Ayeshah A Rosdah
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Mitochondrial fission–a drug target for cytoprotection or cytodestruction?
AA Rosdah, J K. Holien, LMD Delbridge, GJ Dusting, SY Lim
Pharmacology research & perspectives 4 (3), e00235, 2016
New perspectives on the role of Drp1 isoforms in regulating mitochondrial pathophysiology
AA Rosdah, WJ Smiles, JS Oakhill, JW Scott, CG Langendorf, ...
Pharmacology & therapeutics 213, 107594, 2020
Hydralazine protects the heart against acute ischaemia/reperfusion injury by inhibiting Drp1-mediated mitochondrial fission
SB Kalkhoran, J Kriston-Vizi, S Hernandez-Resendiz, GE Crespo-Avilan, ...
Cardiovascular Research 118 (1), 282-294, 2022
Harnessing the secretome of cardiac stem cells as therapy for ischemic heart disease
R Khanabdali, AA Rosdah, GJ Dusting, SY Lim
Biochemical Pharmacology 113, 1-11, 2016
Mdivi-1 Protects Human W8B2+ Cardiac Stem Cells from Oxidative Stress and Simulated Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
AA Rosdah, ST Bond, P Sivakumaran, A Hoque, JS Oakhill, BG Drew, ...
Stem Cells and Development 26 (24), 1771-1780, 2017
A novel small molecule inhibitor of human Drp1
AA Rosdah, BM Abbott, CG Langendorf, Y Deng, JQ Truong, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 21531, 2022
Identification of carbapenemases enterobacteriaceae producing gene blaVIM in clinical isolates
E Amalia, T Sabrina, Yuwono, V Patricia, R Husna, AA Rosdah, Safyudin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1246 (012004), 1-8, 2019
K Holien J, Delbridge LM, Dusting GJ, Lim SY
AA Rosdah
Mitochondrial fission–a drug target for cytoprotection or cytodestruction, 2016
J., Delbridge, LM, Dusting, GJ, and Lim, SY (2016). Mitochondrial fission–a drug target for cytoprotection or cytodestruction
AA Rosdah, K Holien
Pharmacology research & perspectives 4 (3), e00235, 0
A preliminary study: Centella asiatica extract modulates acetylcholine in the heart
AA Rosdah, E Lusiana, M Reagan, A Akib, F Khairunnisa, A Husna
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1246, 2019
K Holien J, Delbridge LM, Dusting GJ, Lim SY (2016) Mitochondrial fission: a drug target for cytoprotection or cytodestruction
AA Rosdah
Pharmacol Res Perspect 4, e00235, 0
Antifungi Effect of Keghenyat Leaves Fraction (Acmella uliginosa) In Vitro Study. 1 1, 1–7
AS Hijir, S Salni, J Marwoto, T Triwani, S Nita, MI Saleh, Z Maritska, ...
Mitochondrial Assays Using Cardiac Stem Cells. 
AA Rosdah, LMD Delbridge, SY  Lim
Progenitor cells: Methods and Protocols 2029, 175-183, 2019
Enhancing Cognitive Function of Healthy Wistar Rats with Aqueous Extract of Centella Asiatica
AA Rosdah, E Lusiana, M Reagan, A Akib, F Khairunnisa, A Husna
Acta Biochimica Indonesiana 1 (2), 37-45, 2018
The Efficacy of Temu Putih Fraction (Curcuma Zedoaria (Berg) Roscoe) Related Quality and Quantity of Spermatozoa in Male Wistar Rats
T Fatrin, SN Salni, JM Triwani, Z Maritska, R Hidayat, MI Saleh, N Parisa, ...
Bioscientia medicina: Journal of biomedicine and translational research 1 (1 …, 2017
Telmisartan Prevents Myocardial Fibrosis via Decreasing Fraction of Collagen Type 1 Volume in Myocardial Tissue in Wistar Rats-Induced High Salt Intake
RU Partan, R Hidayat, MI Saleh, N Parisa, E Lusiana, NS Tamzil, ...
Biosci Med J Biomed Transl Res 1 (1), 28-34, 2017
Cardiac-targeted delivery of a novel Drp1 inhibitor for acute cardioprotection
JG Lees, DW Greening, DA Rudd, J Cross, AA Rosdah, X Lai, TW Lin, ...
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology Plus 9, 100085, 2024
Pendampingan pemanfaatan tanaman herbal pada pasien hipertensi dan diabetes melitus sebagai upaya pencegahan penyakit gagal ginjal di Puskesmas Gandus Palembang
E Lusiana, AM Kurniati, DH Harahap, NS Tamzil, N Parisa, MS Adenina, ...
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat: Humanity and Medicine 5 (1), 30-43, 2024
Efektivitas Ekstrak Pegagan (Centella Asiatica) dalam Meningkatkan Kadar Asetilkolin pada Otak Tikus Galur Wistar Sehat
A Akib, AA Rosdah, T Theodorus
Hubungan Kebiasaan Merokok dengan Derajat Stroke Pada Pasien Stroke Iskemik di Poliklinik dan Bangsal Neurologi Rsup Dr Mohammad Hoesin Palembang
SD Putri
Universitas Sriwijaya 17 (1), 1-14, 2018
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