Prasetyo Listiaji
Prasetyo Listiaji
Integrated Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang
Email yang diverifikasi di mail.unnes.ac.id
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The use of quizizz as an online assessment application for science learning in the pandemic era
MS Darmawan, F Daeni, P Listiaji
Unnes Science Education Journal 9 (3), 144-150, 2020
Technological, Pedagogical, Content Knowledge (TPACK) Research Trends: A Systematic Literature Review of Publications between 2010-2020.
NR Dewi, A Rusilowati, S Saptono, S Haryani, W Wiyanto, S Ridlo, ...
Journal of Turkish Science Education 18 (4), 589-604, 2021
Pengaruh pembelajaran literasi digital pada kompetensi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (tik) calon guru
P Listiaji, S Subhan
Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan 6 (1), 107-116, 2021
Scientific reconstruction of indigenous knowledge of batik natural dyes using ethno-STEM approach
S Sudarmin, W Sumarni, SN Azizah, MHH Yusof, P Listiaji
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1567 (4), 042046, 2020
Pengembangan Media dan Alat Peraga: Konsep & Aplikasi dalam Pembelajaran IPA
NR Dewi, A Yanitama, P Listiaji, I Akhlis, RD Hardianti, IO Kurniawan, ...
Penerbit Pustaka Rumah C1nta, 2021
Comparison between the use of acceleration sensor and video tracker on smartphone for spring oscillation experiment
P Listiaji, MS Darmawan, F Daeni
Physics Education 56 (1), 013001, 2020
Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile Learning Sebagai Penunjang Pembelajaran Fisika Pada Materi Hukum Gravitasi Newton Untuk Siswa SMA
P Listiaji
Semarang: Universitas Negeri Semarang, 2015
PjBL Model assisted by Smartphone Sensors to Improve Critical Thinking Skills of Prospective Science Teachers
P Listiaji, RA Widianingrum, AAI Saputri, NFA Rahman
Indonesian Journal on Learning and Advanced Education (IJOLAE) 4 (3), 246-256, 2022
Marbles and smartphone on physics laboratory: an investigation for finding coefficient of restitution
D Dahnuss, P Marwoto, RS Iswari, P Listiaji
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1918 (2), 022005, 2021
Development of a tracer study system for graduates of the Integrated Science Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang
NR Dewi, P Listiaji, M Taufiq, EN Savitri, A Yanitama, AP Herianti
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1918 (4), 042010, 2021
Error analysis in measuring physical quantities using various sensors on a smartphone
P Listiaji, S Subhan, F Daeni
Physics Education 56 (4), 043006, 2021
Low-cost imaging spectrophotometer system for absorbance measurement
P Listiaji, GB Suparta
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1567 (4), 042093, 2020
The Use Of Quizizz As An Online Assessment Application For Science Learning In The Pandemic Era. Unnes Science Education Journal, 9 (3), 144–150
MS Darmawan, F Daeni, P Listiaji
Pentingnya Penerapan PHBS dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19 di lingkungan masyarakat
HD Mulyadi, LN Aziza, M Akbar
Universitas Negeri Semarang, 2020
Pengembangan media dan alat peraga
NR Dewi, A Yanitama, P Listiaji
Konsep dan Aplikasi dalam Pembelajaran IPA. Magelang: Pustaka Rumah Cipta, 2021
The Atwood machine experiment assisted by smartphone acceleration sensor for enhancing classical mechanics experiments
P Listiaji, MS Darmawan, D Dahnuss
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1918 (2), 022009, 2021
Sugiyanto, & Susanto, H.(2019). Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile Smartphone Berbasis Android Sebagai Penunjang Pembelajaran Fisika SMA Materi Hukum Gravitasi Newton
P Listiaji, H Maryanto
Jurnal WaPFi (Wahana Pendidikan Fisika) 4 (2), 216-223, 0
Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile Smartphone Berbasis Android sebagai Penunjang Pembelajaran Fisika SMA Materi Hukum Gravitasi Newton
P Listiaji, H Maryanto, S Sugiyanto, H Susanto
WaPFi (Wahana Pendidikan Fisika) 4 (2), 216-223, 2019
An Application of Problem-Solving Based Student Facilitating and Explaining Teaching Model to Improve Students’ Metacognitive Ability
Y Anggraeni, P Listiaji
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA 10 (1), 47-61, 2024
Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru IPA MGMP Kota Semarang melalui Pelatihan Modul Ajar berbasis TPACK
NR Dewi, P Listiaji, TR Fariz, LH Saputri, BH Wintribrata, MSA Nabilla, ...
Jurnal Dharma Indonesia 1 (2), 87-93, 2023
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