Andi Anto Patak
Cited by
Cited by
Investigating multiple intelligence-based instructions approach on performance improvement of indonesian elementary madrasah teachers
M Yaumi, SFS Sirate, AA Patak
SAGE open 8 (4), 2158244018809216, 2018
The cultural attitudes of a funeral ritual discourse in the indigenous Torajan, Indonesia
A Baan, MDG Allo, AA Patak
Heliyon 8 (2), 2022
Teaching English as a foreign language in Indonesia: University lecturers’ views on plagiarism
AA Patak, H Wirawan, A Abduh, R Hidayat, I Iskandar, GD Dirawan
Journal of Academic Ethics 19, 571-587, 2021
Avoiding Plagiarism Using Mendeley in Indonesian Higher Education Setting.
AA Patak, M Tahir
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education 8 (4), 686-692, 2019
The Effects of Self-Efficacy Belief, Motivation, and Learning Strategies on Students’ Academic Performance in English in Higher Education
S Weda, I Abdul Samad, AA Patak, SS Fitriani
The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly 20 (9.2), 140-168, 2018
The Effect of Service Quality and Price Accuracy on Consumer Confidence and Implications for Sales Increase
D Sunarsi, A Baharuddin, N Afni, AA Patak
PINISI Discretion Review 3 (2), 101-110, 2019
Cigarette advertisements: A systemic functional grammar and multimodal analysis
R Ananda, SS Fitriani, IA Samad, AA Patak
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics 8 (3), 616-626, 2019
Taking Mendeley as multimedia-based application in academic writing
AA Patak, HA Naim, R Hidayat
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2016
Hybrid e-Learning in Industrial Revolution 4. 0 for Indonesia Higher Education
H Syam, M Basri, A Abduh, AA Patak
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2019
Mendeley impact on scientific writing: Thematic analysis
K Salija, R Hidayat, AA Patak
International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering Information Technology …, 2016
Exploring Indonesian students' perception on Mendeley Reference Management Software in academic writing
M Basri, AA Patak
2015 2nd international conference on information technology, computer, and …, 2015
Investigating the motivation, participation, and achievement of students: a comparative study of gender-based EFL classroom
M Akib, AA Patak
International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI) 1 (2), 78-87, 2018
Male and female lecturers’ politeness strategies in EFL classroom
N Arif, A Muliati, AA Patak
International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI) 1 (2), 88-98, 2018
Assessing Indonesian University Students’ Preferences on Mendeley Reference Manager for Scientific Writing
A Hudriati, R Rusdiah, AA Patak, M Basri
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2018
Implementation of English Subject Curriculum in Islamic Secondary Schools in Indonesia Using Delphi Method
Muhammad, Hasbullah, Syarifudin, AA Patak
XLinguae 12, 143, 2019
Spiritual group training for adolescences; investigating the effect of group training on spiritual well-being
H Wirawan, M Jufri, AA Patak
International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies 7 (1), 62-74, 2018
Hindari plagiat dengan Mendeley
AA Patak, E Akib
Innovative Learning Technology (ILT) in Indonesian Vocational Higher Education
M Basri, AA Patak, A Musdariah, A Abduh
Voices of English department students on multicultural values in an Indonesian Islamic higher education
A Abduh, M Basri, S Shafa, AA Patak, R Rosmaladewi
International Journal of Language Education 4 (3), 459-468, 2020
The significance of Mendeley usage on the accuracy of citation and references
I Iskandar, AA Patak
Int. J. Humanit. Innov 2 (4), 108-114, 2019
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Articles 1–20