Ahmad Fauzi
Ahmad Fauzi
UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA, Scopus ID: 55211897100 Sinta ID: 5990054 Orcid ID 0000-0003-4072-7936
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Kadar hormon kortisol dan rasio neutrofil/limfosit (N/L) satwa lutung jawa pada saat di kandang perawatan dan kandang karantina di hutan Coban Talun, Batu
N Titisari, K Asri, A Fauzi, I Masnur, I Kurniawan
Journal of Tropical Animal Production 20 (1), 29-37, 2019
The Effects of Water Clover (Marsilea Crenata) Extract against Estrogen, Progesterone And Uterine Histology on Rat (Rattus Norvegicus)
N Titisari, A Fauzi, A Adyana, P Trisunuwati
International Journal of PharmTech 9 (6), 165-171, 2016
Gentamicin Nephrotoxicity in Animal Model: Study of Kidney Histopathology and Physiological Functions
A Fauzi, N Titisari, Sutarso, V Mellisa
IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 465 (1), 1-9, 2020
The effect of Virgin coconut oil (VCO) on Staphylococcus aureus infection in mice (Mus musculus) observed from different organ histopathology.
A Fauzi, I Setiawan, F Ariyanti
Sustainability Ummat: Geliat Pesantren Dalam Membangun Kemandirian Ekonomi Masyarakat Aceh
A Fauzi, M Afna
At-Tafkir 9 (2), 84-121, 2016
Perbedaan tingkat stres lutung jawa (trachypitecus auratus) pada kandang perawatan dan kandang karantina di javan langur center (Jlc) ditinjau dari kadar kortisol dan rasio …
ED Danafi, D Winarso, R Swatomo, A Fauzi, I Masnur, I Kurniawan, ...
TERNAK TROPIKA Journal of Tropical Animal Production 18 (2), 34-41, 2017
Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) as a potential biomarker for early detection of acute renal failure
A Fauzi, SIO Salasia, N Titisari
Comparative Clinical Pathology 25, 387-392, 2016
Penilaian Risiko Ergonomi dalam Kegiatan Pemungutan Getah Pinus: Analisis Postur Kerja Statis (Ergonomics Risk Assessment in Pine Resin Harvesting: A Static Postural Analysis)
EY Yovi, A Fauzi
Jurnal Sylva Lestari 9 (1), 104-120, 2021
Therapeutic effect of Morus alba leaf extract and chlorogenic acid on inhibiting the progression of kidney disease
A Fauzi, N Titisari, MHM Noor, A Azlan, H Hamzah
Cogent Food & Agriculture 10 (1), 2301841, 2024
Bioactivity, phytochemistry studies and subacute in vivo toxicity of ethanolic leaf extract of white mulberry (Morus alba linn.) in female mice
A Fauzi, N Kifli, MHM Noor, H Hamzah, A Azlan
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 325, 117914, 2024
The effect of purple sweet potato (Ipomea batatas L.) extract gel toward TNF-α expression and skin collagen density on rats (Rattus norvegicus) with open wound models
DD Ningrum, MC Padaga, A Fauzi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1430 (1), 012018, 2020
Inflammatory mediator responses of Vaccinium corymbosum extracts on the streptokinase induced acute glomerulonephritis in rats.
A Fauzi, AF Pamungkas, N Titisari, A Noviatri, FS Permata
Optimasi Preparasi Sampel untuk Penetapan Kadar Protein Ekstrak Cacing Tanah (Lumbricus rubellus)
A Fauzi, W Utami, D Vitasari, AS Wahyuni
Jurnal Pharmascience 9 (1), 106-112, 2022
Ergonomics risk assessment in pine resin harvesting: a static postural analysis.
EY Yovi, A Fauzi
Perbandingan Kadar Kortisol dan Rasio N/L (Neutrofil/Limfosit) Antara Lutung Jawa Jantan dan Betina di Kandang Sosialisasi
N Titisari, N Anindia, A Fauzi, I Masnur, I Kuniawan
TERNAK TROPIKA Journal of Tropical Animal Production 20 (1), 38-45, 2019
Series of Medical Examination as an Initial Phase of Rehabilitation Program in Lutung Jawa Conservation
N Titisari, A Fauzi, A Noviatri, D Vidiastuti, I Masnur, I Kurniawan
IPB Open Journal Systems 1 (1), 263-264, 2018
Secure Community Trust Stores for Peer-to-Peer e-Commerce Applications Using Cloud Services
AH Fauzi, H Taylor
International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI) 4 (1), 1-15, 2013
Evaluasi Perencanaan Sistem Penerangan Hotel Q Kubu Raya Kalimantan Barat
A Fauzi, MI Arsyad
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Energy, and Information Technology 1 (1), 2000
Dietary menhaden fish oil supplementation suppresses lipopolysaccharide-induced neuroinflammation and cognitive impairment in diabetic rats
N Titisari, A Fauzi, IS Abdul Razak, MH Mohd Noor, N Samsulrizal, ...
Pharmaceutical Biology 62 (1), 447-455, 2024
Hematological, biochemical, and histopathological evaluation of the Morus alba L. leaf extract from Brunei Darussalam: Acute toxicity study in ICR mice
A Fauzi, N Kifli, MHM Noor, H Hamzah, A Azlan
Open Veterinary Journal 14 (3), 750, 2024
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