Department of Accounting, Hasanuddin University
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Cited by
Influence of auditor independence, audit tenure, and audit fee on audit quality of members of capital market accountant forum in Indonesia
LY Rahmina, S Agoes
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 164, 324-331, 2014
Total and specific serum IgE decreases with age in patients with allergic rhinitis, asthma and insect allergy but not in patients with atopic dermatitis
A Mediaty, K Neuber
Immunity & ageing 2, 1-6, 2005
Accountability and Transparency in the Public and Private Sector
M Adil
International Journal of Humanities Education and Social Sciences 1 (6), 2022
The effect of financial literature, lifestyle and income of parents on student financial management behavior
M Mashud, M Mediaty, GT Pontoh
Journal of International Conference Proceedings 4 (3), 256-264, 2021
Factors affecting director remuneration: A study of manufacturing companies listed on ASEAN state stock exchanges
J Majid, H Mediaty, H AH, BT Possumah
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 7 (9), 238-250, 2019
Mediaty.(2018). Technology acceptance model to analyze internet banking reception
MH Muchran, GH Pagalung
International Journal of Information and Education Technology 8 (8), 612-615, 0
Pendeteksian Kecurangan (Fraud) Laporan Keuangan
R Jefri, M Mediaty
Jurnal Akuntansi STIE Muhammadiyah Palopo 1 (2), 2016
Mediaty.(2018). Luder‟ s Contingency Model in the Implementation of E-Government and its Impact on Government Performance in South Sulawesi
M Mchran, GH Pagalung
International Journal of Contemporary Researcsh and Review 9 (12), 21162-21168, 0
Esensi akuntansi lingkungan dalam keberlanjutan perusahaan
I Wahyuni, A Alimuddin, H Habbe, M Mediaty
Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Manajemen 3 (2), 147-159, 2020
Mediaty.(2020). Financial Performance, Reputation, and Firm Value: Empirical Evidence of Non-financial Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
R Jao, D Hamzah, AR Laba
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and …, 0
Analysis Of Accounting Information Systems (SIA) In Preventing Froud
NS Marsuni, I Rohmatunnisa, N Nirwani, GT Pontoh, M Mediaty
SEIKO: Journal of Management & Business 4 (2), 94-102, 2021
The influences of ethics, independence, and competence on the quality of an audit through the influence of professional skepticism
IS Syamsuddin, HH Abdul, U Mediaty
Journal of Research in Business and Management 2 (7), 08-14, 2014
Investor Decision in Estimating the Effect of Earning Persistence, Financial Leverage, Foreign Ownership Toward Company Reputation and Company Value
R Jao, D Hamzah, AR Laba
International Journal of Financial Research 11 (4), 453-461, 2020
Reputasi Perusahaan dan Reaksi Investor (Studi pada Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia)
R Jao, D Hamzah, AR Laba, M Mediaty
SEIKO: Journal of Management & Business 3 (2), 124-133, 2020
Effects of intention mediation towards attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control on taxpayers' behavior
A Kusumawati, A Halim, D Said
Journal of Research in Business and Management 2 (10), 26-32, 2014
Mediaty.(2020). Green Accounting in Paper Review
T Citrayantie, D Said
Jurnal Akuntansi, Kewirausahaan Dan Bisnis 5 (1), 1-11, 0
Pengaruh Kemampuan dan Pengalaman Auditor Investigatif terhadap Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Prosedur Audit dalam Pengungkapan Fraud
IF Pratiwi
Faktor determinan motivasi membayar zakat
L Kanji, HAH Habbe, M Mediaty
Diakses dari http://pasca. unhas. ac. id/jurnal/files …, 2016
Pengaruh pengelolaan keuangan daerah terhadap kinerja ekonomi daerah di Kabupaten Pangkep
IY Mone, HR Adisasmita, JEM Mediaty
Pascasarjanan: UNHAS, 2013
Mediaty, 2013, Pengaruh Independensi Auditor, Komitmen Organisasi, Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Auditor (Studi Empiris pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di …
J Lawalata, D Said
Jurnal Universitas Hasanurdin, Makasar, 1-10, 0
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