Ridho Bramulya Ikhsan
Ridho Bramulya Ikhsan
BINUS Online, Business Management, Bina Nusantara University,
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Pratikum Metode Riset Bisnis
R Lupiyoadi, RB Ikhsan
Salemba Empat, 2015
Building trust through customer satisfaction in the airline industry in Indonesia: Service quality and price fairness contribution
E Setiawan, S Wati, A Wardana, R Ikhsan
Management Science Letters 10 (5), 1095-1102, 2020
Waste-to-energy supply chain management on circular economy capability: An empirical study
Y Fernando, ML Tseng, N Aziz, RB Ikhsan, IS Wahyuni-TD
Sustainable Production and Consumption 31, 26-38, 2022
The determinants of students' perceived learning outcomes and satisfaction in BINUS online learning
RB Ikhsan, LA Saraswati, BG Muchardie, A Susilo
2019 5th international conference on new media studies (CONMEDIA), 68-73, 2019
A mixed-method study on the barriers of industry 4.0 adoption in the Indonesian SMEs manufacturing supply chains
Y Fernando, IS Wahyuni-TD, A Gui, RB Ikhsan, F Mergeresa, Y Ganesan
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management 14 (4), 678-695, 2022
How to improve ship crew’s work effectiveness through the leadership style, work life balance and employee engagement in Indonesia national shipping
P Ricardianto, R Ikhsan, R Setiawati, R Gugat
Management Science Letters 10 (2), 399-410, 2020
Predicting purchase behaviour of Indonesian and French Muslim consumers: insights from a multi-group analysis
FS Firdaus, RB Ikhsan, Y Fernando
Journal of Islamic Marketing 14 (5), 1229-1259, 2023
Repurchase intention in e-commerce merchants: Practical evidence from college students
S Lukito, R Ikhsan
Management Science Letters 10 (13), 3089-3096, 2020
Gamification in learning process and its impact on entrepreneurial intention
A Aries, V Vional, L Saraswati, L Wijaya, R Ikhsan
Management Science Letters 10 (4), 763-768, 2020
Instagram as information in developing purchase intentions: The role of social E-wom and brand attitude
TM Adila, WS Bintang, RB Ikhsan, M Fahlevi
2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology …, 2020
The influence of dynamic capability on sustainable competitive advantage: An empirical study of small businesses in Indonesia
H Prabowo, T Sriwidadi, RB Ikhsan
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 8 (6), 949-959, 2021
Drivers of green entrepreneurial intention: why does sustainability awareness matter among university students?
H Prabowo, RB Ikhsan, Y Yuniarty
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 873140, 2022
Innovation capability and sustainable competitive advantage: An entrepreneurial marketing perspective
S Teguh, P Hartiwi, BI Ridho, SH BACHTIAR, AS SYNTHIA, HA Noor
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 8 (5), 127-134, 2021
Student purchase intention in higher education sector: The role of social network marketing and student engagement
H Prabowo, R Bramulya, Y Yuniarty
Management Science Letters 10 (1), 103-110, 2020
Drivers of buyer retention in e-commerce: The role of transaction characteristics and trust
K Silitonga, A Fakhrorazi, R Ikhsan
Management Science Letters 10 (15), 3485-3494, 2020
Practising circular economy performance in Malaysia: managing supply chain disruption and technological innovation capability under industry 4.0
Y Fernando, ML Tseng, GM Nur, RB Ikhsan, MK Lim
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 26 (12), 1704-1727, 2023
Perceived risk and trust in adoption E-wallet: the role of perceived usefulness and ease of use
GMM Dewi, L Joshua, RB Ikhsan, Y Yuniarty, RK Sari, A Susilo
2021 International Conference on Information Management and Technology …, 2021
E-WOM and social commerce purchase intentions: Applying the theory of planned behavior
RB Ikhsan, J Ohliati
2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology …, 2020
Building customer retention in on-line transportation
J Simarmata, RB Ikhsan
Polish journal of management studies 15, 2017
SST-Servqual and customer outcomes in service industry: Mediating the rule of corporate reputation
R Ikhsan, J Simarmata
Management Science Letters 11 (2), 561-576, 2021
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Articles 1–20