Hendry Saragih
Hendry Saragih
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The effect of cashew leaf extract on small intestine morphology and growth performance of Jawa Super chicken
H Setiawan, ME Jingga, HT Saragih
Veterinary world 11 (8), 1047, 2018
Pewarisan karakter fenotip ayam hasil persilangan ayam pelung dengan ayam cemani
BS Daryono, I Roosdianto, HTS Saragih
Jurnal Veteriner 11 (4), 257-263, 2010
PECAM-1-dependent heme oxygenase-1 regulation via an Nrf2-mediated pathway in endothelial cells
H Saragih, E Zilian, Y Jaimes, A Paine, C Figueiredo, B Eiz-Vesper, ...
Thrombosis and haemostasis 111 (06), 1077-1088, 2014
Antibodies against dengue virus nonstructural protein-1 induce heme oxygenase-1 via a redox-dependent pathway in human endothelial cells
S Immenschuh, P Rahayu, B Bayat, H Saragih, A Rachman, S Santoso
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 54, 85-92, 2013
Effects of Spirogyra jaoensis as a dietary supplement on growth, pectoralis muscle performance, and small intestine morphology of broiler chickens
HT Saragih, AAK Muhamad, A Alfianto, F Viniwidihastuti, LF Untari, ...
Veterinary World 12 (8), 1233, 2019
Effect of varying levels of protein and energy in pre-stater feeds on pectoralis muscle development of Kampung Super Chicks (Gallus gallus gallus)
UE Puspita, RT Utomo, ABI Perdamaian, I Lesmana, H Arijuddin, ...
Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 12 (1), 31-37, 2017
The Effect of Varying Level of Crude Protein and Energy on Insulin like Growth Factor-I Gene Expression in Indonesian Hybrid Chicken
HT Saragih, A Ilham P, BS Daryono
International Journal of Poultry Science, 2016
Growth performance, morphometric of the small intestine, lymphoid organ, and ovary of laying hens supplemented with Dates (Phoenix dactylifera L.) extract in drinking water
HTSSGS L. U. Albab, T. I. Claudya, R. Oktafianti, N. Salsabila, R. D. Putri
Veterinary World 15 (2), 350-359, 2022
Anadara granosa shell powder improves the metabolism, testosterone level, and sound frequency of Pelung chickens
RF Yuneldi, P Astuti, HTS Saragih, CM Airin
Veterinary World 14 (6), 1564, 2021
Polymorphism of myostatin gene and its association with body weight traits in a hybrid of GAMA chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus Linn. 1758)
A Tanjung, H Saragih, HP Soenarwan, S Widianto, IWS Mahardhika, ...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 20 (11), 2019
Pakan aditif ekstrak etanol lumut hati meningkatkan pertumbuhan morfologi duodenum dan perkembangan otot dada ayam pedaging
H Saragih, MF Alawi, M Rafieiy, I Lesmana, H Sujadmiko
J Veteriner 18 (4), 617-623, 2017
Effect of high-protein diet on body weight and pectoralis thoracicus muscle performance on pelung and broiler chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)
H Saragih, BS Daryono
Animal Production 14 (3), 2012
Heme oxygenase-1 inhibits HLA class I antibody-dependent endothelial cell activation
E Zilian, H Saragih, V Vijayan, O Hiller, C Figueiredo, A Aljabri, ...
Plos one 10 (12), e0145306, 2015
Application of Natural Aromatase Blocker Towards the Level of Testosterone in Rooster Layer [Gallus gallus gallus (Linn., 1758)]
RF Yuneldi, CM Airin, HT Saragih, P Astuti
Key Engineering Materials 884, 251-255, 2021
Ameliorative effect of Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) peel infusion on the histopathological structures of the liver and kidney of rats (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769 …
JRA Rusman, SA Sundari, A Nuriliani, HT Saragih
veterinary world 14 (6), 1579-1587, 2021
Body Weight Gain and Carcass Quality of the Hybrid Chicken Derived from the Crossing between Female F1 Kampung Super and Male F1 Kampung-Broiler
UE Puspita, HT Saragih, T Hartatik, BS Daryono
JTBB, 2021
Biosupplementation of Ethanolic Extract of Cashew Leaf (Anacardium occidentale L.) to Improve Weight Gain and Immunity of Jawa Super Chicken
ME Jingga, H Setiawan, A Nuriliani, HT Saragih
Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana 7 (2), 57-65, 2019
Pectoralis thoracicus muscle performance of hybrid chicken (F1) derived from crossbreed between broiler and pelung (Gallus gallus gallus)
HTS Saragih, I Roosdianto, BS Daryono
Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan-Indonesian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 11 (2), 2017
Histological Study on the Pancreatic-Cell Number of Indigenous Chicks in First Crossbred (F1)
H Saragih, BS Daryono
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 35 (3), 201-205, 2014
Phenotypic characteristics of exotic-broiler, Kampung, male exotic-layer, KUB-1 and Pelung chickens.
HTS Saragih, F Viniwidihastuti, RP Lembayu, AR Kinanthi, H Kurnianto, ...
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