Huda Ubaya
Cited by
Cited by
Efficient tag-to-tag near field communication (NFC) protocol for secure mobile payment
E Husni, N Basjaruddin, T Purboyo, S Purwantoro, H Ubaya
2011 2nd International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications …, 2011
Disaster mitigation management using geofencing in Indonesia
R Passarella, SP Raflesia, D Lestarini, RF Malik, H Ubaya, A Rifai
2017 11th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and …, 2017
Pemanfaatan Sensor Mq-135 Sebagai Monitoring Kualitas Udara Pada Aula Gedung Fasilkom
MF Akbar, H Ubaya, APP Prasetyo
Sriwijaya Univesity, 2021
Face movement detection using template matching
A Zarkasi, S Nurmaini, D Stiawan, H Ubaya, Y Sanjaya, YN Kunang
2018 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science …, 2018
Design of Prototype Payment Application System With Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology based on Android
H Ubaya
Computer Engineering and Applications Journal 1 (1), 1-12, 2012
Implementation of ram based neural networks on maze mapping algorithms for wall follower robot
A Zarkasi, H Ubaya, C Deri Amanda, R Firsandaya
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1196, 012043, 2019
Evaluation of greedy perimeter stateless routing protocol on vehicular ad hoc network in palembang city
RF Malik, MS Nurfatih, H Ubaya, R Zulfahmi, E Sodikin
2017 International conference on data and software engineering (ICoDSE), 1-5, 2017
Near Field Communication (NFC) Protool Using Tag for Secure Mobile Payment
E Husni, NC Kuspriyanto, TP Basjaruddin, S Purwantoro, H Ubaya
Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Application (SITIA), 2012
First person view on flying robot for real time monitoring
H Ubaya, M Iqbal
ICON-CSE 1 (1), 41-44, 2015
The indoor positioning system using fingerprint method based deep neural network
RF Malik, R Gustifa, A Farissi, D Stiawan, H Ubaya, MR Ahmad, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 248 (1), 012077, 2019
Robot movement controller based on dynamic facial pattern recognition
S Nurmaini, A Zarkasi, D Stiawan, BY Suprapto, SD Siswanti, H Ubaya
Indones. J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci 22 (2), 733, 2021
Performance of RUS and SMOTE Method on Twitter spam data using Random forest
H Ubaya, R Siti Juairiah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1500 (1), 012130, 2020
Implementation color filtering and Harris corner method on pattern recognition system
A Zarkasi, S Sutarno, H Ubaya, M Fajar
Computer Engineering and Applications Journal 6 (3), 139-144, 2017
Dual-channel LoRa gateway using channel assignment on Raspberry Pi
R Firsandaya Malik, A Rizky Perdana, R Zulfahmi, H Ubaya
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1196, 012075, 2019
Implementation of facial landmarks detection method for face follower mobile robot
A Zarkasi, F Abdau, AJ Anda, S Nurmaini, D Stiawan, BY Suprapto, ...
Generic 14 (1), 19-24, 2022
Sensor Fusion and Fuzzy Logic for Stabilization System of Gimbal Camera on Hexacopter
H Ubaya, H Mawarni
International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, 2014
simulasi RFID dari supply chain management menggunakan blockchain
AF Oklilas, ATL Sianturi, H Ubaya, R Passarella
JUPITER: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu dan Teknologi Komputer 15 (1d), 807-818, 2023
Monitoring Temperatur dan Kelembaban Ruang Server Berbasis Web Telegram
P Pingki, H Ubaya, K Exhaudi
Generic 12 (2), 27-31, 2020
Notifikasi Pengingat Jadwal Akseptor KB Di Puskemas X Berbasis Web
D Zhapira, H Ubaya, MA Buchari
Generic 11 (2), 34-37, 2019
Implementasi Penyimpanan Data Offline dan Online pada Sistem Monitoring Kekeruhan Air Berbasis LoRa
FA Prastya
Skripsi Jurusan Teknik Komputer Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya …, 2018
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Articles 1–20