Maria Anityasari
Maria Anityasari
Dept of Industrial & System Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
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Manufacturing sustainability assessment using a lean manufacturing tool: A case study in the Indonesian wooden furniture industry
S Hartini, U Ciptomulyono, M Anityasari
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 11 (5), 943-971, 2020
Analisa Kelayakan Usaha
M Anityasari, NA Wessiani
Publisher: Guna Widya, 2011
A concept of reliability evaluation for reuse and remanufacturing
M Anityasari, H Kaebernick
International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing 1 (1-2), 3-17, 2008
A technical and economic model for End-of-Life (EOL) options of industrial products
H Kaebernick, M Anityasari, S Kara
International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 1 (2), 171-183, 2002
Socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on waste bank closed-loop system in Surabaya, Indonesia
I Warmadewanthi, D Wulandari, MN Cahyadi, ES Pandebesie, ...
Waste Management & Research 39 (8), 1039-1047, 2021
Analisis gaya hidup berkelanjutan (sustainable lifestyle) siswa-siswi sma di surabaya dan upaya perbaikannya
MINP Saraswati, M Anityasari
Jurnal teknik ITS 1 (1), A561-A566, 2012
Sustainable-value stream mapping to evaluate sustainability performance: case study in an Indonesian furniture company
S Hartini, U Ciptomulyono, M Anityasari, D Pudjotomo
MATEC Web of Conferences 154, 01055, 2018
Analisis Implementasi Green BankingPada PT Bank X (Persero) Tbk.
ANF Ayu, M Anityasari
Jurnal Teknik Pomits 1 (1), 1-6, 2013
The role of warranty in the reuse strategy
M Anityasari, H Kaebernick, S Kara
Advances in Life Cycle Engineering for Sustainable Manufacturing Businesses …, 2007
Indonesian sustainable food-availability policy assessment using system dynamics: A solution for complexities
W Findiastuti, M Laksono Singgih, M Anityasari
Cogent Food & Agriculture 4 (1), 1455795, 2018
Evaluation of product reusability based on a technical and economic model: a case study of televisions
M Anityasari, H Bao, H Kaebernick
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the …, 2005
Extended value stream mapping to enhance sustainability: A literature review
S Hartini, U Ciptomulyono, M Anityasari
AIP Conference Proceedings 1902 (1), 2017
Green Productivity index: do different terms measure the same things
W Findiastuti, M Anityasari, ML Singgih
Proceeding of Industrial Engineering and Service Science, 20-21, 2011
Business Model and Value Proposition Design for The Establishment of The Herbal Tourism Village in Surabaya
BM Wibawa, I Baihaqi, MS Hakim, A Kunaifi, M Anityasari
International Conference on Innovation in Business, 2016
Reuse of industrial products-a technical and economic model for decision support
M Anityasari
UNSW Sydney, 2008
Peningkatan fasilitas bank sampah sebagai upaya pengurangan timbunan sampah perkotaan di TPS Surabaya
D Mandasari, B Wirjodirdjo, M Anityasari
Jurnal Teknik ITS 9 (2), F322-F327, 2021
Sustainable suppy chain value stream mapping (Ssc-Vsm) the application in two bottle drinking water companies
W Megayanti, M Anityasari, U Ciptomulyono
8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations …, 2018
Lesson learnt from top-down selection of medium enterprises for green industry pilot project in Surabaya
M Anityasari, AN Rachmat
Procedia Manufacturing 4, 54-61, 2015
Evaluating alternatives of product design: a multi criteria group decision making approach
D Ernawati, IN Pujawan, IML Batan, M Anityasari
International Journal of Services and Operations Management 20 (3), 271-288, 2015
Perhitungan Nilai Kompensasi Atas Risiko Kerja Pemadam Kebakaran-Dinas Kebakaran Kota Surabaya Melalui Pendekatan Manajemen Risiko
A Andriyan, M Anityasari, NA Wessiani
Skripsi Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2011
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Articles 1–20