Zela Tanlega Ichlas
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Cited by
Improving gold recovery from refractory gold ores through biooxidation using iron-sulfur-oxidizing/sulfur-oxidizing mixotrophic bacteria
MZ Mubarok, R Winarko, SK Chaerun, IN Rizki, ZT Ichlas
Hydrometallurgy 168, 69-75, 2017
Solvent extraction process for the recovery of nickel and cobalt from Caldag laterite leach solution: The first bench scale study
S Kursunoglu, ZT Ichlas, M Kaya
Hydrometallurgy 169, 135-141, 2017
Processing mixed nickel‑cobalt hydroxide precipitate by sulfuric acid leaching followed by selective oxidative precipitation of cobalt and manganese
ZT Ichlas, MZ Mubarok, A Magnalita, J Vaughan, AT Sugiarto
Hydrometallurgy 191, 105185, 2020
Testing of 17-different leaching agents for the recovery of zinc from a carbonate-type Pb-Zn ore flotation tailing
S Hussaini, S Kursunoglu, S Top, ZT Ichlas, M Kaya
Minerals Engineering 168, 106935, 2021
Direct sulfuric acid leaching of zinc sulfide concentrate using ozone as oxidant under atmospheric pressure
MZ Mubarok, K Sukamto, ZT Ichlas, AT Sugiarto
Minerals & Metallurgical Processing 35, 133-140, 2018
Process development for the direct solvent extraction of nickel and cobalt from nitrate solution: aluminum, cobalt, and nickel separation using Cyanex 272
ZT Ichlas, DC Ibana
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials 24 (1), 37-46, 2017
Recovery of nickel and cobalt as MHP from limonitic ore leaching solution: Kinetics analysis and precipitate characterization
N Safitri, MZ Mubarok, R Winarko, Z Tanlega
AIP conference proceedings 1964 (1), 2018
Leaching method selection for Caldag lateritic nickel ore by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
S Kursunoglu, ZT Ichlas, M Kaya
Hydrometallurgy 171, 179-184, 2017
Selective nitric acid leaching for recycling of lead-bearing solder dross
ZT Ichlas, RA Rustandi, MZ Mubarok
Journal of Cleaner Production 264, 121675, 2020
Leaching of silicon from ferronickel (FeNi) smelting slag with sodium hydroxide solution at atmospheric pressure
FR Mufakhir, MZ Mubarok, ZT Ichlas
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 285 (1), 012003, 2018
Pb-Zn recovery from a malic leach solution of a carbonate type ore flotation tailing by precipitation and solvent extraction
S Hussaini, AM Tita, S Kursunoglu, S Top, ZT Ichlas, U Kar, M Kaya
Separation and Purification Technology 272, 118963, 2021
Dissolution of lateritic nickel ore using ascorbic acid as synergistic reagent in sulphuric acid solution
S Kursunoglu, ZT Ichlas, K Muammer
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 28 (8), 1652-1659, 2018
Effects of leaching parameters on the dissolution of nickel, cobalt, manganese and iron from Caldag lateritic nickel ore in hydrochloric acid solution
S Top, S Kursunoglu, ZT Ichlas
Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 59 (3), 368-376, 2020
Technospheric mining of scandium from hydrometallurgical tailings of nickel laterite processing: Selection of lixiviant and optimisation of leaching variables
ZT Ichlas, SA Jones, DC Ibana, GG Lee, RD Alorro
Minerals Engineering 179, 107436, 2022
Bioleaching of supergene porphyry copper ores from sungai Mak Gorontalo of Indonesia by an iron-and sulfur-oxidizing mixotrophic bacterium
SK Chaerun, FY Putri, MZ Mubarok, WP Minwal, ZT Ichlas
Solid State Phenomena 262, 20-23, 2017
Solvent extraction separation of nickel and cobalt from a sulfate solution containing iron (II) and magnesium using versatic 10
ZT Ichlas, S Purwadaria
AIP Conference Proceedings 1805 (1), 2017
Production of synthetic rutile from tin ore beneficiation byproduct through preoxidation and reductive leaching in hydrochloric acid
MR Kurniawan, TG Imami, ZT Ichlas, T Hidayat, MZ Mubarok
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 9092, 2022
Selective leaching of a mixed nickel-cobalt hydroxide precipitate in sulphuric acid solution with potassium permanganate as oxidant
S Hussaini, ZT Ichlas, S Top, S Kursunoglu, M Kaya
Separation Science and Technology 56 (14), 2475-2484, 2021
Production of mixed rare earth oxide powder from a thorium containing complex Bastnasite ore
S Kursunoglu, S Hussaini, S Top, ZT Ichlas, HS Gokcen, S Ozsarac, ...
Powder Technology 379, 641-654, 2021
Bacterial leaching of an Indonesian complex copper sulfide ore using an iron-oxidizing indigenous bacterium
Microbiology Indonesia 12 (1), 1, 2018
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Articles 1–20