Lubna Khan
Lubna Khan
Asst. Prof. of Translation, NUML, Islamabad
Email yang diverifikasi di numl.edu.pk
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What is the effect of learning from home policy on the perspectives of Islamic boarding school graduates (pesantren) on digital learning in higher education?
N Mufidah, LF Khan
al Mahāra Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab 6 (2), 293-304, 2020
E-Teaching of Arabic To Non-Native Speakers In Pandemic
L Khan, N Mufidah, M Idrees
Journal of Arabic Learning 4 (2), 376, 2021
The challenges of globalization on the Arabic language and Islamic education: The challenges of globalization on the Arabic language and Islamic education
L Khan, I Ullah
Bannu University Research Journal in Islamic Studies 9 (1), 2022
E-Teaching Of Arabic To Non-Native Speakers In Pandemic/تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها عن بعد وفي عصر انتشار الاؤبئة
LF Khan, N Mufidah, MUHM Idrees
Ijaz Arabi Journal of Arabic Learning 4 (2), 2021
أساليب ومجالات تفعيل التعليم عن بعد ودورها في تعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها
MU Qurashi, N Mufidah, LF Khan
Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic Education (ICIED) 5 (1 …, 2021
Tantangan dan Prospek Bahasa Arab di Era Modern: Tantangan dan Prospek Bahasa Arab di Era Modern
AS Al Qolbi, LF Khan, IZ Ulfiandi
Ma'arif Journal of Education, Madrasah Innovation and Aswaja Studies 3 (1), 2024
Tathbiqu Wasa’ilu At-Ta’liim Bithoqotil Wamdhiyati (Flash Card) Fi Ta’liimi Al-Mufrodati Lil-athfaali تطبيق وسائل التعليم بطاقة الومضية (Flash Card) في تعليم المفردات للأطفال …
RR Utami, LF Khan, N Mufidah
Ma'arif Journal of Education, Madrasah Innovation and Aswaja Studies 1 (2), 2022
Corona Pandemic and its Repercussions on Education: جائحة كورنا وانعكاساتها على التعليم
LF Khan, N Mufidah
ICONIS: International Conference on Islamic Studies 5, 99-118, 2021
المرأة في الخطاب القرآني (دراسة وصفية)
L Farrah, N Bibi
Tahdhib-al-Afkar, 121-143, 2021
إشكالية الترجمة السمع بصرية بين العربية والأنجليزية: The obstacle in audiovisual translation From Arabic to English
L Khan
Hazaraislamicus 10 (01), 01-12, 2021
Arabic Proverbs and Challenges in Translating them into English
L Farah
Fahm-I-Islam 4 (1), 99-116, 2021
Aesthetics of the Phonemic Structure in the Quran
L Farah, R Ullah
ĪQĀN 3 (02), 15-30, 2021
ARABIC 5 THE SHORT STORY BETWEEN ARABIC AND URDU (COMPARATIVE STUDY): القصة القصيرة بين العربية والأردية (دراسة مقارنة)
L Farah, AB Owais
Habibia Islamicus (The International Journal of Arabic and Islamic Research …, 2021
Arabic:(12) إشكالية الألفاظ الأعجمية في كتاب الله
L Farah
al-Furȗq fî al-mȗrfîmât bayn al-‘arabiyyah wa al-injilîziyyah “almȗrfîm (mâ) al-‘Arabiy wa al-Injilîziy (what) Anmȗdhajan
LF Khan, N Mufidah
Uktub: Journal of Arabic Studies 1 (1), 2021
Domestication and Foreignization in Translating Quranic Text: التكافؤ بين التوطين والتغريب عند ترجمة النصوص القرآنية
L Farah, MUHI Qureshi
Islamic Sciences 3 (1), 1-14, 2020
إشكالية الألفاظ الأعجمية في كتاب الله
L Farah
AL-Qalam 25 (2), 242-266, 2020
Challenges in Machine Translation For Teaching Arabic Language/الترجمة الحاسوبية والتحديات في التعليم اللغة العربية
LF Khan
Ijaz Arabi Journal of Arabic Learning 3 (2), 2020
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