La Ode Husen
La Ode Husen
Universitas Muslim Indonesia
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Metode Penelitian Hukum
S Sampara, LO Husen
Kretakupa, Makassar, 2016
Hubungan Fungsi Pengawasan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dengan Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Dalam Sistem Ketatanegaraan Indonesia
LO Husein
CV. Utomo, Bandung, 2005
Negara Hukum, Demokrasi dan Pemisahan Kekuasaan
LO Husen
CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn), Makassar, 2019
Hukum Pemerintahan Daerah dalam Perspektif Otonomi Khusus
H Jalil, LO Husen, A Abidin, FS Rezah
CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn), Makassar, 2017
Hukum Konstitusi: Kesepakatan (Agreement) dan Kebiasaan (Custom) Sebagai Pilar Konvensi Ketatanegaraan
LO Husen, H Thamrin
CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn), Makassar, 2017
Pengamanan Intelijen Kepolisian Terhadap Putusan Pengadilan Atas Objek Sengketa
LO Husen, S Salle, AA Syalman, AK Muzakkir
SIGn Jurnal Hukum 1 (2), 136-148, 2020
Pemenuhan Hak Kebebasan Berpendapat Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 9 Tahun 1999 Tentang Kemerdekaan Berpendapat Di Muka Umum
NY Bakhtiar, LO Husen, MR Bima
Journal of Lex Theory (JLT) 1 (1), 41-58, 2020
State Civil Apparatus in Indonesia in the Conception of Welfare State: A Study of Legal Material Law Number 5 Year 2014 on State Civil Apparatus
M Muhammad, LO Husen
Asian Social Science 15 (3), 64, 2019
Implementation of Legal Guarantees for Human Rights Protection in Indonesia
L Husen, AI Anwar, S Rahman, MK Hidjaz
Journal of Law and Sustainable Development 11 (4), e624-e624, 2023
The Enforcement Of Ethics Of State Officials In The Indonesian Legal System
LO Husen, S Rahman, S Sampara, N Arsyad
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) 3 (5), 1684-1689, 2017
Efektivitas Fungsi Kepolisian Dalam Penegakan Hukum Tindak Pidana Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas
F Rochman, LO Husen, A Agis
Indonesian Journal of Criminal Law 2 (2), 76-92, 2020
The Nature of Justice in Criminal Peneemby under the Minimal Limitation in Decision Judge of Corruption
H Thalib, LO Husen, S Pasamai, Muliyawan
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) 3 (9), 147-154, 2017
Iktisar Filsafat Ilmu: Dalam Perspektif Barat dan Islam
LO Husen, S Sampara, N Qamar, Salle
CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn), Makassar, 2017
Hukum Pajak & Hak Privilege
LO Husen
CV. Utomo, Bandung, 2009
Refund Losses of State Assets of Perpetrators of Criminal Acts Of Tax Through Means Legal Penal And Non-Penal Law Systems in Indonesia
M Napang, LO Husen, L Mamonto
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science 22 (11), 10-19, 2017
General Election Of The Regional Head In The Local Government System (A Study in Makassar)
M Majid, LO Husen, S Pasamai
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science 23 (5), 87-94, 2018
Factors Affecting the Protection of Indigenous Peoples' Rights under the National Agrarian Law System (Case Study in Central Sulawesi Province)
S Pasamai, LO Husen, S Rahman, Maisa
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) 3 (5), 1958-1970, 2017
The Dispute of the Simultaneous Village Head Election: A Case Study in North Luwu Regency. Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum, 25 (1), 63-81
LO Husen, AK Muzakkir, N Nasirah
Legal Politics for the Establishment of Regional Regulations in Realizing the Development of the National Legal System
Salle, LO Husen, S Sampara
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 8 (2), 800-813, 2019
The Effectiveness Of Criminal Implementation On The Criminal Activities Of Marriage Drugs
A Priyatna, LO Husen, MN Fadhila
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science 23 (5), 01-07, 2018
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Articles 1–20