Journal of Applied Intelligent System
Journal of Applied Intelligent System
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Cited by
Secure image steganography algorithm based on dct with otp encryption
EH Rachmawanto, CA Sari
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 2 (1), 1-11, 2017
Naive bayes classification pada klasifikasi dokumen untuk identifikasi konten e-government
AP Wijaya, HA Santoso
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 1 (1), 48-55, 2016
Pemodelan perilaku musuh menggunakan Finite State Machine (FSM) pada game pengenalan unsur kimia
T Bimantoro, H Haryanto
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 1 (3), 210-219, 2016
Expert system with certainty factor for early diagnosis of red chili peppers diseases
F Agus, HE Wulandari, IF Astuti
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 2 (2), 52-66, 2017
Penerapan Algoritma Genetika Untuk Penjadwalan Mata Pelajaran
NLGP Suwirmayanti, IM Sudarsana, S Darmayasa
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 1 (3), 220-233, 2016
Analisis Pengaruh Display Interior Terhadap Perilaku Pembelian Impulsif Konsumen Indomaret Pontianak
A Fitriana
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 1 (2), 90-102, 2016
Penyembunyian Data Untuk Seluruh Ekstensi File Menggunakan Kriptografi Vernam Cipher dan Bit Shiffting
CA Sari, EH Rachmawanto, DW Utomo, RR Sani
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 1 (3), 179-190, 2016
Sistem Pakar Kerusakan Mesin Jahit Dengan Metode Certainty Factor Berbasis Android
A Saputra, HA Taman
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 1 (1), 36-47, 2016
Penerapan algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor pada information retrieval dalam penentuan topik referensi tugas akhir
RR Sani, J Zeniarja, A Luthfiarta
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 1 (2), 123-133, 2016
Reward Dinamis dalam Skenario Adaptif Menggunakan Metode Finite State Machine pada Game Edukasi
H Haryanto
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 1 (2), 144-153, 2016
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Kelayakan Penerimaan Pengajar Menggunakan Metode Profile Matching (Studi Kasus pada ELTI Gramedia Tasikmalaya)
EB Sambani, D Mulyana, I Maulana
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 1 (2), 103-112, 2016
Tomato Maturity Classification using naive bayes algorithm and Histogram feature extraction
A Kusuma, MDM Putra
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 3 (1), 39-48, 2018
Analysis of Secure Image Crypto-Stegano Based on Electronic Code Book and Least Significant Bit
KR Ilaga, CA Sari
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 3 (1), 28-38, 2018
Analisis Perbandingan Algoritma ID3 Dan C4. 5 Untuk Klasifikasi Penerima Hibah Pemasangan Air Minum Pada PDAM Kabupaten Kendal
DM Agustina
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 1 (3), 234-244, 2016
Aplikasi Penjadwalan Terapi dengan Metode FCFS pada Sixo Reflexology
R Hadi, Y Nugrahaeni
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 1 (2), 134-143, 2016
Implementasi Logika Fuzzy Mamdani pada Penilaian Kinerja Pelayanan Perawat
A Muthohar, Y Rahayu
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 1 (1), 67-76, 2016
Particle swarm optimization for improved accuracy of disease diagnosis
SI Novichasari, IS Wibisono
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 5 (2), 57-68, 2020
Estimation of Students’ Graduation Using Multiple Linear Regression Method
BDF Kurniatullah, YTC Pramudi
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 2 (1), 29-36, 2017
Diagnosis of heart disease using k-nearest neighbor method based on forward selection
J Zeniarja, A Ukhifahdhina, A Salam
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 4 (2), 39-47, 2019
A high result for image security using crypto-stegano based on ECB mode and LSB encryption
KR Ilaga, CA Sari, EH Rachmawanto
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 3 (1), 28-38, 2018
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Articles 1–20