Abdulloh Fuad
Abdulloh Fuad
Unirsitas Negeri Malang
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Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Pada Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus
M Maftuhin, AJ Fuad
Journal An-Nafs: Kajian Penelitian Psikologi 3 (1), 76–90-76–90, 2018
Pembelajaran toleransi: upaya guru pendidikan agama Islam dalam menangkal paham radikal di sekolah
AJ Fuad
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars, 561-571, 2018
Shockley’s Equation Fit Analyses for Solar Cell Parameters from I‐V Curves
M Diantoro, T Suprayogi, A Hidayat, A Taufiq, A Fuad, R Suryana
International Journal of Photoenergy 2018 (1), 9214820, 2018
Akar Sejarah Moderasi Islam Pada Nahdlatul Ulama
AJ Fuad
Tribakti: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman 31 (1), 153-168, 2020
Synthesis and characterization of black, red and yellow nanoparticles pigments from the iron sand
N Mufti, T Atma, A Fuad, E Sutadji
AIP Conference Proceedings 1617 (1), 165-169, 2014
Synthesis of magnetite (Fe3O4) Nanoparticles from iron sands by Co-precipitation-ultrasonic irradiation methods
R Rahmawati, A Taufiq, S Sunaryono, A Fuad, B Yuliarto, S Suyatman, ...
Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences 9 (1), 155-160, 2018
Effect of growth time on the characteristics of ZnO nanorods
R Idiawati, N Mufti, A Taufiq, H Wisodo, IKR Laila, A Fuad
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 202 (1), 012050, 2017
Peran dosen dalam meminimalisasi perilaku plagiasi mahasiswa
R Rosalia, AJ Fuad
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (IJIES) 2 (1), 61-77, 2019
Dampak post-truth di media sosial
NF Arifin, AJ Fuad
Intelektual: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Studi Keislaman 10 (3), 376-378, 2020
Physical and pyroelectric properties of tantalum‐oxide‐doped lead zirconium titanate [Pb0.9950(Zr0.525Ti0.465Ta0.010)O3] thin films and their application for …
Irzaman, Y Darvina, A Fuad, P Arifin, M Budiman, M Barmawi
physica status solidi (a) 199 (3), 416-424, 2003
Tlatah Dan Tradisi Keagamaan Islam Mataraman
AJ Fuad
TRIBAKTI: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman 30 (1), 1-27, 2019
Modification of electrical properties of silver nanoparticle
M Diantoro, T Suprayogi, U Sa’adah, N Mufti, A Fuad, A Hidayat, H Nur
IntechOpen, 2018
Penggunaan media slide powerpoint dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa sekolah dasar pada pembelajaran tematik
AJ Fuad, AD Permatasari
EL Bidayah: Journal of Islamic Elementary Education 1 (1), 61-78, 2019
XRD line‐broadening characteristics of M‐oxides Mg‐Al, Y, Fe) nanoparticles produced by coprecipitation method
S Pratapa, L Susanti, YAS Insany, Z Alfiati, B Hartono, Mashuri, A Taufiq, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1284 (1), 125-128, 2010
The effect of TiO2 thin film thickness on self-cleaning glass properties
N Mufti, IKR Laila, A Fuad
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 853 (1), 012035, 2017
Preparation of superparamagnetic Zn0. 5Mn0. 5Fe2O4 particle by coprecipitation-sonochemical method for radar absorbing material
A Taufiq, S Bahtiar, N Hidayat, A Hidayat, N Mufti, M Diantoro, A Fuad, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 202 (1), 012024, 2017
Morphological modification and analysis of ZnO nanorods and their optical properties and polarization
N Mufti, S Maryam, AA Fibriyanti, R Kurniawan, A Fuad, A Taufiq, ...
Scanning 2018 (1), 6545803, 2018
Synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanorods by hydrothermal methods and its application on perovskite solar cells
IKR Laila, N Mufti, S Maryam, A Fuad, A Taufiq
Journal of physics: conference series 1093 (1), 012012, 2018
Synthesis of silver nanoparticles by chemical reduction at various fraction of MSA and their structure characterization
M Diantoro, R Fitrianingsih, N Mufti, A Fuad
AIP Conference Proceedings 1589 (1), 257-261, 2014
Implementasi Metode Tamyiz Dalam Pembelajaran Baca Kitab Kuning
K Wildan
AL-WIJDÃN Journal of Islamic Education Studies 4 (1), 91-105, 2019
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Articles 1–20