Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences
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Bond strength prediction for deformed steel rebar embedded in recycled coarse aggregate concrete
SW Kim, HD Yun, WS Park, YI Jang
Materials & Design 83, 257-269, 2015
A Comparison of Dielectric Properties of Palm Oil with Mineral and Synthetic Types Insulating Liquid under Temperature Variation.
A Rajab, A Sulaeman, S Sudirham
ITB Journal of Engineering Science, 2011
Macro Data Analysis of Traffic Accidents in Indonesia.
A Jusuf, IP Nurprasetio, A Prihutama
Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 49 (1), 2017
Brine Effluents: Characteristics, Environmental Impacts, and Their Handling.
D Ariono, M Purwasasmita, IG Wenten
Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 48 (4), 2016
Surfactant-Polymer Coreflood Simulation and Uncertainty Analysis Derived from Laboratory Study.
F Hakiki, DA Maharsi, T Marhaendrajana
Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 47 (6), 2015
Surface wave attenuation in mangrove forests
RM Brinkman, SR Massel, PV Ridd, K Furukawa
Pacific Coasts and Ports' 97: Proceedings of the 13th Australasian Coastal …, 1997
Optimisation of laccase production using white rot fungi and agriculture wastes in solid state fermentation
H Risdianto, E Sofianti, SH Suhardi, T Setiadi
ITB Journal of Engineering Science 44 (2), 93-105, 2012
Development of Wet Noodles Based on Cassava Flour.
AZ Abidin, C Devi
Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 45 (1), 2013
Feasibility of recovering energy from municipal solid waste to generate electricity
AD Pasek, KW Gultom, A Suwono
J. Eng. Technol. Sci 45 (3), 241-256, 2013
Liquefaction potential analysis along coastal area of Bengkulu Province due to the 2007 Mw 8.6 Bengkulu earthquake
LZ Mase
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 49 (6), 721-736, 2017
Status of microplastic pollution in aquatic ecosystem with a case study on cherating river, Malaysia
A Pariatamby, FS Hamid, MS Bhatti, N Anuar, N Anuar
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 52 (2), 222-241, 2020
Anatomy of injury severity and fatality in Indonesian traffic accidents
SP Santosa, AI Mahyuddin, FG Sunoto
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 49 (3), 412-422, 2017
Effects of grinding process on the properties of the coal bottom ash and cement paste
SA Mangi, MHW Ibrahim, N Jamaluddin, MF Arshad, SA Memon, ...
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 51 (1), 1-13, 2019
The influence of PEG400 and acetone on polysulfone membrane morphology and fouling behaviour
PTP Aryanti, SR Joscarita, AK Wardani, S Subagjo, D Ariono, IG Wenten
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 48 (2), 135-149, 2016
Non Dispersive Chemical Deacidification of Crude Palm Oil in Hollow Fiber Membrane Contactor.
M Purwasasmita, P Nabu, E Bone, IG Wenten
Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 47 (4), 2015
Effect of rake angle on stress, strain and temperature on the edge of carbide cutting tool in orthogonal cutting using FEM simulation
H Yanda, JA Ghani, CH Che Haron
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 42 (2), 179-194, 2010
Microplastics Contamination in a High Population Density Area of the Chao Phraya River, Bangkok.
AT Ta, S Babel, A Haarstrick
Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 52 (4), 2020
An experimental investigation of passive variable-pitch vertical-axis ocean current turbine
R Hantoro, I Utama, E Erwandi, A Sulisetyono
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 43 (1), 27-40, 2011
The Distribution of Microplastics in Beach Sand in Tien Giang Province and Vung Tau City, Vietnam.
TT Hien, NTT Nhon, VTM Thu, NT Nguyen
Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 52 (2), 2020
Microplastics Abundance and Uptake by Meretrix lyrata (Hard Clam) in Mangrove Forest.
FS Hamid, W Jia, RM Zakaria
Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 52 (3), 2020
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