Ani Melani Maskoen
Ani Melani Maskoen
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Peran ekstrak etanol topikal daun mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.) pada penyembuhan luka ditinjau dari imunoekspresi CD34 dan kolagen pada tikus galur wistar
AM Maskoen, BS Hernowo
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung 45 (4), 226-233, 2013
Shine & Lal index as a predictor for early detection of β-thalassemia carriers in a limited resource area in Bandung, Indonesia
AM Maskoen, L Reniarti, E Sahiratmadja, J Sisca, SH Effendi
BMC Medical Genetics 20, 1-6, 2019
Decreasing zinc levels in stunting toddlers in Lampung province, Indonesia
NB Khairun, NH Maya, S Susianti, RWP Roro, S Tiwuk, MM Ani
Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal 12 (1), 239-243, 2019
Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Kasar Umbi Sarang Semut (Myrmecodia pendens) Dibanding dengan Klorheksidin terhadap Streptococcus sanguinis
FA Attamimi, R Ruslami, AM Maskoen
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung 49 (2), 94-101, 2017
G6PD genetic variations in neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia in Indonesian Deutromalay population
DA Wisnumurti, Y Sribudiani, RM Porsch, AM Maskoen, ...
BMC pediatrics 19, 1-8, 2019
Association of β-fibrinogen promoter gene polymorphism (148C/T), hyperfibrinogenemia and ischemic stroke in young adult patients
I Imran, R Lamsudin, P Idjradinata, TH Achmad, A Maskoen, S Wibowo, ...
Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics 16 (1), 11-17, 2015
IRF6 rs2235371 as a risk factor for non-syndromic cleft palate only among the Deutero-Malay race in Indonesia and its effect on the IRF6 mRNA expression level
SL Nasroen, AM Maskoen, H Soedjana, D Hilmanto, BA Gani
Dental and Medical Problems 59 (1), 59-65, 2022
Iron Status in Newly Diagnosed β‐Thalassemia Major: High Rate of Iron Status due to Erythropoiesis Drive
S Susanah, LE Rakhmilla, M Ghozali, JO Trisaputra, O Moestopo, ...
BioMed Research International 2021 (1), 5560319, 2021
Optimized steps in determination of malondialdehyde (MDA) standards on diagnostic of lipid peroxidation
PN Fauziah, AM Maskoen, T Yuliati, E Widiarsih
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry 30 (2), 136, 2018
Antimicrobial efficacy of Myrmecodia pendens extract and fraction combination against Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212
F Kuswandani, MH Satari, AM Maskoen
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia 26 (3), 119-125, 2019
Iron chelating activity of Caesalpinia sappan L. extract on iron status in iron overload rats (Rattus norvegicus L.)
R Safitri, AM Maskoen, MRAA Syamsunarno, M Ghozali, R Panigoro
AIP Conference Proceedings 2002 (1), 2018
Periodontal tissue destruction in aggressive periodontitis: Determination of gene or environmental factors
Y Rusyanti, S Widyaputra, AM Maskoen
The Saudi dental journal 31 (2), 290-299, 2019
Mutation spectrum of β-globin gene in thalassemia patients at Hasan Sadikin Hospital-West Java Indonesia
AM Maskoen, NS Rahayu, L Reniarti, S Susanah, B Laksono, PN Fauziah, ...
Cellular and Molecular Biology 63 (12), 22-24, 2017
UGT1A1 Genetic Variations and a Haplotype Associated with Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia in Indonesian Population
DA Wisnumurti, Y Sribudiani, RM Porsch, AM Maskoen, LI Abdulhamied, ...
BioMed Research International 2018 (1), 9425843, 2018
Effects of low dose aspirin on caspase 3, TNF-α and apoptotic index levels in preclampsia maternal serum-induced placental trophoblast cell line in vitro
AY Pramatirta, B Laksono, PN Fauziah, AD Anwar, SR Krisnadi, ...
International Journal of PharmTech Research 9 (10), 1-6, 2016
Telomerase activity in different clinical staging of colorectal adenocarcinoma.
K Lukman, AM Maskoen, TH Achmad, B Hanafi, W Karnadihardja
Gan to Kagaku Ryoho. Cancer & Chemotherapy 27, 491-497, 2000
Predisposing factors analysis of mandibular anterior tooth crowding in the mixed dentition period by the tooth size and dental arch width
R Indriyanti, SH Efendi, AM Maskoen, E Riyanti
Padjadjaran J Dentis 30 (3), 208-214, 2018
Iron chelation ability of granule Sappan wood (Caesalpinia sappan, L.) extract on iron-overloaded
AM Maskoen, R Safitri, T Milanda, L Reniarti, PN Fauziah
International Journal of PharmTech Research 9 (5), 299-305, 2016
Determination of pubertal growth plot using hand-wrist and cervical vertebrae maturation indices, dental calcification, peak height velocity, and menarche
E Mardiati, I Komara, H Halim, AM Maskoen
The Open Dentistry Journal 15 (1), 2021
Characterization and identification of three thermophilic Bacillus strain isolated from Domas Crater, Mt. Tangkuban Perahu, Indonesia
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 21 (8), 2020
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