot) Black Soldier Fly (BSF) dalam pengolahan limbah organik
AS Yuwono, PD Mentari
Seameo Biotrop, 2018
Detection of odour emissions from a composting facility using a QCM sensor array
AS Yuwono, P Boeker, PS Lammers
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 375, 1045-1048, 2003
Performance in real condition of photonic crystal sensor based NO2 gas monitoring system
M Rahmat, W Maulina, E Rustami, M Azis, DR Budiarti, KB Seminar, ...
Atmospheric Environment 79, 480-485, 2013
Performance test of a sensor array-based odor detection instrument
A Yuwono, PS Lammers
International Commission of Agricultural Engineering, 2004
Pengembangan Model Simulasi Proses Pengomposan Sampah Organik Perkotaan
Y Setiyo, KP Hadi, MA Subroto, AS Yuwono
Journal Forum Pascasarjana 30 (1), 1-12, 2007
Implementasi konsep “zero waste production management” bidang pertanian: Pengomposan jerami padi organik dan pemanfaatannya
AS Yuwono, N Ichwan, SK Saptomo
Jurnal Bumi Lestari 13 (2), 366-373, 2013
Development of a novel ozone gas sensor based on sol–gel fabricated photonic crystal
M Rahmat, W Maulina, DYN Miftah, N Sukmawati, E Rustami, M Azis, ...
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 220, 53-61, 2014
Prediction and modelling of total suspended particulate generation on ultisol and andisol soil
NR Rochimawati, AS Yuwono, SK Saptomo
ARPN J. Sci. Technol 4 (6), 329-333, 2014
Odour measuring system using a mass sensitive sensor array and its performance improvement
AS Yuwono, T Hamacher, J Niess, P Boeker, PS Lammers
Proc. of the Second World Engineering Congress, 21-25, 2002
Ambient air monitoring system with adaptive performance stability
R Purbakawaca, AS Yuwono, IDM Subrata, H Alatas
IEEE Access 10, 120086-120105, 2022
Determination of emission factors for soil borne dustfall and suspended particulate in ambient air
AS Yuwono, L Amaliah, NR Rochimawati, A Kurniawan, B Mulyanto
ARPN J. Eng. Appl. Sci 9 (9), 1417-1422, 2014
Low cost configuration of data acquisition system for wireless sensor network
M Rahmat, M Azis, E Rustami, W Maulina, KB Seminar, AS Yuwono, ...
Indonesia International J. Eng. Technol 12 (2), 23-32, 2012
Lingkungan Hidup (The Living Environment), Edisi kedua
M Soerjani, A Yuwono, D Fardiaz
Yayasan Institut Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Lingkungan (IPPL), Jakarta, 2007
Implementation of a quartz microbalance (QMB) sensor array-based instrument and olfactometer for monitoring the performance of an odour biofilter
AS Yuwono, T Hamacher, J Nieß, P Boeker, PS Lammers
2nd IWA International Workshop & Conference on Odour&VOC’s. Singapore, 2003
Coal mining energy utilization and environmental impact management strategy using the LCA method
FRS Tampubolon, AS Yuwono, AH Tambunan, NA Achsani
Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 20 (5), 2007-2015, 2021
Comparison of biodiesel production by conventional and superheated methanol vapor technologies using life cycle assessment method
Rosmeika, AS Yuwono, AH Tambunan
Environmental Engineering Science 31 (3), 107-116, 2014
Penggunaan Bahan Bakar Alternatif dalam Pengelolaan Tambang Batubara sebagai Sumber Energi untuk Mengurangi Dampak Terhadap Lingkungan
FRS Tampubolon, AS Yuwono, AH Tambunan, NA Achsani
J. Ilmu Lingkung 19 (1), 89-97, 2021
Evaluation of Medical Solid Waste Management: A Case Study of Two Hospitals in Bogor, Indonesia
AS Yuwono, NS Ersa
Int. J. Appl. Environ. Sci 13 (3), 323-337, 2018
Comparison of emission and energy for biodiesel production from oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) and Jatropha Curcas (Jatropha curcas L.) based on life cycle assessment (LCA) in …
K Siregar, AH Tambunan, AK Irwanto, SS Wirawan, A Tetsuya
Sekolah Pascasarjana, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor, 2013
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