Marjanke Hoogstra-Klein
Marjanke Hoogstra-Klein
Assistent professor, Forest and nature business management, Wageningen University
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Cited by
Small-scale forest ownership across Europe: characteristics and future potential
KF Wiersum, BHM Elands, MA Hoogstra
Small-scale Forestry 4 (1), 1-19, 2005
How private are Europe’s private forests? A comparative property rights analysis
L Nichiforel, K Keary, P Deuffic, G Weiss, BJ Thorsen, G Winkel, ...
Land use policy 76, 535-552, 2018
Adapting forest management to climate change in Europe: linking perceptions to adaptive responses
R Sousa-Silva, B Verbist, A Lomba, P Valent, M Suškevičs, O Picard, ...
Forest Policy and Economics 90, 22-30, 2018
Livelihood strategies in settlement projects in the Brazilian Amazon: Determining drivers and factors within the Agrarian Reform Program
FH Diniz, MA Hoogstra-Klein, K Kok, B Arts
Journal of Rural Studies 32, 196-207, 2013
Forest management approaches for coping with the uncertainty of climate change: trade-offs in service provisioning and adaptability
S Wagner, S Nocentini, F Huth, M Hoogstra-Klein
Ecol Soc 19 (1), 32, 2014
Forest decision support systems for the analysis of ecosystem services provisioning at the landscape scale under global climate and market change scenarios
EM Nordström, M Nieuwenhuis, EZ Başkent, P Biber, K Black, JG Borges, ...
European Journal of Forest Research 138 (4), 561-581, 2019
Two decades of forest-related legislation changes in European countries analysed from a property rights perspective
L Nichiforel, P Deuffic, BJ Thorsen, G Weiss, T Hujala, K Keary, ...
Forest Policy and Economics 115, 102146, 2020
Forest Biodiversity, Carbon Sequestration, and Wood Production: Modeling Synergies and Trade-Offs for Ten Forest Landscapes Across Europe
P Biber, A Felton, M Nieuwenhuis, M Lindbladh, K Black, J Bahýl, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, e547696, 2020
Future orientation and planning in forestry: a comparison of forest managers’ planning horizons in Germany and the Netherlands
MA Hoogstra, H Schanz
European Journal of Forest Research 128 (1), 1-11, 2009
Mapping future changes in livelihood security and environmental sustainability based on perceptions of small farmers in the Brazilian Amazon.
FH Diniz, K Kok, MA Hoogstra-Klein, B Arts
Ecology and Society 20 (2), 15, 2015
Multiple-use forestry as a boundary object: From a shared ideal to multiple realities
MA Hoogstra-Klein, V Brukas, I Wallin
Land Use Policy 69, 247-258, 2017
Economic contribution of participatory agroforestry program to poverty alleviation: a case from Sal forests, Bangladesh
KK Islam, M Hoogstra, MO Ullah, N Sato
Journal of Forestry Research 23 (2), 323-332, 2012
Economic contribution of participatory agroforestry program to poverty alleviation: a case from Sal forests, Bangladesh
KK Islam, M Hoogstra, MO Ullah, N Sato
Journal of Forestry Research 23 (2), 323-332, 2012
The future of European forestry—between urbanization and rural development
MA Hoogstra, H Schanz, KF Wiersum
Forest Policy and Economics 6 (5), 441-445, 2004
Analysing scenario approaches for forest management—One decade of experiences in Europe
MA Hoogstra-Klein, GM Hengeveld, R de Jong
Forest Policy and Economics, 2016
The value of cultural theory for participatory processes in natural resource management
MA Hoogstra-Klein, DB Permadi, Y Yasmi
Forest Policy and Economics 20, 99-106, 2012
The future orientation of foresters: An exploratory research among Dutch foresters into the prerequisite for strategic planning in forestry
MA Hoogstra, H Schanz
Forest Policy and Economics 10 (4), 220-229, 2008
How (un) certain is the future in forestry? A comparative assessment of uncertainty in the forest and agricultural sector
MA Hoogstra, H Schanz
Forest science 54 (3), 316-327, 2008
Exploring the potential of combining participative backcasting and exploratory scenarios for robust strategies: Insights from the Dutch forest sector
JO de Bruin, K Kok, MA Hoogstra-Klein
Forest Policy and Economics 85, 269-282, 2017
Power analysis as a tool to analyse trade-offs between ecosystem services in forest management: A case study from nine European countries
N Juerges, B Arts, M Masiero, M Hoogstra-Klein, JG Borges, ...
Ecosystem Services 49, 101290, 2021
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Articles 1–20