Otto Fajarianto
Otto Fajarianto
SCOPUS ID 57200984012 | ID SINTA 6720379 Universitas Negeri Malang
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Sistem penunjang keputusan seleksi penerimaan karyawan dengan metode weighted product
O Fajarianto, M Iqbal, JT Cahya
Jurnal Sisfotek Global 7 (1), 2017
Prototype Pelayanan Akademik Terhadap Komplain Mahasiswa Berbasis Mobile
O Fajarianto
Jurnal Lentera ICT 3 (1), 54-60, 2016
Model pengembangan desa wisata berbasis kearifan lokal sebagai strategi peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat di desa cupang kecamatan gempol kabupaten cirebon
S Jubaedah, O Fajarianto
Abdimas Awang Long 4 (1), 1-12, 2021
Pelatihan Pemrograman Css Dan Html Di Smk Avicena
H Thamrin, O Fajarianto, A Ahmad
Abdimas Awang Long 4 (1), 51-60, 2021
Sistem Informasi Lowongan Kerja Kota Tangerang Berbasis Android dan Web Service
S Maisaroh, O Fajarianto, M Nasir
Jurnal Sisfotek Global 9 (1), 2019
The development of learning materials for introduction of animals in early childhood using augmented reality
O Fajarianto, MI Setiawan, A Mursidi, D Sundiman, DAP Sari
Knowledge Management in Organizations: 13th International Conference, KMO …, 2018
Penggunaan Aplikasi Digital Kearsipan pada PAUD Arrahman Desa Karangmangu Kabupaten Cirebon
S Wulandari, AD Lestari, O Fajarianto
Abdimas Awang Long 4 (2), 39-44, 2021
The Effect of Social Media on Reading Intensity of Fifth Grade Elementary School Students
PK Sari, D Rostini, O Fajarianto, Y Safitri
International Conference on Agriculture, Social Sciences, Education …, 2020
Pemanfaatan Qr Code Sebagai Media Promosi Dan Informasi Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati Cirebon
O Fajarianto, AD Lestari, D Erawati
Jurnal Signal 9 (1), 100-107, 2021
Innovation education character based on management learning at junior high school
D Rostini, DS Wijanarko, O Fajarianto, E Ratnawati, M Siswoyo, ...
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2019
The influence of Human resources Quality on improving the performance of small and Medium Enterprises in Thousand Islands, North Jakarta
Y Harsono, O Fajarianto
IJEBD (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development) 3 …, 2020
Increasing ability reading by flash card method in children age 5-6 years in kindergarten kasih ibu kec. Periuk kota Tangerang
E Fitria, R Nasution, O Fajarianto, NA Wardah
1st International Conference on Life, Innovation, Change and Knowledge …, 2019
Cooperation between Teacher Guidance and Counseling with Islamic Religious Education Teacher to Provide Service Guidance Counseling
NI Wahidah, M Mahmudi, O Fajarianto, D Fajaryanti, H Hanafi
International Symposium on Social Sciences, Education, and Humanities (ISSEH …, 2019
Character Education Learning Model for Elementary School
O Fajarianto, ER Harimurti, Y Harsono
EDUCATIO: Journal of Education 7 (4), 203-213, 2023
Pelatihan Komunikasi Pemasaran E-Commerce Melalui Aplikasi Layanan Koperasi Usaha Kecil dan Menengah Di Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika dan Statistika Kota Cirebon
F Nurfalah, O Fajarianto, RN Santika
Abdimas Awang Long 6 (1), 14-20, 2023
Strategy for Improving the Quality of Human Resources to Improve the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kepulauan Seribu, North Jakarta
Y Harsono, O Fajarianto
The 1st International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and …, 2021
Juridical Analysis of Currency and Citizenship Status of Children on Divorce in Mixed Marriage
N Yolanda, OF Mudasir
Rigeo 11 (10), 2021
Development of hyper content learning model for character education in elementary school children
O Fajarianto, S Muslim, N Ibrahim
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2020
Model Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris Untuk SD Berbasis Pendekatan Kontekstual
H Usman, NCM Utami, O Fajarianto
JTP-Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan 21 (3), 231-240, 2019
Development of Digital Comic on Thematic Learning to Improve Literature Skills of 5th Grade Students in Elementary School
PK Sari, S Arofatinajah, O Fajarianto
JTP-Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan 24 (1), 38-49, 2022
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Articles 1–20