I Gusti Ketut Gede
I Gusti Ketut Gede
Politeknik Negeri Bali
Email yang diverifikasi di pnb.ac.id
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Experiential Learning: Utilizing Local Wisdom Of Nias For Future Generations. CIVIC SOCIETY RESEARCH AndEDUCATION: Jurnal Pendidikan Pancasila Dan Kewarganegaraan, 5 (2), 52–61
D Harefa, P Budi Adnyana, I Gede, A Wesnawa, I Putu, W Ariawan
Social media usage by Generation Z in pre-trip planning
NIK Dewi, IGK Gede, AAAM Kencanawati, IGAB Mataram
International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science …, 2021
A Model of Community-Based Development in Digital Nomad Tourism in Intaran Village Bali
IGK Gede, KE Marhaeni, IW Putrana, IGAM Sanjiwani
International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science …, 2021
Model pemberdayaan desa adat pada dua desa tujuan wisata di Bali
IGK Gede, IW Wirga, IGI Suryadi
Jurnal Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan 12 (1 Maret), 62, 2017
Pengembangan Potensi Pariwisata Berkelanjutan Bagi Peningkatan Kehidupan Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat pada Koridor Bali Sebagai Pintu Gerbang Pariwisata Nasional
A Wesnawa, I Gede
Laporan Penelitian, 2011
From green marketing to brand loyalty: Millennial Starbucks consumer perspective
IGK Gede, NK Lasmini, NLPI Rumini, NLM Wijayati, NK Narti
International research journal of management, IT and social sciences 9 (4 …, 2022
The Work Readiness Inventory
IM Suarta, IGK Gede, IK Suwintana
International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science …, 2021
Leveraging Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Towards Resilient Competitive Advantage
IWE Arsawan, PA Prayustika, IGK Gede, NM Kariati, PW Sunu, ...
International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science …, 2021
Green human resources management application to enhance environmental performance in Hotel Le Morgane, France
NMA Dewi, SP Chevalier, NN Triyuni, IG Mudana
International Journal of Green Tourism Research and Applications 5 (1), 1-15, 2023
From Leadership to Agility: What, How and Where We Are Now?
IGK Gede, IK Yasa, IGN Sanjaya
Journal of International Conference Proceedings 5 (4), 121-135, 2022
Empirical Studies Development Of Creative Industry Its Contribution To Make-Up Of Product Orientation Exporting In Denpasar-Bali
W Suryathi, IGK Gede
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 953 (1), 012098, 2018
Penguasaan Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi Oleh Pengajar Politeknik Negeri Bali
IGK Gede, NLM Wijayati
Soshum: Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora 4 (3), 169, 2017
Modeling of Forecasting the Number of Passenger Departures at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport Using the Double Exponential Smoothing and Triple Exponential Smoothing Methods
IMS Sandhiyasa, I Negara, IBG Sarasvananda, KJ Atmaja, I Gede, ...
ISAR J. Sci. Technol 2 (8), 47-58, 2024
Analisis Minat Nasabah dalam Penggunaan Mobile Banking dengan Pendekatan Model TAM pada Bank BRI Kantor Cabang Renon
I Kresna, I Gede, I Sarjana
Politeknik Negeri Bali, 2023
Digital Marketing on Gojek Consumer Loyalty
IWS I Komang Mahayana Putra, Ida Bagus Sanjaya, I Wayan Wirga, I Gusti Ketut ...
International Research Journal of Management, IT & Social Sciences 10 …, 2023
Effectiveness E-commerce on MSME fashion products
KG Gusti, S Wayan, W Made, IR Putu, Y Ketut
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews 18 (1), 427-430, 2023
Strategi Upaya Pemulihan Pariwisata Kota Denpasar Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19
I Widanta, I Gede, IW Siwantara
Repositori Politeknik Negeri Bali, 2022
Prosedur Pelayanan Pelanggan untuk Perubahan Daya pada PT PLN (Persero) ULP Denpasar
AJW Dali, I Gede, NIK Dewi
Politeknik Negeri Bali, 2022
Mekanisme Pelayanan Pelanggan Dalam Pemeliharaan APP Dengan Menggunakan Sistem AP2T PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Denpasar
NWN Antari, I Gede, NK Lasmini
Repositori Politeknik Negeri Bali., 2022
Analisis Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Ketimpangan Regional Di Propinsi Bali
NPS Suryantini, NPA Darmayanti, IMA Wibawa, IGK Gede
Jurnal Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan 18 (1), 40-51, 2022
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