Wawan Gunawan
Wawan Gunawan
Professor at Geophysical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
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Eksplorasi Gaya Berat dan Magnetik
WGA Kadir
Jurusan Teknik Geofisika, Fakultas Ilmu Kebumian dan Teknologi Mineral …, 2000
Fractal geometry of the Sumatra active fault system and its geodynamical implications
S Sukmono, MT Zen, WGA Kadir, L Hendrajaya, D Santoso, J Dubois
Journal of Geodynamics 22 (1-2), 1-9, 1996
Fractal pattern of the Sumatra fault seismicity and its possible application to earthquake prediction
S Sukmono, MT Zen, L Hendrajaya, WGA Kadir, D Santoso, J Dubois
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 87 (6), 1685-1690, 1997
Reservoir characterization for site selection in the Gundih CCS project, Indonesia
T Tsuji, T Matsuoka, WGA Kadir, M Hato, T Takahashi, MR Sule, ...
Energy Procedia 63, 6335-6343, 2014
Gravity structure around Mt. Pandan, Madiun, East Java, Indonesia and its relationship to 2016 seismic activity
D Santoso, EJ Wahyudi, WGA Kadir, S Alawiyah, AD Nugraha, P Supendi, ...
Open Geosciences 10 (1), 882-888, 2018
Strategy of 4D microgravity survey for the monitoring of fluid dynamics in the subsurface
M Sarkowi, GA Kadir, D Santoso
Gravity gradient technique to identify fracture zones in Palu Koro strike-slip fault
R Efendi, WGA Kadir, D Santoso, CI Abdullah, S Alawiyah
Procedia Environmental Sciences 17, 248-255, 2013
Well integrity evaluation prior to converting a conventional gas well to CO2 injector well–Gundih CCS pilot project in Indonesia (phase 1)
BTH Marbun, DE Prasetyo, H Prabowo, D Susilo, FR Firmansyah, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 88, 447-459, 2019
Syarkowi., Adriansyah, & Waluyo.(2004). Time-lapse microgravity study for injection water monitoring of Talang Jimar Field
D Santoso, W Gunawan
Proc. of 7th SEGJ International Symposium 2004, 2004
Поперечные колебания стержня с переменным поперечным сечением и вычисление его собственных частот методом сплайнов
ВП Павлов
Вестник Уфимского государственного авиационного технического университета 21 …, 2017
Time Lapse Vertical Gradient Microgravity Measurement for Subsurface Mass Change and Vertical Ground Movement (Subsidence) Identification, Case Study: Semarang alluvial plain …
WGA Kadir, D Santoso, M Sarkowi
Proceedings of the 7th SEGJ International Symposium, Sendai–Japan, 421-426, 2004
Upaya peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat melalui agroforestry pada kawasan hutan dengan tujuan khusus borisallo
N Hayati
Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Ekonomi Kehutanan 8 (3), 231-249, 2011
Nurachman dan Purwanti, R. 2013. Konflik pada Kawasan Taman Nasional Bulu Sarung Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan dan Upaya Penyelesaiannya
AM Kadir
Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Ekonomi Kehutanan 10 (3), 186-198, 0
The 4-D gravity survey and its subsurface dynamics: a theoretical approach
WGA Kadir
Proceeding of 24th Indonesian Geophysical Society Annual Meeting, 94-99, 1999
Dekonvolusi anomali gayaberat bouguer dan derivatif vertikal orde dua dengan menggunakan persamaan dasar potensial, studi kasus: P
WGA Kadir
Sumatra, Fakultas Pascasarjana, ITB, 1996
Gravity Data Decomposition Based on Spectral Analysis and Halo Wavelet Transform, Case Study at Bird's Head Peninsula, West Papua.
A Handyarso, WGA Kadir
Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 49 (4), 2017
Designing a Genetic Algorithm for Efficient Calculation in Time-Lapse Gravity Inversion.
EJ Wahyudi, D Santoso, WG Abdul Kadir, S Alawiyah
Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences, 2014
Principle and Application of 4D Microgravity Survey for Engineering Purpose, Case Example: Groundwater Level Lowering and Subsidence in Residential Area of Jakarta
WGA Kadir, D Santoso, S Alawiyah
Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental …, 2007
Eksplorasi Gayaberat & Magnetik
WGA Kadir
Jurusan Teknik Geofisika, Fakultas Ilmu KebumiandanTeknologi Mineral …, 2000
Subsurface structure interpretation beneath of Mt. Pandan based on gravity data
D Santoso, EJ Wahyudi, S Alawiyah, AD Nugraha, S Widiyantoro, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 62 (1), 012038, 2017
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Articles 1–20